I always enjoy your comments Lena! They're always so truthful and honest and no holds barred.
Hmm Lena ... Did you answer my question really? Or did you just ask me a question back?!

I'll bite and answer anyways!
Lena said:
More than answering the question, I am interested how Alexandria self would answer the question. Knowing, that she wasn´t very fond of Mary Donaldson, and knowing that she still would prefer Letizia over Mary, I am really curious.
In regards to me and Mary/Letizia, I think it is, even from thousands of kilometres away, it comes down to a quality you can see in someone that you like/admire/appreciate or whatever. And from my first impressions (which have long lasting effects in real life as well as online), I was quite impressed with Letizia -- with her obvious determination, drive and strong character. I think what initially turned me off about Mary was the story of how she met Frederik -- trolling for me in a bar (princes or not) is not something that appeals to me. And then all the magazine shoots (different royal households and standards beared in mind) made me think that she was more of a "glamour princess" rather than the kind of princess I would want for my monarchy -- someone who works hard to represent her country in the best possible manner.
In the months since, while I would yes, still choose Letizia over Mary given the choice, I have warmed up to Mary a little bit. But not on the basis of her work ethic or what I know about her character -- but because Frederik so very obviously adores her. I think that matters a lot -- that Mary makes Frederik happy, whatever else she does (or doesn't) do, will make Frederik a better leader for his country. I am a big believer in the fact that if you've got love in your life you can accomplish great things no matter how impossible they seem to be.
... So how does this relate to Victoria and Daniel? And how to answer my own question? Well, I guess it wouldn't have to be anything that Daniel does that would make me like Daniel, even a little bit. It would be more based on the kind of reaction/body language/feeling/sentiments I would get from Victoria about her relationship with Daniel that would be the turning point for me.
Dislike of the trucker caps, the long, greasy looking hair, the angry look on his face all the time, the sometimes bad sense of style (though everyone is guilty of this sometimes and not exclusively Daniel), and the various breaking of laws would be excusable to me if I could sense that Victoria was as completely, over the moon happy in Daniel's presence as Frederik is with Mary, as Felipe is with Letizia, as Haakon is with Mette-Marit, etc. And that if, I could judge as I have judged all the other couples, that Daniel's presence in Victoria's life would make her life better, and make her transition into life as a Queen easier rather than more difficult (as I sometimes think Henrik of Denmark makes his wife's reign more difficult). I just don't get that feeling yet from Victoria. She smiles publicly in his presence yes, and there have even been dozens of pictures of her leaving his apartment or kissing him, but I just don't get the sense that she is over the moon happy and that her life could not be better with someone else.
Lena said:
So funny it is...it´s also worrisome. As I read it out, it´s 99% sure, that they will marry. But this Daniel simply doesn´t seem likeable (well, maybe it´s just me). I´ve hoped for nice pics...maybe Daniel with Ian (the son of Victoria´s friend Leonie) or Daniel showing some affection for Victoria (holding hands wouldn´t hurt the protocol) but nothing, simply

Obviously they even don´t spend much time together. I don´t want to be a spoilsport, but looking at their future as Royal couple, they should get used to spend a lot of time with each other.
I think this requires a two-part answer.
Firstly: Daniel showing some affection for Victoria:
Well, I don't think everyone needs to publicly hold hands, kiss or whatever to "prove" to onwatchers like us that they love each other. Some couples just are not publicly affectionate but can be very affectionate in private. On the other hand, some couples who are very affectionate (even overly so) in public don't necessarily have the best relationship. My friends who have just gotten married this past May are not overly affectionate. In the presence of our group of friends, they do not hold hands or kiss or hug or cuddle. But I have no doubt about the strength of their relationship and the depth of their love for one another. By the same token, a friend who is a like a big sister to me had a husband who would show up at our offices and bring her flowers, pick her up from work or drive her to work even though it was out of his way, yet now they are getting divorced because he became abusive.
I think some recipricol affection on Daniel's part couldn't hurt his public image. I only warmed up to Mary because of Frederik's affection to her and her recipricol affection back. But for me it won't make or break their relationship in my eyes. It would make him seem more human rather than so indifferent all the time.
Secondly, spending much time together:
I think with their respective work schedules it's difficult to co-ordinate time alone together. Even though they may not spend a lot of timem physically together, they may still talk often on the phone or correspond via e-mail that helps them keep in touch with each other's lives. (This from the girl who knows all too well about long-distance relationships!

) I guess the biggest test would be if they could live together and "put up" with each other's habits and such. Another friend who moved in with her boyfriend of three plus years has recently asked him to move out of her home as they were getting on each other's nerves. She hasn't broken up with him yet (the rest of us really wonder why since it's inevitable) because she loves him but just can't live with him -- which makes the rest of us wonder what the "next step" is -- if you can't live with someone then how could you be married to them or have any sort of future with them? And maybe her deepest fear is something that Victoria shares: That she likes the idea of who he could be/his potential as a better person and that if she gives up on him, she's really giving up on herself ever finding true love again.
Victoria and my friends and I are about the same age (she is about two years older than us), and at this age we are all seeing our friends pairing up quickly. Maybe she feels that Daniel is her last chance at love, getting on with her life, having kids and the such as some of her friends are no doubt starting to do.
So those are my twenty cents!