Where Does Everyone See The Monarchy in 50 to 100 Years?

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Royal Fan

Heir Presumptive
Sep 19, 2005
United States
Where does everyone see the Monarchy in 50 or 100 years who could be Monarch by then ?? Ive been wondering about it for some time.
Well, why don't you give us your thoughts on the subject?;)
50 Years from now I think William will still be king - he will only be 75 afterall.

In 100 years the monarch will be someone not yet born.

Unless something really drastic happens, such as a constitutional crisis pitting monarch against parliament I don't think the British people will get rid of the monarchy.

I don't think they will actually be monarchs of most of the countries overseas though, such as Australia. I suspect that Australia will be a republic within the next 5 - 10 years (as once the current PM retires or is defeated in an election we will have another referendum on the issue and a model will be put to the people that they can agree with). I wouldn't be surprised if the monarch stops being monarch of Australia before the Queen's 60 Jubilee.
I Wouldnt be surprised if Charles was on the Thone by mid Summer next year (Remember Queen Victoria passed at 81) with his Coronation early Spring 2008 I Dont think theyll ever get rid of it .
With all the changes taking place in Europe, do you really think there will be a monarchy anywhere?

I am just wondering since the population is dwindling, will there be anyone left to pay for it?

I hope so, because I really want to be 90 years old and still checking out the fashion!

I think the UK is the last country, that will get rid of their monarchy. Even with all the scandals, aren't they very much loved? It's a part of the Brittish identity and tradition. However, far away former colonies like Canada and Australia, and even the near-by North Ireland, might very well cut ties with the Brittish crown.
I think Tony Blair has tried to marginalise the monarchy and detach Britain from its heritage to an extent. If his successor continues down the same road, the monarchy could become quite irrelevant to younger people, and that would make it vulnerable.
Hasn't Blair taken the Queen out of government in some respects? It seems like the jails are no longer in her name, etc., I think! Along with some other things....

I deeply respect Queen Elizabeth and if the monarchy goes, I hope she is resting in peace by then. Hopefully, not for 10 years or so yet!
Royal Fan said:
Where does everyone see the Monarchy in 50 or 100 years who could be Monarch by then ?? Ive been wondering about it for some time.

That's a long time to speculate about. In 1900 no one suspected that less than 20 years later most crowns in Europe would be history. In 1917 who would have forseen the fall of the Soviet Union and the domino effect it produced in the 1990's. Even the revival of monarchic ideas in Russia and other former comunist countries is still amazing to watch.
The monarchy will depend, like all forms of government, on the talent of its 'stars' to keep out of trouble and yet, continue fascinating the news media and the public. Like all things in life, the moment they turn boring we move into the next bright thing that comes along.
As long as the world itself remains in a state of peace and we don't have in this century anything like WW I or WW II, governments we have now will still be around...I hope. :ermm:
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I don't think there will be a monarchy in Spain 50 years from now, in Spain the power of the monarchy goes pretty much on the Kings and the Princes of Asturias simply don't have "it", I don't know how to explain it but I believe they don't have what it takes to keep the monarchy running...:ermm:
Queen Elisabeth sure doesn't have to worry! I would worry more about Charles then. But seriously, I can almost guarantee, that there still will be a Brittish monarchy in year 2106.
The UK will still be a monarchy in 100 years time unless a major event occurs and the people turn against the royal family. In Australia's case I'm sure Australia will be a republic. As soon as a model is presented which is easy to understand and workable I'm sure it will be adopted.
I think the monarchy will survive, but it is likely to be much diminshed to a mere symbol with a written constitution defining the executive powers of the Government.
I Think the first thing Britian needs to do is get rid of the Labour Party (for now anyway) . Although I Hope Gordon Brown Gets the Job of P.M. (I Think hes a strong Royalist) I Think Beatrice, Eugenie or Gabriella would make a fine Queen its too Bad Prince Michael cant be King he seems like hed be very good Does anybody think theirs the smallest chance we could see Henry of Wales Become Henry IX or would that be to much of a schock for The U.K. Could he take his role seriously. Thanks in Advance.
I think there's a small chance that Harry could become King. After all it's possible that something unexpected and horrible could happen to William. Would Harry take the job seriously I'm not sure.
lise said:
I think there's a small chance that Harry could become King. After all it's possible that something unexpected and horrible could happen to William. Would Harry take the job seriously I'm not sure.

Anything's possible, lise :flowers: but I surely hope something tragic doesn't befall William or anyone for that matter.
I think there will still be a monarchy in all present monarchies. With an exception for Belgium. Not that it has anything to do with Philippe, Mathilde and their daugther Elisabeth: Belgium will cease to exist and fall apart.

Flanders and Wallonia will become independent states, à la the velvet separation of former Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Or Flanders will join the Netherlands, the povince of Luxembourg (now part of Wallonia) will join the neighbouring Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the rest of Wallonia (Liège, Namur, Hainaut) willl join France.
Just a reminder that this is a thread about the British monarchy in particular. Discussions about the future of monarchies in general would be best in Royal Chit Chat.
Furienna said:
I think the UK is the last country, that will get rid of their monarchy. Even with all the scandals, aren't they very much loved? It's a part of the Brittish identity and tradition. However, far away former colonies like Canada and Australia, and even the near-by North Ireland, might very well cut ties with the Brittish crown.
True,true!I can't imagine UK without their RF:ermm:
Nor can I I Wonder what the next Coronation will look like Ive heard itll be scaled down but I Hope they keep all the pomp and what not.
We British never change. The press may talk and start rumours about change but things won't change. We like tradition and stability. We'll never change and in 100 years, the monarchy will be just as much of a presence as it is now. I wouldn't allow it to be anything else.
You don't mean to say you're going to be around in 100 years time to stop them abolishing it, do you?:D
I intend to have my head cryogenically preserved a la Futurama. I shall be in 100 years being as obstinate and as difficult as ever.
Oh, right, of course...silly of me not to have realised.

Don't know why I even asked.:ROFLMAO:
100 years is a long time in the future, I think there's a strong chance that the Monarchy may have disappeared by then.
Chares isn't particularly popular and if he has a long reign then I can see the popularity of the Monarchy declining. However, I think William would provoke less of a negative reaction.
Charles's reign is a speck of time on the timeline of the universe. Personally I feel it'll be too short to make a difference. It rests on William and I find the boy ghastly and a mistake - BUT if we do lose the monarchy, I shall simply move or declare myself Queen.
Bravo BeatrixFan,

JUst take your herbal teas, cut down on the sugar and fat, eat the veggies, keep up the good British habit of walking, walking, walking and live a happy life of which the dear Queen is such a lovely part and I am sure that the odds will mightily increase that you will be around in 100 years to be greeted by Elizabeth III, who looks so much like her great, gread Grandmother that it will bring tears to your eyes as she greets you at a garden party at Buckingham Palace iheld in honour of Great Britains finest and most senior British subjects.

I know one should not inject politics but since Australia has been mentioned, I cannot for the life of me understand with all these lovely royals, warts and all, even the warts add so much colour to life, why anybody would want a republic. Now if the first ladies could start wearing tiaras and you could have all these really good looking women being married to the man in line to the throne-oops, I mean presidency, then things might be a little different. Cheers.
Charles will be a good King and the people will realize!:)
William is just a very young man, how do you know that he will be a good King, because he looks so cute?
The monarchy will survive for more than 100 years, the people will always love the tradition and the pomp and glory!
Well Thomas, I certainly don't too any of those things but by the time I'm old, they'll have invented something to keep me going. I'm afraid there's no getting rid of me. It will be strange to see the monarchy in the future though. I rather fear I shall be one of these strange old ladies who says, "I remember the old Queen".
Just so long as they don't think you're talking about Queen Victoria...
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