Bravo BeatrixFan,
JUst take your herbal teas, cut down on the sugar and fat, eat the veggies, keep up the good British habit of walking, walking, walking and live a happy life of which the dear Queen is such a lovely part and I am sure that the odds will mightily increase that you will be around in 100 years to be greeted by Elizabeth III, who looks so much like her great, gread Grandmother that it will bring tears to your eyes as she greets you at a garden party at Buckingham Palace iheld in honour of Great Britains finest and most senior British subjects.
I know one should not inject politics but since Australia has been mentioned, I cannot for the life of me understand with all these lovely royals, warts and all, even the warts add so much colour to life, why anybody would want a republic. Now if the first ladies could start wearing tiaras and you could have all these really good looking women being married to the man in line to the throne-oops, I mean presidency, then things might be a little different. Cheers.