AsianRedneck said:
The Parliament, can you be an English citizen, but wasn't born English? Also, how does the Parliament work? Are those in the Parliament, royal?
If you have English-born parents (or parent in some cases), you are elligable to apply for Britich citizenship. However, one of the many hurdles is if you're currently a citizen of a country that either a). won't allow you to remain a citizen of that country is you also become a citizen of another country, or b). that the Home Office (in Britain), refuses to allow duel citizenship with.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by the second question, but here's the answer to what I think you mean:
Parliament is made up of two houses (Commons and Lords), both of which are divided into Government (or government-coalaition), and Opposition (or opposition coalaition).
No member of the House of Commons is a member of the Royal Family. The nature of the lower house is such that it is a representative body of the "Common" people, in a form of "representational democracy".
The House of Lords (or "upper house"), however is a house of review, made up from Britain's peers and peeresses (those holding titles above the rank of baronet, eg: Barons/Baronesses, Viscounts/Viscountesses, Earls/Countesses, Marquesses/Marchionesses and Dukes/Duchesses).
There are three types of peers.
Peers who are also members of the Royal family: eg, HRH The Duke of York
Heireditary Peers: Those with titles as in the above paragraph, who pass them on to their heir: eg, His Grace The Duke of Northumberland,
Life Peers, who have been granted a peerage for their lifetime, but not the right to pass any titles onto their children/heirs: eg, Lord Lloyd-Webber
According an act of Parliament passed last year, the rules as to the rights of Peers and peeresses changed. I presume someone from home (The United Kingdom), will be able to give you details about the act, but from what I know, it withdraws most of the heireditary peers' rights to sit in the House of Lords, meaning that the house is made up mainly of the Life peers.