Dec 12, 2003 #1 K karolinabraganza Nobility Joined Nov 4, 2003 Messages 393 where has the thread gone, what happened?
Dec 12, 2003 #2 C Cathérine Bergeyck Heir Presumptive Joined Jan 26, 2003 Messages 2,926 It's at the section 'royal jewels'
Dec 12, 2003 #3 A Alexandria Heir Apparent Joined Jan 14, 2003 Messages 3,207 Country Canada There was already a thread in the Royal Jewels section regarding Mathilde's jewels. The thread that was started here was merged with that one. Please visit the Royal Jewels forum to add pictures, ask questions or discuss Mathilde's jewellery.
There was already a thread in the Royal Jewels section regarding Mathilde's jewels. The thread that was started here was merged with that one. Please visit the Royal Jewels forum to add pictures, ask questions or discuss Mathilde's jewellery.