Visit to Sogn & Fjordane 2006

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Heir Presumptive
Oct 8, 2003
Haakon and Mette-Marit will have 3 busy days in the county of Sogn og Fjordane, it is many small places and local municipalities and also alot of travelling by boat because it is on small islands or by the coast, so not really a glam visit, but really brathtaking nature, especially if the weather is nice. More than 60 people from the press is also going to be transported around to theese smal places

here is parts from the english press program

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit will visit the county Sogn og Fjordane from 5.-7. September 2006. In the course of their three day visit, the Royal couple will visit the municipalities of Askvoll, Flora, Gloppen, Stryn, Hornindal and Eid.

Askvoll, Tuesday 5. September
11.00 Royal Party arrives at Bulandet
11.30 Programme outside the Buland Chapel
Greeting from the Crown Princess
11.50 Royal party greet locals from Bulandet and Værlandet.
Brief presentation of the local fishing activities and Landøy stone masonry.
12.30 Depart from Bulandet

Flora, Tuesday 5. September
13.30 To Svanøy, reception at Kvalstad Quay
13.50 Norwegian Deer Centre
Manager J.T. Solheim shows Royal Couple deer and explains how they are fed. Thereafter, the Royal Couple are served samples of venison and salmon.
14.35 Departure: Kvalstad Quay
15.10 To Florø. Boat docks at the old county boat quay
15.25 Cultural programme at market place
16.05 To Solbakken Refugee Centre
16.45 Press conference
17.00 Break
19.15 Social evening at Flora Town Hall
Theme: ”Where people meet” – Peace corps and Flora as international town
Prize ceremony with Crown Prince, prize to Flora as international municipality
20.40-21.25 Dinner,

Gloppen, Tuesday 6. September
11.30 Royal couple at Sandane
11.45 Gathering at Heradsplassen
12.45 Green care at Kvia, Breim
Kvia is a rural activity centre and part of the Green Care Programme. No one lives permanently at the farm, but the farm has been restored and is a home for young people who receive daily and weekend based care services
13.00 Lunch at Kvia
14.15 Deaprture

Stryn, Wednesday 6. September
15.00 Royal Party visits Innvik
15.20 Tour of factory Innvik Sellgren
Manager Arve Haugen greets Royal Party. Presentation of weaving and specially woven royal monogram
15.30 Joint presentation of designers from Stryn
16.00 Pressconference
17.00 To Stryn town centre
17.05 Entertainment at Per Bolstads Square
20.00 Dinner for invited guest at Alexandra Hotel.
Sogn og Fjordane County Administration are the hosts.

Hornindal, Thursday 7. September
10.00 To Hornidal Kindergarten
11.00 Gathering at Grodås
Speech from Crown Princess
11.35 Presentation inside municipal hall
11.50 Lunch
12.50 Departure

Eid, Thursday 7. September
13.45 Royal Couple visit Nordfjordeid, Stroll along Eidsgata
14.10 To Nordfjord Psychiatric Clinic.
Royal couple are briefed about the clinic’s activities and meet two patients.
15.10 Gathering at Eksersisplassen
Speech from the Crown Prince
15.55 Lunch
16.35 Press meeting
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Information secretary Svein Gj. Gjerulsen says to BT that the King and Queen and the Crown Prince Couple usually visits one county each every year and this time it is "Sogn og Fjordane"

Local papers to look for pictures

This is the fifth county trip they make
Their first trip they took right after their hooneymoon,
they went by train trough three countys in October 2001,
Oppland, Sør Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal (Aftenposten and VG)

in November 2001 they visited Østfold (Pics from Aftenposten and Scanpx)

In 2002 they were in Hordaland. the press was on the pregnancy
bandwagon and kept asking her about it (Pics from Kongehuset and Aftenposten)

In 2004 they visited Finnmark with the royal yacht,
the most nothern part of Norway (Pics from Aftenposten and NRK)

In 2005 they were in Buskerud, Mette-Marit was pregnant looked like she
was ready to faint trough the whole trip, and cancelled part of the program. (Pics from UKPRESS)

There are 19 counties in Norway so 12 to go, and they have still not visited Svalbard, but the King and Queen was just there so I guess it is not imminent. On theese trips they usually does not visit the bigger cities and town as they often get royal visits for conferences, openings, festivals and such things. Its mostly the local communities and small towns that dont usually have royal visits.

Two more pics from the 25th anniversary of the ombudsman for children (Barneombudet og VG)
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how many times has they made a officla visit abroud togather they have done visits by them self. do you think they try to make a visit abroud each year?
The first pictures from Bulandet, the most western part of Norway where people live around the year
1 BT
3 Firda

This flash picture series from BT will be updated trough the day from all the places they visit
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Thanks so much for keeping us updated Larzen:flowers: And a great review, time really flies!
BTW flowers for the gentleman - that’s what I call equal treatment;).
Thank you Larzen for the new pictures.
From what I see, her style has changed over the year and in my opinion, much better and more sophisticated yet under stated. :flowers:
Hello, I hope we will see many pics of Mette Marit.
I think she will be a good future queen for Norway.
Thanks for the pix and please keep us informed
More from Bulandet almost all the 450 people living there had turned out to meet them, a selection from NRK, pictures by Torbjørn Fardal
More at this link

From Svanøy, an even smaller place than Bulandet and also here almost all the locals had come to meet them, they visited the deer center. Scanpix via Aftenposten

The royal court has also issued another one of their new inventions, a newsletter or what you want to call them, of what they are up to today and the rest of the days, not very much information and not very impressive, as usual, atleast they could get it all in one font
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Haakon and Mette Marit look wonderful. She seemed more relaxed and beautiful in her role now. I am happy that she seemed happier now.
Thanks for the link Monica821!
MM looks great!
MM is like the little girl in the nursery rhyme. When she looks good, she looks very very good, but when she looks bad she looks horrid. Okay, not quite horrid, but simply bad. I have the impression that she looks much better when she is out in little community or at a function that is not glitzy and glamour-y.
Yes, I think you are right, Smilla! Like she said in the Elle interview.... she is more kind of a "jeans girl".
Sonnenblumenmäd said:
Yes, I think you are right, Smilla! Like she said in the Elle interview.... she is more kind of a "jeans girl".

Do we have an English translation of that interview? There are bits of informtion floating around, but is there a comlete translation? I appreciate any informaiton.!
Evening recpetion, I really dont think white suits her, especially with the Paris Hilton color she has on her hair right now, I much prefer the dark colors on her everyone dislikes;)

What's so weird is that her shirt always hangs below her jacket. IMHO, the darker colour look good on her - in moderation and not in combination with granny-type coarse fabrics.
With a short jacket like this she would have been better off with a bodyhugging, maybe even tucked in, shirt. Or keep the shirt she has on and omit the jacket. Her schedule lately has been quite an improvement. Do you think she will keep it up?
I must agree. These trousers are terrible on her, little small. Or maybe if they would be made by different material...
I have to agree; she does look a little...unkempt. I adore Mette-Marit and a lot of the time I really like her understated taste in clothing and jewelry. But this outfit just doesn't fit her or flatter her at all.
I hope all her fans who complimented her did not speak too soon.:sad:

It may have been a pre-pregnancy outfit or new outfit to encourage her to get back to her size ...not that her current size is not wonderful as she looks really good.

I am sure there are more wonderful outfits to come..:flowers:
I'm a big fan of Mette-Marit but I think she was a little demanding at the Elle interview/photoshoot. I'm sure the magazine put a lot of thinking into what clothes they chose for her and the photographer and then Mette-Marit changes it by saying she wants to wear her clothes and choose a Norwegian photographer. Of course, I understand why Mette-Marit wanted to do that. She's down-to-earth and wants to represent everything Norwegian since she is Norway's Crown Princess. However, I think she should have just "gone with the flow" with this one.
soCal girl said:
I'm a big fan of Mette-Marit but I think she was a little demanding at the Elle interview/photoshoot. I'm sure the magazine put a lot of thinking into what clothes they chose for her and the photographer and then Mette-Marit changes it by saying she wants to wear her clothes and choose a Norwegian photographer. Of course, I understand why Mette-Marit wanted to do that. She's down-to-earth and wants to represent everything Norwegian since she is Norway's Crown Princess. However, I think she should have just "gone with the flow" with this one.
Why, because Elle planned things without talking to the court first. It really should not be a supirse. The Queen and Princess Märtha Louise has done similar interviews, and they have used Norwegian photographers (usually Morten Krogvoll) and *mostly* their own clothes. Albeit a little more glam. There has not been much attention to theese pictures, mostly to what she said. If she did it the way Elle wanted, in New York, famous photgrapher, borrowed clothes, the focus would have been completely different.

..and back to sogn og Fjordane. After the first part of the program was over, Haakon went for a run for 15 minutes before he went to the local gym for half an hour to lift weights. Then ha took a shower and changed before he went with his wife to the evening reseption. He was followed by two body guards. Hardly anyone recognised him, except VG. The reporter from Vg says he usually always works out on trips when he has time.

Two of the deers they met was called Haakon and Mette-Marit (REX)

firdaposten has 26 pictures from FLORØ, they can be enlarged

and 19 pictures from SVANØY and the deer center

and a video, click on the link under the picture

Mette-Marits speech in Norwegian
Haakons speech in Norwegian
nayeli0016 said:
When is Mette-Marit due?
Due for what?

A new gallup done for TV2 by TNS gallup shows that 9 out of 10 thinks Haakon and Mette-Marit will be a good King and Queen the day they take over, that is twice as many as three years ago. The support is lowest at the west coast (where they are now;) ) and in the south of Norway (where Mette-Marit is from). Haakon had no comment to it and says it is not up to them to judge this

Its very high, almost strangely high, and I always thought the support was lowest in Oslo. This is not the same as saying 9 out of 10 is in favour of the monarchy though, I would like to see the questions and how they asked them.
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First picture from today, I think she wore this red trench during the swedish visit as well. It is quite cold on the westcoast, only 13 degrees celcius. More than 1000 people had come to meet them when they arrived today to Gloppen, a smal place with 5500 residents.

In the first picture of the ones below, you can see their advisors, Ander Flågen, the blond man behind the uniform hat, and Vibeke Hollekim, the woman with the beige jacket and red hair behind Haakon, they have a gold pin on their jackets with their joint monogram, but they cant really be seen in theese pictures.

From NRK, more pictures here

* They will make a 5 day visit to India from October 30th to November 3 2006.
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I think the white outfit didn't suit her at all!
She looked so " colourless" :rolleyes: .

The red jacket looks much better on her!
I really like it! :)
soCal girl said:
I'm a big fan of Mette-Marit but I think she was a little demanding at the Elle interview/photoshoot. I'm sure the magazine put a lot of thinking into what clothes they chose for her and the photographer and then Mette-Marit changes it by saying she wants to wear her clothes and choose a Norwegian photographer. Of course, I understand why Mette-Marit wanted to do that. She's down-to-earth and wants to represent everything Norwegian since she is Norway's Crown Princess. However, I think she should have just "gone with the flow" with this one.

Remember how much criticism Mary got when she did those posh fotoshoots? I think Mette-Marit wanted to avoid that kind of uproar - a clever thing to do, I think.
soCal girl said:
I'm a big fan of Mette-Marit but I think she was a little demanding at the Elle interview/photoshoot. I'm sure the magazine put a lot of thinking into what clothes they chose for her and the photographer and then Mette-Marit changes it by saying she wants to wear her clothes and choose a Norwegian photographer. Of course, I understand why Mette-Marit wanted to do that. She's down-to-earth and wants to represent everything Norwegian since she is Norway's Crown Princess. However, I think she should have just "gone with the flow" with this one.

I dont think she was demanding just wanted to wear what she wanted to wear thats all, she isnt a child to just to have " gone with the flow" she is a princess who wants to be seen a certain . instead of a hollywood star ! :) must say I really liked how she looked in "Elle" shame we couldnt get her on a front cover her in the UK!
Her_Majesty said:
I think the white outfit didn't suit her at all!
She looked so " colourless" :rolleyes: .

The red jacket looks much better on her!
I really like it! :)

Agreed, the color does suit her very well.
On the website from Face tot Face there are many pics of Mette Marit and Haakon on tour to the West Coast of Norway.
Is there anybody who can enlarge these pics?
I can not do it.
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