I think that the law should be read.
The Greek government has not recognised the surname Grece, now, which in Greek does not mean Greece, it was registered in the register of Athens since 2004, the year in which Michel invented the formula to translate De Grece to the Greek alphabet, when he acquired Greek nationality.
But in greek , Greece is Ellas.
I am surprised that Pavlosd says, Michael De Grece, and not Prince Michel.
Why? Do they also reject titles?
And in the case of Queen Anna Maria, her Danish passport says, Her Majesty Queen Anna Maria, I understand that. The Venizelos law of 1994 says that they do not get their Greek passport back, they receive a new one dated 1974. Previously their nationality was extinguished, so they are foreigners who accepted a passport, it is said by this law 1994. For Teodora, Filippos and the grandchildren, the passport date is not 1974, which was not born, it is 2024, they are Greek since 2024. I understand that Queen Anna Maria and King Constantine could not accept it, Constantine was born in Greece, did military service, had a military career in Greece, won an Olympic medal... Obviously HE WAS GREEK SINCE JUNE 2, 1940, that is logical, and Anna Maria too, she renounced her Danish citizenship, and acquired Greek citizenship in 1964, through marriage, she is not going to sign a document that says that she was not Queen.
What is the date of nationality according to the 1994 law that they receive? I do not know the exact date of 1974 of their passport, but if it is December 8, 1974, referendum, I believe that if it is so, December 8, 1974, I WOULD NOT ACCEPT THAT EITHER, EVER, TO CARRY A PASSPORT WITH THE DATE OF THE REFERENDUM.
The children of King Constantine and Queen Anna Maria do not lose so much, they renounce being natural Greeks, but obviously Constantine and Anna Maria could not accept such an act, they lost a lot.
This announcement raises more questions than answers. Michael of Greece, the end of an era, and in Greek version it is said by "Office of the former Royal Family of Greece"