This article came out yesterday. It's about the book on CP Mary that Emma Tom wrote.
This article came out yesterday. It's about the book on CP Mary that Emma Tom wrote.
Ethel said:
This article came out yesterday. It's about the book on CP Mary that Emma Tom wrote.
Toledo said:Mandy, I found this from December 8th 2005, it's the most used headline title on Mary but in a new article on a book on her.
I don't know if it belongs here or if it was posted alreday but it has a photo of Mary before and after her life changed forever:
There is something about Crown Princess Mary
Thursday, 8 December 2005
Lillia said:wow -- if that picture in the blue top is really one of CP Mary before she got married, then she has certainly changed her physique alot!
But it does not matter to me -- I still like her though! Still what a make-over she's had!!
Toledo said:I think I like Mary because of the whole My Fair Lady makeover. Her story is great, like a 21st Century version of Cinderella where she is Aussierella![]()
Toledo said:I think she will do just fine as the years go by. They show how two persons can drastically change and move on to a different life. They both left the past behind and now that they have a child their perspective in life changes, there is more reason to look forward to the future with joy.
Toledo said:Before I log off for the night, nice to meet you, Margrethe II![]()
I'll be back late tomorrow night.
Margrethe II said:How lovely... same here Toledo![]()
Have a good one!
Toledo said:Thanks.
I did not notice Ethel had the same link posted above. The book is not available in my area of the planet, has anyone from Australia been able to see it in a bookstore to comment on it? Is the book dedicated to Mary?![]()
Hotdog said:I will give a summary of the book since I own a copy and have read it.
Emma Tom writing is neither saccharine sweet or completely anti-Mary.
She writes with a style that is satirical in nature.
At first it is amusing though after a few chapters it starts to grate like little kids dragging their nails across the blackboard to get a reaction.
eg an example of her "wit" is describing her hairdresser coming up to give her a "blow-job" when she knows that both Mary and the gentleman concerned are very attached to their respective husbands (yes he's gay).
There is little in the way of original information on mary as such.
The originality lies in her records of the length that the media has gone to to get dirt on Mary.
At least half the book is on the media and the publics reaction to Mary.
If "a brief history of an Australian And Danish Media Stampede" interests you then buy the book.
If you want new information on Mary then you will have to search through for the few meagre pickings.
IMO: In the long run this book will do a lot more for Mary than the PR department Ninka book as it puts on record the lengths the media went to to intrude into her life, the fact she came out sqeaky clean and how much she put up with to be with Frederik.
fandesacs2003 said:I do not see where is the point to make books, unless to watch some photos, how she was before and how she is now.
End even for that, every girl, with the age's maturity, and also with the money and all the specialist's help improves her appearance why it should be bad ?? Remember Diana on her early days and after......
Mary's story it's a nice fairy tale, but what about Letizia, Maxima, Ranja, Mette Marit, and Lala Salma?? From the actual young CP, the only one close to the Monarchy was Mathilde, she was aristocrat. All the others were with the same profile, commoners, not from a rich family, normal working girls, no one of them having a stunning inforgettable beauty, average people (and I dont want to talk about Mette Marit, really not having the profile for this "job"). And it happened to all of them.
So what's the purpose of making a mess for Mary??? She is nice, she managed to well handle her role, Frederic loves her, it's so nice. Why giving poison ?????
When you see Mary, born a commun tasmanian girl, having all this style and elegance !, and on the other side, the Princess Royal (Anne), born Royal, the chock it's obvious ! May be somebody should write a book about born royals bit being so....![]()
The purpose of this book is to make money by making average girls dream, that it could also happen to them![]()
It's not impossible, we have just wait for the next generation of CPrinces to grow,
or to catch Prince Albert![]()
auntie said:I think the reason Mary is sort of "picked" on is the how obviously different she is with becoming CPrincess, not only in her looks, but in her manner, she is trying so hard to be more Royal than royalty, whilst the other Crown Princesses, (even Camilla) have improved considerably their looks, but really stay the same person, and are very personable. Looking Ar mary from the outside, it seems to me thatshe is aloof.
fandesacs2003 said:Ahhh, very interesting point, so she is considered to become "snobbish". Maybe