The Swedish Royal Family and the Military

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Nov 8, 2002
Swedish Crown Princess Victoria in April 2002 visited a training camp for members of the Womens Voluntary Defence Service in Rosersberg, outsider of Stockholm. The Crown Princess joined the training as a part of her basic education in defence issues in 2002. The voluntary defence members showed Victoria military health care, communications and technology. The Crown Princess was especially interested in naval technology.


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Thank you for the pictures Josefine, I definitely think the Crown Princess should do a military education, one day she will be General and Admiral and then she must know some basic facts about the organisation. But my personal thought is that the future Queen Victoria will not wear a uniform (as Queen Margrethe of Denmark), maybe her future husband will.

In the future when she will do state visits it's also important to "know" how to inspect a honour troop and so on...
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Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria joining the army, but not for long

Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria has been drafted, but just for three weeks, to serve in the Scandinavian country's army, part of her preparations as the future monarch of the nation of 8.9 million.

"The princess will spend March 3-21 at Swedint, the Swedish armed forces' international arm," Royal Court spokeswoman Katrin Broms told The Associated Press Tuesday.

Brig. Gen. Claes-Goeran Heden said the 25-year-old princess will be treated like any other recruit, living in a barrack and learning to handle weapons, protective masks and survival skills.

"This is part of her training to become a queen," Hede told AP.

But unlike most of the course graduates, some of whom go on to join Sweden's international peace support forces abroad as nurses and communications workers, Victoria will go instead to the United States to study conflict resolution in Washington. She will also visit New York and Philadelphia.

Sweden has not been involved in a war since 1815.

Crown Princess Victoria is the eldest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia.

The upcoming visit to the United States isn't her first. She studied history and political science at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, from 1998-2000 before returning to Stockholm.
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria joining the army, but not for long
Tue Jan 21, 8:43 AM ET

By TOMMY GRANDELL, Associated Press Writer

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - She's in the army now.

Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria has been drafted, but just for three weeks, to serve in the Scandinavian country's army, part of her preparations as the future monarch of the nation of 8.9 million.

"The princess will spend March 3-21 at Swedint, the Swedish armed forces' international arm," Royal Court spokeswoman Katrin Broms told The Associated Press Tuesday.

Brig. Gen. Claes-Goeran Heden said the 25-year-old princess will be treated like any other recruit, living in a barrack and learning to handle weapons, protective masks and survival skills.

"This is part of her training to become a queen," Hede told AP.

But unlike most of the course graduates, some of whom go on to join Sweden's international peace support forces abroad as nurses and communications workers, Victoria will go instead to the United States to study conflict resolution in Washington. She will also visit New York and Philadelphia.

Sweden has not been involved in a war since 1815.

Crown Princess Victoria is the eldest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia.

The upcoming visit to the United States isn't her first. She studied history and political science at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, from 1998-2000 before returning to Stockholm.

Army Drafts Sweden's Crown Princess
Wed Jan 22, 2:02 AM ET

By The Associated Press

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - She's in the army now.

Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria has been drafted, but just for three weeks, to serve in the Scandinavian country's army, part of her preparations as the future monarch of the nation of 8.9 million people.

"The princess will spend March 3-21 at Swedint, the Swedish armed forces' international arm," Royal Court spokeswoman Katrin Broms told The Associated Press Tuesday.

Brig. Gen. Claes-Goeran Heden said the 25-year-old princess will be treated like any other recruit, living in a barrack and learning to handle weapons, protective masks and survival skills.

"This is part of her training to become a queen," Hede told The AP.

But unlike most of the course graduates, some of whom go on to join Sweden's international peace support forces abroad as nurses and communications workers, Victoria will go to the United States to study conflict resolution in Washington. She also will visit New York and Philadelphia.

Crown Princess Victoria is the eldest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia.

Latest news on Victoria is that she will undergo basic soldier training at SWEDINT, Almnäs during the weeks 10 - 12
08.00 this morning (Monday) Victoria went in to the army (for three weeks this time)

article and pictures from

Kronprinsessan Victoria genomför militär grundutbildning på Swedint

Klockan åtta i morse var det inryckning för kronprinsessan Victoria och hennes 42 kurskamrater som under tre veckor skall genomföra militär grundutbildning på Swedint (Försvarsmaktens centrum för internationell verksamhet) i Almnäs utanför Södertälje. Kursen heter GSUUS (grundläggande soldatutbildning för utlandsstyrkan) och är avsedd för personal som skall tjänstgöra internationellt, men som saknar militär utbildning.

Under kursen kommer kronprinsessan och de andra eleverna bland annat att utbildas i exercis, vapentjänst, skyddstjänst, sjukvårdstjänst, strid, fältarbetstjänst och förläggningstjänst. Dessutom genomförs en fältövning under tre dygn med en hel del strapatsliknande inslag.

-- Det här ska bli jättekul. Jag ser fram emot tre nyttiga och spännande veckor på Swedint, berättar kronprinsessan Victoria.

Kronprinsessan kommer att delta i utbildningen på samma villkor som övriga elever. Hon kommer att bo på logement, äta i matsalen och förläggas i fält precis som alla andra kursdeltagare. Om kronprinsessan blir godkänd efter utbildningen har hon behörighet att söka internationell tjänst i utlandsstyrkan.



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March 18

Victoria has a press conference/meeting at SWEDINT where she is doing military education.

March 21

Attend Defense College 50th jubilee banquette
New picture from her military training. The pictures are from a rescue exercise.

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Polfoto 18-03-2003 SODERTALJE 030318 Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria with camouflage paint in her face during a medical evacuation practise Tuesday at the Swedish Interational center outside Stockholm. The Crown Princess takes part in a three weeks basic training course for non military personal that makes her able to do overseas service in peacekeeping/enforcing operations with Swedish forces.

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/18/03, SODERTALJE, SWEDEN --- Crownprincess Viktoria on a three-week basic military training at Swedint (Swedish Armed Forces for International Activities). The media was shown a "first-aid" training session outside Camp Almn s, about 40 kilometers away from Stockholm.

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article from

Princess shows off combat skills

Tue Mar 18, 2:59 PM ET

ALMNAS, Sweden (Reuters) - Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria has demonstrated her combat and first aid skills to the media as part of a three-week military training course to prepare her for international peacekeeping missions.

The 25-year-old princess, the oldest of the three children of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, told Reuters in her fatigues, camouflage facepaint and full battle equipment that the course had been good but tiring.

"I have learned a lot," she said on Tuesday, handling her AK-5 assault rifle with practised ease. "It has been tough, sleeping less and carrying heavy stuff, but extremely interesting."

The princess and 41 other men and women are practising combat skills, marksmanship, first aid and chemical warfare safety at the Swedish armed forces' peacekeeping training ground south of Stockholm.

Victoria's basic military training is part of her royal training in all aspects of Swedish public life. The Swedish heir-apparent has also been an intern at the United Nations in New York and at Swedish foreign trade offices in Berlin and Paris.

Enlisting for military service is obligatory for men in Sweden but only a third actually undergo training. For women it is voluntary and about 16,000 men and women undergo military service every year.

Victoria completed a one-kilometre forced march in full combat gear in less than 5 minutes, a time that almost qualified her for Special Forces duty, said Captain Lars Wetterskog.

"The Crown Princess has handled herself extremely well," he said.

Although the princess will be eligible for U.N. peacekeeping duty after completing the course, a foreign posting is not on the cards. "I can assure you that the next step will not be a trip to Kosovo or anywhere else", said a court spokesman.
Where do I go - to which thread, if it already exists - of Crown Princess Victoria's army time. The few pictures I saw (before I arrived at this MB) were pretty cute. :rolleyes:
POLFOTO 03.03.2003 SODERTALJE 030303 Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria (middle)started Monday a three week long military training coarse that qualifies her to take part in Swedish overseas missions. She will learn to use the assault rifle AK-5 and other basic training skills


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I think I might be a bit confused ... were there two times that CP was in the army? I was initially thinking of the pictures of CP running through the woods with green paint on her face.
that was the last test after three weeks in training
Oh .... thank you.

Three weeks sounds a bit short. Did the CP get the 'rush' course?

Just curious, what is the normal length of time for a woman conscript serving the first time in the armed forces?
i´ll try to find the other pictures soon.

three weeks was for a special traning maybe someone else can tell about the course
Thank you Josefine.

i look forward to seeing the pic's ... an interesting selection of pictures so far on this webpage.
Yes it was a "short training". Normally you are in the military for 15 months. But this was a special course I think....
OT, Yennie
have you done military service yet?
haha, noway I´ll do that :p
Girls don´t do military service in Sweden. Boys have to, but due to "money cuts" in the military, many boys are allowed to skip it nowadays.
has it always been that way, no service required for girls?
Hmm, I think it have always been that way. But I´m not 100 % sure...
I´m only 20 years old so I dont have that much knowledge of things like that =)
So, Yennie ... women volunteer to serve in the Swedish military ?
Whereas men are conscripted.
Quite a dichotomy .... eh ?

I don't think CP would be the only woman in the military.
In your opinion, roughly, how many women were 'volunteered' to serve at the same that there were pictures of the CP doing her thing? :innocent:
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