Today is Generation Pep's Pep Day and Prince Daniel's Race in Haga Park. One of my absolutely favourite days of the year!
Daniel and Oscar at the Pep Day, Rio is there too:
Prins Daniel och prins Oscar är på plats på Pep-dagen i Hagaparken. Se bilderna här!
Oscar has been trying various sports
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The weather is great, about 25 degrees.
All children are welcome to run, roll or walk at Prince Daniel's Race, you choose what suits you best, bring your social support with you which can be mother, father, personal assistant. someone you simply feel safe with.
Children born 2012-2021 can participate in Prince Daniel's Race, where all participants are winners and receive a medal. It is completely free to participate. Children in the youngest age group (born 2019-2021) must run with a guardian.
Children with disabilities are warmly welcome to Prince Daniel's Race in all age groups with social support. The track layout is adapted to the best ability to make the race accessible to everyone who wants to participate.
The track is located in the middle of Haga Park's grass field. 1 round is approx. 550 meters. For the youngest, the races are approx. 400 meters.
Pep-dag i Hagaparken 2024
Map over the area today, a lot of various sports to the children to try to!
Expressen interviewed Daniel, video and photos
- This day is about inspiring, encouraging movement and for the children to cross thresholds. Only two out of ten children exercise enough every day. We must do more. We must have a clear strategy on how we as a country are going to get out of this crisis of being sedentary. It is easy to point to what others should do, but you can think what do I do? What can I do based on my role as a parent, teacher or fellow human being to inspire others to create the conditions.
Children tried different sports, such as fencing, boules, table tennis and dancing. Oscar also took on several activities, he can be seen playing boules, mini golf and table tennis. At the same time Estelle is with her mother and grandmother at the Paralympics.
Daniel is asked if Oscar had wished to be in Paris too? Daniel said that he doesn't know, but Oscar is here today so it's fun, he's pep.
Prins Daniel och hans son prins Oscar ligger inte på latsidan när resten av familjen är på plats på Paralympics. Men om lillprinsen hellre hade velat vara med sin syster i Paris kan pappa inte svara på. – Han är här i dag så det är kul, säger prins Daniel på plats vid ”Prins Daniels lopp” i...
En sån härlig dag fylld av rörelse och aktiviteter. Prins Daniel och prins Oscar sken ikapp under Pep-dagen 2024.
Prince Daniel of Sweden Attends Prince Daniel's Race and Pep Day Getty Images
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Oscar had a friend with him.
The Royal House:
Den 8 september närvarade Prins Daniel vid Pep-dagen i Hagaparken. Pep-dagen arrangerades med syfte att sprida rörelseglädje och kunskap om hälsosamma vanor till barn och unga.
The Royal House published a wonderful video. And cool Rio, under the table when Oscar played table tennis.
4,502 likes, 27 comments - kungahuset on September 8, 2024: "🏃♀️➡️🏓🥋🥇⚾️ Rörelseglädje i Hagaparken i dag! Tack till alla barn som sprang Prins Daniels lopp eller provade på några av alla sporter och aktiviteter som erbjöds vid årets Pep-dag. @gen.pep".
Video at TV4 News:
På söndagen höll den ideella organisationen Generation pep en pepdag i Hagaparken i Solna där barn fick testa på massor av olika idrottsaktiviteter. På platsen hade också Prins Daniel arrangerat ett lopp där alla barn som deltog fick en medalj.
Daniel with Generation Pep's Pep Ambassadors Fanny Ahlfors and Patrik Widell
fanny_josefine on September 8, 2024: "Vilken härlig PEP-dag! ☀️ Vi sprang och peppade massor med barn som deltog i Prins Daniels lopp. Alla kämpade verkligen och var grymma 🤩 Dagen anordnades av @gen.pep som jobbar för att barn och ungdomar i Sverige ska ha möjlighet och viljan att leva ett...