King Leopold had, what you can say, a tragic life with high tops and deep downs.
In 1926 he married with the snowprincess. Astrid told a friend at the householdschool that she had met a prince. One day she asked her friend if she wanted to cut the onion because Astrid didn't want that her hands would smell.
A while later she said to her friend that the leopold was in love with her and astrid asked what to do. her friend asked: "But do you love him" Astrid told that she was terrible in love with this very hansom man. "So go and marry him!" her friend said.
a little anekdote I heard ones on tv
i think it was the first marriage of a crownprince with a couple that was really in love.
1930 crownprince Baldouin was born, juin 1934 prince Albert cried for the first time. They were a happy family with 3 kids, the crisis of the early '30 was fading away, there was place for happiness.
But in the same year, king Albert felt of the rocks in Marches-les-Dammes, some critics doubt if it was really an accedent...
Suddenly Astrid and Leopold had to become king and queen, unfortunaly not foro long. the royal couple was very loved by their people.
1935 another terrible accident, Astrid dies in a car-crash in Küssnacht in Switserland.
Joséphine-Charlotte, prince Baudouin andPrince Albert who is only one year old lose their mother.
May 10th of 1940, after the attact at Poland and the memorable attack at Pearl Harbour, their is also an attack on Belgian.
For 18 days Belgian soldiers were fighting against the troups of Hitler.
But 28 of may, king leopold does something he will regrett, he signs the capitulation of Belgian without permission of the gouvernment. The gouvernment goes abroad, Leopold stays at the palace in Laken.
The lonely man as a prisonner who wanted to defend the belgian soldiers, was quit popular.
But Leopold wasn't so lonely, he felt in love with lilian baels.
the belgians were mad about that, more and more of them were againt the attitude of Leopold III. Also the gouvernment, that was the Royal Question.
I think the rest of the story is known by the most of you.
bye, martha-louise