Here another article about the visit, it is very long, so I will try to summarize the principal thing. There are some nice anecdotes of buys and gifts.
"Dona Letizia was getting lost between the clothes of Macarena Ibarra and she fell down in the temptation of taking to a minuscule pink and white jacket and a white shawl of beak done to hand for the baby who waits."
" Though, for details, which had Maria Antonia Morales, who coincided with the Princess with the stand of Jordan and gave her the water flask of the Jordan that she had bought for her grandson, " but I go for other one, eh! I would delight that was baptizing the girl with it. It would do a lot of illusion to myself ", she appeared. "
" Curiosity Shop, place in that Maria still was laughing blushed because Her Majesty had helped her to choose a ring of rodio and crystal that Pilar Pazos was selling "
" Between a rain of plaudits, they were approached by Mónica Arredondo and Susana Lominchar, who gave Dona Leonor " a few bracelets that narrate the story of " Snow White ", " Three piglets " y " The Cinderella " "
" The Princess of Asturias ran up with her maximum weakness, the children. I joust to her side, Eva Acebedo was giving the baby bottle to her daughter Paula of one month, so she interchanged with her mother infantile opinions while the Princess was wasting all kinds of caresses to the baby. "
"And of the Embassy of Peru also they took to themselves to house a recollection, because the wife of the ambassador, Sara of Perez, gave them a Manuelito, that is to say, " a child Jesus of wood bathed with a cap of wax to the oven and painted to hand ", she explains. Besides, they gave an altarpiece to Dona Leonor with a small typical Christmas crib of the land and her mother bought her a jersey of wool arpillado to hand for Maria Isabel Cohi."