The Princess of Orange Jewels 1: 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Now that is how to wear a necklace with a cape, 10/10 no notes
Yes I agree it works very effectively with the cape!
modekoningin has an article about a red and green tourmeline ring of the Princess. It comes from the The Hague jeweller Steltman - which also designed her mother's engagement ring, wedding ring and the three rings she received for the birth of her daughters. It costs around 7750 Euros.

modekoningin has an article about a red and green tourmeline ring of the Princess. It comes from the The Hague jeweller Steltman - which also designed her mother's engagement ring, wedding ring and the three rings she received for the birth of her daughters. It costs around 7750 Euros.

Lovely, fun ring.
modekoningin has an article about a red and green tourmeline ring of the Princess. It comes from the The Hague jeweller Steltman - which also designed her mother's engagement ring, wedding ring and the three rings she received for the birth of her daughters. It costs around 7750 Euros.

Does the article say why they chose those colors for that ring?
I can only read English.
Does the article say why they chose those colors for that ring?
I can only read English.
There is some kind of link to the 'birth ring' that Máxima received when Amalia was born (which had Ruby and Diamonds) - but I'm not sure why Amalia picked green and red tourmaline for hers.
There is some kind of link to the 'birth ring' that Máxima received when Amalia was born (which had Ruby and Diamonds) - but I'm not sure why Amalia picked green and red tourmaline for hers.
There is some kind of link to the 'birth ring' that Máxima received when Amalia was born (which had Ruby and Diamonds) - but I'm not sure why Amalia picked green and red tourmaline for hers.
Thanks for taking the time to reply!!
Modekoninginmaxima has an article about a bracelet of Amalia. It is a gold-enemal bracelet of Hermes, of the 'Clic' collection. She has a black- and an orange one. Both were first seen in 2023.

Appropriately she wore the orange one at the Paris Olympics.

I guess it is a fitting bracelet for the princess of Orange.
In Máxima's thread there was a discussion about the Greek-inspired 'blue eye' bracelets that both she and her daughters are wearing in various forms. Below is what Amalia herself had to say about them (in the book 'Amalia' written by Claudia de Breij at the occasion of her 18th birthday):

In Dutch:
'Altijd een armband met het typische blauwe oogje, zoals je vaak ziet in landen aan de Middellandse Zee. "Niet dat ik bijgelovig ben, hoor, maar het is om je te beschermen tegen het kwade.' Dat kan nooit kwaad, menen we allebei. Bovendien doet het haar denken aan haar vakanties in Griekenland, en dat doet haar goed.' (p. 54)

Translated to English:
'Always a bracelet with the typical blue eye, as you often see in countries on the Mediterranean. "Not that I'm superstitious, mind you, but it's to protect you from evil." That can't hurt, we both think. Moreover, it reminds her of her holidays in Greece, and that makes her feel good.'
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