The Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The Friends of the Nationalmuseum have had guided tours at the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park.
"This week, two groups of members were treated to fine displays in the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park, beginning with the latest addition, Giuseppe Penone's "The Inner Flow of Life." Then they continued to the previous sculptures."
Sara Sandström, the executive director of The Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation, has been interviewed by Västerbottens-Kuriren. Parts of the interview, large parts of it tell about Sara's career before the Foundation:

The seed for the Foundation was perhaps already sown in 2005, when Galleri Andersson/Sandström started the Market Art Fair in Stockholm. Daniel visited the Fair and they talked about art and about the gallery's activities in Umeå. Daniel has a genuine interest in art, it's one of his three interests, next to work for children and young people's health in Generation Pep and young entrepreneurship in Prince Daniel's Fellowship. Victoria and Daniel visited Sara and Stefan Andersson at the Umeå gallery in 2014. They returned in the summer to see the sculpture park. An interest in creating something similar in Stockholm was expressed. Could you imagine a collaboration at the Royal Djurgården? Send a letter, urged Daniel, and we'll see. This was done and the Court called Sara and Andersson for a meeting which resulted in a collaboration for three years. The Gallery and Royal Djurgården Administration presented three exhibitions in the Rosendal area. That aroused enthusiasm for continued collaboration.
In 2019 it was difficult to arrange a larger exhibition because of a construction, but the idea was too good to let go, thought the court and Daniel, who called Sara and Andersson to a new meeting and presented the idea of a new, Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation. Continuing the private collaboration was impossible for the court. The offer to start the Foundation's work was presented to Sara, with the demand to leave the gallery. Being able to participate and create something from scratch was an incredible opportunity to continue working with what Sara enjoys.
The Foundation started from scratch with steady funding with the private donations. The first exhibition was one of the few events that benefited from the pandemic's restrictions. Alice Aycock's six works were exhibited in 2020, one of which was purchased for the park and laid a foundation for the growing sculpture park they have the ambition to build. The focus in the selection of artists is to find the most interesting, not the biggest names. An artistic council helps Sara and the board approves the purchases.
Accessibility and openness are the 65-hectare park's main assets, with 15 million visits a year. It is already a beloved place. For some the sculptures are a surprising bonus but when you place works outdoors to create a new significant cultural destination in the long term, materials and selection must not disturb the environment or the residents.
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Learn more about the biodiversity of the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park and Royal Djurgården with the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Biologist on-call Didrik Vanhoenacker leads the tour and talks about the insects and mushrooms living with the different species of trees.⁠
The walking tour will be held in Swedish, meeting on 16 July at 14.00.

The summer edition of Konstguiden magazine is available at the PREKS information kiosk and by Giuseppe Penone’s sculpture!⁠
The magazine includes a ten-page article and interview with Giuseppe Penone about his career and the new commission for Royal Djurgården. ⁠

At the beginning of this video all sculptures of the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park are presented.
The Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation publish ed a video of Giuseppe Penone's "The Inner Flow of Life".
It has Penone's interview and at the video starting at 6.46 is shown, how the sculpture was installed to its place on May 5. At 10.00 at the video Daniel comes to look the sculpture and meets Giuseppe Penone and the Foundation's executive director Sara Sandström. They look at the sculpture and Daniel praises it and says he likes the place and Penone tells that he found the place with Sara Sandström. After that the inauguration of the sculpture is shown.
Daniel participated today in The Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation's Board meeting at the Royal Palace.
Stupid question do the foundation name changes once Estelle becomes crown princess and then queen?
Stupid question do the foundation name changes once Estelle becomes crown princess and then queen?

We will see when the time comes, if there will be name changes for the Foundation.

Today there was an extra guided tour to the Sculpture park, the guided tours ended on September 1.
This year's programme of activities in the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park is now over and the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation thanks everyone who came to our guided tours and events this summer. They also thank this year's partners:

The Foundation's operations are expanding their outward-facing activities and the organization needs to be strengthened with a thorough and well-organized communicator and event manager.
Application deadline: 20 October 2024
Welcome to two lectures by Sara Sandström, Executive Director of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation, on 18–19 October at Umeå University during their annual academic ceremony.
On Friday 18 October, Sara will give the lecture "How art enriches our shared environment and our lives" (in Swedish) at 11:00 am in the Study Room at the University Library.
On Saturday 19 October, honorary doctors, professors and scientific laureates will hold their ceremonial lectures. Sara will hold the lecture "About art and communication - from Umedalen to Royal Djurgården" (in Swedish) at 9:30 am at Humanisthuset in the Hjortronlandet room.

The Foundation's communicator Katarina Jansdottir tells that the Foundation's artistic council makes proposals for artists, but the board decides who will get the assignment. They are now working on the 2027 work. She doesn't tell how much capital the Foundation has, but says that they have many generous donors. It has proven attractive to gift givers. Until now, only private individuals have contributed, but theoretically companies could donate.
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On Saturday, 19 October, Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation's Executive Director Sara Sandström received an honorary doctorate degree from the faculty of Humanities at Umeå University.
Daniel told at an interview at "The Year with the Royal family" about his interest in art and about the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation and the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park.
"I have always been interested in art and the interest has grown over the past 20 years. I've been to a lot of exhibitions. And then ten years ago I was asked to participate in establishing a sculpture exhibition in Djurgården. It would last three years, and the artist would change every year. My father-in-law, the king, thought it would be a good idea. It is in line with what the first Bernadotte did. He opened Djurgården to the public and wanted to invest in art. There are old statues in Rosendal. An art museum should have been established there, but it did not materialize. This is now a continuum to the first Bernadotte. The current king goes on, and I help.
The aim of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation is to establish a park, featuring world-class sculptures. The ones that fit right around Djurgården. There will be no entrance fee, but everyone can freely enjoy the experience. It's really interesting and close to my heart. In it, we can show what the artists of our time think. Every generation usually leaves its mark on art and culture, and this is our contribution."

Happy Holidays from the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation!⁠
The Artist of the Year in Princess Estelle Sculpture Park will be announced February 4.

Work with us!
We are looking for summer hosts with guide responsibilities for Princess Estelle Sculpture Park on Royal Djurgården in Stockholm for the period June 3rd - August 31st.
Daniel attends today a board meeting of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation.

The Foundation has updated its website and presents today the Artist of the Year 2025:
Monika Sosnowska

Past and present meet in the new artwork which will be inaugurated in the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park this summer. The Artist of the Year, Monika Sosnowska from Poland, is internationally recognised for her architectural sculptures that reflect a particular period of time or social structures in transition.
The commission for the Princess Estelle Sculpture Park is a large-scale, site-specific installation that links to a remarkable but almost forgotten royal history. The inspiration behind Monika Sosnowska’s monumental sculpture Museum, is a royal museum project that never materialised. (..)

Model of Monika Sosnowska's artwork Museum

What a wonderful history behind this new sculpture! That now Monika Sosnowska has been given the opportunity to use eleven of the marble pieces from the proposed Karl XIV Johan art museum in 1830 in her new sculpture. Almost 200 years later! Great to see how different all the sculptures are. The new sculpture will be places close to Rosendals Wärdshus Bistro and Café.

The artists are selected by the Board of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation assisted by the artistic council consisting of Ann-Sofi Noring, Member of the board of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and former Deputy Director of Moderna Museetin Stockholm, Elisabeth Millqvist, Director of Moderna Museet in Malmö and former Artistic and Executive Director ofWanås Konst, and Georges Armaos, Managing Director of Nordic Art Intelligence.
The Board of the Foundation consists of HRH Prince Daniel, Elin Annwall, Sara Ellfors Lang, Lena Josefsson, Staffan Larsson, Janne Sirén, Lars Strannegård, and chairman Johan Ericsson. The Foundation’s Executive Director is Sara Sandström.

The Royal Court:
A warehouse in Stockholm houses a number of marble pieces that Karl XIV Johan planned to use to build an art museum. However, the museum dream was never realized.
Now, the Polish artist Monika Sosnowska, internationally recognized for her architectural sculptures, has been given the opportunity to use some of the almost 200-year-old marble pieces to create the work Museum for Princess Estelle Sculpture Park.
Behind the permanent sculpture park is Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation, which was established in the fall of 2019 on the initiative of the Crown Princess Couple with the aim of promoting cultural activities in Sweden.
On June 3, HRH Prince Daniel will inaugurate the sculpture.

The Princess Estelle Sculpture Park expands
Two fashion entrepreneurs are giving Stockholm a new work of art as The Princess Estelle Sculpture Park expands.
The new work by Polish artist Monika Sosnowska is financed thanks to a gift from fashion entrepreneurs Elin Kling and Karl Lindman. The size of the gift and how much the work costs are not public. The cost is over SEK one million.
"We won't go into the cost. Both Elin and I are very interested in art privately. We came into contact with the Foundation and Prince Daniel and so we started getting involved in the Foundation’s visual form, such as the Foundation’s graphic identity. We then heard about the idea of a work of art by Sosnowska and started working on the idea”, says Karl Lindman, co-founder of the Toteme brand.
“We are also helping to finance the research on the museum that never came to be”, says Karl Lindman.

Elin Kling has been one of the inspirers/entrepreneurs at Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme for many years.

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