The Palais De Monaco

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Nov 8, 2002
The Palais de Monaco, home of the Monegasque monarch, is perched high on a headland overlooking the Mediterranean, in an old part of the original fortified city known as Monaco-Ville. Also known as the Palais du Prince, the building began life in 1215 as a Genoese fortress. It was used primarily for military purposes until the 17th century when Prince Honoré II began to transform it into a royal palace by expanding the structure and installing an extensive art collection.

In 1793, the principality was incorporated into France and the Grimaldis were removed from power. The palace was converted into a hospital and home for the poor and many of its valuable artworks were sold. After the family were reinstated following the Treaty of Paris of 1815, Honore IV began to restore the building, which had been damaged during the French Revolution, to its former grandeur. Work which has continued to the present day.

When Prince Rainier is not in residence, some areas of the palace are open to the public for part of the year. Highlights include a sumptuous Italian-style gallery dating from the 16th century which features frescos painted by Genoese artists, and an interior patio paved with three million pebbles which has as its centrepiece a magnificent Carrara marble staircase.

The palace also contains 15 other state rooms, including the elegant Throne Room and Florentine-style St. Mary´s Tower. Its south wing has been converted into a museum housing various Napoleonic paraphernalia.

Perhaps the palace's main attraction is the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard, which takes place daily in the Palace Square just before noon.

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The Palais de Monaco just looks great..IT has a nice view since it is overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.. I was just wondering if other palaces have swimming pool that are not situated inside the palace I mean outside..???? :)
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I'm confused.

There are two palaces shown above.

Which one is the "Palais de Monaco", and what is the other building called?

Isn't the white building at the beginning of the thread something connected with oceanography? and Jacques Cousteau's work?
Wonderful photos!

Yes, the white building with it's back to the sea is the Museum of Oceanography. Wondeful place.
The Museum of Oceanography is especially impressive when viewed from the sea. It was built by Albert 1st in the early 1900s.

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Posted: Jun 29th, 2003 - 4:35 am
Museum of Oceanography looks impressive from both the land side and the sea side. Can't decide which side appeals to me more.

Posted: Sep 28th, 2003 - 11:36 am
Are all the remaining pictures posted on this thread, taken from various sides?
Great pictures, Josefine! I hadn't known the palace is so big!
great pic
all i can say is wow!!! its so grand.
if i lived there my head would swell
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Julia, you posted a great photo of the palace ramparts!! The background scenery is breathtaking!
wonderful pic GrandDuchess
i espically like the lunch table room. they say pink is a relaxing color.
Photo 1. Main courtyard, staircases to Palace, and Palatine Chapel
Photo 2. Blue Room

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Photo 1. Throne Room with Albert
Photo 2. Throne
Photo 3. Prince Albert's chair in film set style..and Princess Grace portrait
Photo 4. Portrait of Princess Grace with Caroline and Albert

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Photo 1. Magnificent Hercules Gallery
Photo 2. same but with Prince Albert

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Thanks, Ianna! The very last picture of the Magnificent Hercules Gallery with Prince Albert on the mobile phone was definitely shot early to mid-90s. I remember those mobile phones that weighed 10 lbs!
I thought it was the 80s. Gracias a Dios that tehy have improved cell phones!
nice pics
the style of the palace seems to be middle eastern esp. the courtyard
do they have a lot of fancy dinners? if so, is there a formal dinning room?
I thought exactly the same thing. I wonder where did that influence come from. I am sure they entertain heads of states and the other important ppl that may come
Here’s the summary of Monaco Palace official site and some tourist agencies sites..Info about some Palace’s rooms..

The Italian-style Gallery running alongside the South facade with the luxurious frescoes by XVI century Genoese artists, depicting mythological scenes.
Some of State Apartments;
Ø The Louis XV Salon, yellow and gold.

Ø The Salon Bleu, a marvelous harmony of blue and gold, used for official receptions. It received its name because the walls are lined with blue silk brocade. In it are Grimaldi portraits, 19th century Italian gilt and the dazzling Venetian chandeliers.

Ø The Mazarin Salon, paneled in polychrome wood with arabesque motifs.

Ø The Throne Room, containing a large Renaissance fireplace, where historic festivals and ceremonies have been held since the XVI century.Throne Room is where all official ceremonies, such as swearing-in-of-high ranking state officials and some state receptions take place. Above the throne is the Grimaldi coat of arms and motto: Deo Juvante, With God's Help. Its floors, like all the floors of the State Apartments, are inlaid with Carrera marble.

Ø The Palatine Chapel built in the XVII century.

Ø The Sainte-Marie Tower, like the Clock Tower, was built during the Albert I‘s reign, using white stone from La Turbie. The Prince’s flag wings from the top of this tower when the Prince is in residence.

Ø The Main courtyard (home for famous summer concerts), paved with 3 million white and colored pebbled forming immense geometrical patterns, and its noble double-revolution Carrera marble staircase dating from the 13th century and inspired by a similar staircase at the Chateau of Fontainebleau.

Ø York Room so named because the Duke of York, brother of King George III of England, The marble mosaic table in the center of this room is the one designated to signing official documents. The room is furnished with ornate ebony Florentine furniture from the 17th century, a Boulle clock and royal portraits.

Ø The Officers Room is used by the Protocol Office to greet guests.

Ø The final room of the State Apartments is the State Hall, which connects the Palace's southern and eastern wings and leads to the dinning room and Royal Family's private apartments via a long marble staircase.

You can see some of these rooms including beautiful painting on the ceilings in a documenty you should be able to find in a library called The Princes Palace. They allowed the public to view some rooms for the first time. The formal dinning room is magnificent as the other rooms. And if you are looking to see Albert in it there is only a picture near the end.
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we have seen the throne room, lunch room but what about the tv room? i can think of nothing better than after a hard day & evening of work- than setting in your own tv room with a bowl of popcorn and southern style pop watching tv.
The private apartments of the Princes aren't generally photographed. However there are photos avaible in books at the library. Check the section on Princess Grace she was photographed in some of the rooms also when the children when young. I am checking Corbis right now to located some I know are there.

A Sitting room at the palace.

A picture of the living room also called the Grand Salon is in another thread. Above it is a study loft where Albert works. Its beautiful with golden Italian marble floors and fireplace his mother designed of sea stone from Monaco and from Grimaldi, the family seat in Italy. It has a double white sofa from New York. An eighteenth-century Chinese screen, cages of birds and plants as well as palms.


The Grand Salon

Orginally posted by Julia 01-27-03 Grace and Family Vogue 1971. Description is as follows. Golden Italian marble floors and the fireplace Grace designed of sea stones from Monaco and Grimaldi, the family seat in Italy. A double white sofa from NY, an eighteen-century Chinese screen stands behind a monk's refectory table. Cages with birds are suspended all about, with hanging plants and giant palms. Above the living room is a study loft where Prince Albert works. This room has basically stayed as Princess Grace decorated it as you see in this photo.
Gosh thanks your ladyship. Le palais de monaco is so beautiful. I think it is one of the most beautful palaces ever! So many styles and influences but so put together. Woudln't it be nice if we could stepo out of cyber space and actually visit le palais and other cool palaces.
who live were

does stephanie & her family & caroline & her family live in the palace?
Dare to dream and someone might hear and the angels will shine on you to show you the way.
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