After criticism of spouse name tags at the spring garden party, full names will be printed for all guests going forward, starting with the autumn garden party on October 30.
Full names on IDs at imperial garden party, and BBQ is back! | The Asahi Shimbun
Full names on IDs at imperial garden party, and BBQ is back! | The Asahi Shimbun
Proper name tags for all is the new rule at imperial garden parties following criticism that the first names of spouses of dignitaries and others of note were omitted at the last function held in spring.
The criticism was all over X after this year’s spring garden party where spouses were identified as “Husband of (wife’s full name)” or “Wife of (husband’s full name).”
Starting with this autumn garden party, the full names of spouses will be written on the nametags, the agency said.
The agency also said their full names will be written in the address of the invitation card.
The agency noted that overcrowding was not an issue and that it had decided to comply with numerous requests to serve jingiskan barbecue and yakitori from the agency’s ranch.