Idriel said:I'm totally bemused by your statement. The Establishment (and I would be very glad if you explain what exactly you mean by this) would not let the monarchy be weakened by a future King marrying a commoner?
The Establishment is usually considered to be the senior politicians, civil servants, royal advisors, aristocrats, bishops and archbishops, leaders of the armed forces, and other such people who form a tight-knit little group at the top of society.
And Camilla? Is she the secret daughter of the Queen of Sheba?
Now there's an interesting mental picture...
You really can't do more common than her (in every sense of the world) and she will be the next Queen (not bad for the daughter of a wine merchant).
However, her family (on both sides) is upper class rather than the middle class that Sophie came from.
Beside, I really think you're over estimating the power of the Establishment (whatever it means) over the BRF. It's not the 30's anymore. To kick off William out of the succession line, they will need a very good reason (and that would be a suicide for the monarchy to do so IMO).
Yes, I think the media is a lot more powerful than it was. We're way past the days when there could be gentlemen's agreements between the powers that be at the Palace and the editors of the majr newpapers to suppress or manipulate news. These days the editors seem to take great joy in embarrassing the royal family whenever possible, and there's going to be much less likelihood of the media and the Establishment