The Family of Queen Máxima - The Zorreguietas

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No, Regina - the man's name comes first! That's what they're head of the family for ;) So it would be Zorreguieta Cerrutti :) But that depends on whether the parents register the child with both their surnames, it's not automatic, as I think it's in Spain?

Yes, in Spain the father's name comes always first. As I can see, Argentina follows the same system. Thanks, Pooky! :)
In this link, you can see the Zorreguietas in an event they attended, at the National Museum of Fine Arts:

Resultados Google para Imagen

You can have a glimpse at the type of people they meet and their astounding combination of surnames (many different options with the Blaquiers, for instance)!

Very posh indeed! All those Blacquiers, Lariviére, and even Amalita, Gino ... :)Was it a costume ball or sth. like that?
According to the source, it was 'La noche de los sombreros' ('Hats night') LUCKILY!!
Tha party looks fantastic. I love the decor, with all those amazing and flashy hats!
Mr. Jorge Z. was yesterday at an official event in the Casa Rosada (Pink House - were the President and his ministers have 'their office') with the President, the governor of Tucumán province and many other members of the government and various chambers. This was held to announce that biodiesel will start being produced also from sugar. As the head of the chamber that takes care of its issues, he was there and made some statements for the press. I couldn't find pictures of him next to the President though.

La Gaceta - Tucumán - Argentina
An article on the anniversary of the Leloir Institute (for cientific research, named after Argentinian Nobel prize winner Luis Federico Leloir) features Angeles Zorreguieta, half - sister of Máxima (daughter of Mr. Zorreguieta and his first wife). The article points out her achievements in the field, and her succesful experience as part of the Institute (Leloir was apparently her mentor):


LA INFLUENCIA DEL MAESTRO . “La impronta de Leloir es trascendente en cómo podía manejar el lenguaje de los experimentos y ver qué rumbo tomar, materia en la que era evidentemente un genio, y ser a la vez sencillo” como persona, señaló la investigadora Angeles Zorreguieta, formada en el laboratorio de Leloir.
Zorreguieta se especializa en el estudio de bacterias, es hermana por parte de padre de la princesa Máxima de Holanda y tenía 25 años cuando desarrolló su tesis doctoral en Química, entre 1983 y 1988, dirigida por Leloir, quien no llegó a ver la defensa de esa investigación porque murió el 2 de diciembre de 1987.
Zorreguieta evocó que “Leloir fue mi director de tesis doctoral y viví como algo natural mi entrada a su laboratorio, donde él iba siguiendo mis avances, los discutíamos y generalmente, luego de pensar, venía con una propuesta” para seguir el trabajo.
“Fueron los años de mi vida más felices profesionalmente porque tuve un ambiente muy tranquilo y estimulante, y él estaba en la etapa culminante de su carrera, con todo lo que implica de sabiduría, de ver más allá de los resultados, con esa intuición que lo caracterizó para obtener lo que obtuvo”, afirmó.
Zorreguieta siente que el estilo del maestro la influenció en no vivir en zozobra por las dificultades del día a día: “Me dejó esa impronta de no ser muy ansiosa, pero claro... tener todos sus atributos es muy complicado”, dice.
Leloir “era muy de inventar cosas sencillas en la metodología de un experimento para solucionar problemas y gran intuición de dónde poner el ojo para investigar”.
“En el Instituto era crucial, porque imponía mucho respeto sin ser autoritario y se le confiaba la autoridad de tener la última palabra, aunque siempre dejaba lugar a una nueva opinión”, contó.
El científico no era tacaño pero detestaba el derroche, y de ello dan cuenta infinidad de anécdotas de sus colegas, que saben mentar un banquito que acompañó a Leloir hasta sus últimas fatigas.
“Era un banquito de mimbre que él no tenía ninguna necesidad de cambiar; era una persona muy generosa pero simplemente no veía la necesidad de cambiarlo, y hasta traía de su casa los frasquitos de perfume vacíos para poner todas las soluciones que usábamos en el laboratorio, donde se llenaban estantes con frasquitos diferentes”, recordó la investigadora.
La tesis de Zorreguieta fue “muy satisfactoria” porque logró determinar cómo se sintetiza un glucano, un polisacárido que resultó ser muy importante en la interacción con la planta o el animal.
Zorreguieta trabajó con la bacteria Brucella —que produce brucelosis, una de las enfermedades transmitidas del animal al humano más difundidas— e investiga las Agrobacterium y Rhizobium, “una nociva y otra muy positiva” porque hace una simbiosis con leguminosas como la soja que permite fijar el nitrógeno de la atmósfera y convertirlo para que la planta lo asimile y crezca.

I believe that it was Angeles who lived in England for a while too? She or her husband were teachers at a university I believe? Thank you for posting that Verde, there aren't that many pictures around of Maxima's half sisters.

Who is the 3rd half sister btw?
That is a very very flattering painting you have of Bea as your avatar, (off topic, though familiy of maxima ;))

I believe that it was Angeles who lived in England for a while too? She or her husband were teachers at a university I believe? Thank you for posting that Verde, there aren't that many pictures around of Maxima's half sisters.

Who is the 3rd half sister btw?
I believe that it was Angeles who lived in England for a while too? She or her husband were teachers at a university I believe? Thank you for posting that Verde, there aren't that many pictures around of Maxima's half sisters.

Who is the 3rd half sister btw?

In this article I posted previously (over Dolores Zorreguieta)

Historia de mujeres - Para Ti Online

Marta López Gil (Jorge Z.'s first wife) talks about the education of her three daughters - Dolores, Angeles and María. María is mentioned as an entrepeneur or business woman, and must be around 50 years old now (back in 2002, when this article was published, she was said to be 45).
According to this article, Angeles married twice: First to Mr. Fernando Galante (chemist, with whom she had two sons, Sebastián and Facundo) and then married to Adrián Vojnov (biologist), having a daughter (Ana) as third child. Vojnov got a scholarship in England, and she was hired to teach in Norwich as well. They moved to England in 1997 and came back to Argentina in 2001.
Article on Martín Zorreguieta's political activities in Villa La Angostura (the little city in the Patagonia where he lives and has two restaurants), published by Perfil:

'Máxima's brother got into politics, despite his father's role in the dictatorship'

Diario Perfil | Martin Zorreguieta en La Angostura - El hermano de Máxima se metió en política a pesar del paso de su padre por la dictadura

El hermano de Máxima se metió en política a pesar del paso de su padre por la dictadura

Tiene un restó “fashion” en la villa y otro, pequeño, en el Cerro Bayo. El hermano de la princesa Máxima de Holanda se sumergió ahora en la política: lidera un movimiento vecinalista con el que frenó la instalación de un casino y ganó la intendencia. A los de su partido les dicen “los chetos” por su nivel de vida y su actividad ligada al turismo de alto nivel. Martín Zorreguieta prefiere hablar poco de su padre, funcionario de Jorge Rafael Videla.
I translate the abstract:

He owns a 'fashion' restaurant in the Villa and another one at the Cerro Bayo's basement. The brother of princess Máxima of the Netherlands dived now into politics: he leads a movement of neighbours with which he stopped the settlement of a casino and won the city council. Those in his party are known as 'los chetos*' for their level of life and their activity related to high-level tourism. Martín Zorreguieta prefers not to talk too much about his father, member of Jorge Rafael Videla's regime.

* In Argentina, we call 'cheto' (in a bit of a despective way) to a man who belongs to the upper class, and whose habits, level of life and enviroment are not the most common or accesible to anyone.
Martín Zorreguieta is founder and vicepresident of the Unión Vecina Angostura Comunal, the party mentioned in the previous translated abstract.

In an an interview published this week in Noticias magazine, Martín admits that sometimes he wonders about becoming 'Mayor' of Villa La Angostura, but more certainly expresses his intention of getting a political position in the government.

He also admits that the press coverage given to his restaurant due to Máxima was considerable, and helped a lot (as his restó opened shortly after the wedding, in 2002, and despite the economic crisis :rolleyes:)
Martín Zorreguieta is founder and vicepresident of the Unión Vecina Angostura Comunal, the party mentioned in the previous translated abstract.

In an an interview published this week in Noticias magazine, Martín admits that sometimes he wonders about becoming 'Mayor' of Villa La Angostura, but more certainly expresses his intention of getting a political position in the government.

He also admits that the press coverage given to his restaurant due to Máxima was considerable, and helped a lot (as his restó opened shortly after the wedding, in 2002, and despite the economic crisis :rolleyes:)

Thanks Verde, but what is the Union Vecina Angostura Comunal?
I really hope to be wrong but I always had a bad feeling about this brother. I suspect he is a bit jealous of Maxima and I believe he will cause her troubles in the future. I hope to be wrong though.
According to the newspaper ´De Telegraaf´, Jorge Zorreguieta and other Videla government officials will lose the right to priveldged pensions that they had, this was decided yesterday in Buenos Aires by the House of Representatives. The pension was given to all old officials, and from 1981 to now they received an around 1000 Euro´s per month.

Though it isn´t customary to stop such things, the party of Pres. Kirchner thought it appropriate due to the nature of the Videla regime.
Thanks Verde, but what is the Union Vecina Angostura Comunal?

It's a group of inhabitants of Villa La Angostura (the small town in the Patagonia where Martín Z. lives and has his bistró) who gathered in order to claim certain things (for instance, they stopped the construction of the casino). Apparently, this gathering started gaining power and right now it is a political party, and their candidate for Major recently won the elections (not Zorreguieta, btw). Martin Z. is one of the men who started this group, and he is currently its vicepresident.
According to the newspaper ´De Telegraaf´, Jorge Zorreguieta and other Videla government officials will lose the right to priveldged pensions that they had, this was decided yesterday in Buenos Aires by the House of Representatives. The pension was given to all old officials, and from 1981 to now they received an around 1000 Euro´s per month.

Though it isn´t customary to stop such things, the party of Pres. Kirchner thought it appropriate due to the nature of the Videla regime.

Indeed, in this article from Pagina 12

Página/12 Web :: El país :: Diputados dio media sanción a la ley sobre los tickets canasta

it says that the members of the Cámara de Diputados (the Congress / Parliament in our country is divided in two: Diputados and Senadores - Senators - ) gave their approval to this initiative (it still needs the consent of the Senators, the other half). It only refers to the members of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983) - we had other military regimes as well, but the members of these others are not included.
Jorge Zorreguieta has now been officially designated as president of the COPAL (Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios), which as said before in this thread, is a chamber that gathers producers of food and beverages, a very powerful one.

This article was published today in Clarín newspaper (the picture is not really the best of Jorge Z., seems to have been taken in the street):

Zorreguieta asume como presidente de la COPAL

In the note next to the picture, it reads "Zorreguieta, sugar tycoon". And along the article, he is always addressed as "the father of princess Máxima of the Netherlands".
In the section "Reader's letters" of today's edition of La Nación newspaper, one of the reader's signs as 'Pbro. Rafael Braun' (note: Pbro. is the short form for the word presbítero, which means priest). The letter goes as following:

No fueron consultados

Señor Director:

"El doctor Eduardo Braun Menéndez falleció el 16 de enero de 1959 en un accidente aéreo.

"Hasta el último día de su vida, nuestro padre manifestó su desacuerdo con el modelo universitario adoptado en la creación de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA).

"Hoy, una profusa publicidad de la UCA promociona becas con su nombre. En representacion de sus ocho hijos vivientes, deseo informar que no hemos sido consultados para ello, y que tampoco hemos efectuado contribución económica alguna para solventarlas."

Pbro. Rafael Braun
LE 4.156.370

Cartas de lectores |
Last edited:

Were not consulted

Mr. Director:

"Dr.Eduardo Braun Menéndez passed away January 16th, 1959 in a plane crash.

"Till the very last moment of his life, our father claimed his discontent with the university model adopted for the creation of the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA)

"Today, a large ad of the UCA promotes scholarships named after him. On behalf of his 8 living sons, I wish to inform that we have not been consulted for it, and we also haven't made any economic contribution to support them."

Pbro. Rafael Braun
LE 4.156.370

I understand he is the same catholic priest that participated in the wedding ceremony, back in 2002.
From Descendants of José Antonio de Sorreguieta y Oyarzabal
------------------------------------------------------------------ Horacio Zorreguieta Stefanini (*1928), m.1st 1956 (div) Martha López Gil (*1935), m.2nd 1970 María del Carmen Cerruti Carricart (*1944)ía Zorreguieta López Gil (*1956)Ángeles Zorreguieta López Gil (*1958), m.1st Fernando Galante, m.2nd Adrián Vojnován Galante Zorreguieta Galante Zorreguieta Vojnov Zorreguieta (*1996) Zorreguieta López Gil (*1965), m. Harmond Grad Lewisáxima Zorreguieta Cerruti (*1971), m.2002 Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange (*1967) Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands (*2003)ín Zorreguieta Cerruti (*1972), m. Mariana Andrés Zorreguieta Cerruti (*1982)és Zorreguieta Cerruti (*1984)

So meanwhile María is married and Martín is divorced? Is that true?
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