A pity that non of the other siblings of Maxima came though. I wonder how the relations with her half sisters are. As they werent raised together I assume they aren´t all that close.
I found this interview to Dolores Zorreguieta, half - sister of Máxima (daughter of Mr. Zorreguieta and Martha López Gil, his first wife), from 2002:
Historia de mujeres - Para Ti Online
Translation of its main paragraphs:
About Jorge Zorreguieta: As she doesn't mention him, the reporter asks about her relationship with her father (divorced from her mother when she was 8 years old). She replies: "How is my relationship with him? I prefer not to make any comments on it" (
“¿Cómo es mi relación con él? De eso prefiero no hacer ningún comentario,”)
About Máxima:
'Máxima always liked art. Of course she's got paintings of mine in her palace in Holland. I gave her some of them as a present, and others that she bought. She helped me a lot while I was beginning. Before turning into a princess she was my maecenas [ patron, sponsor ], and bought many of my art pieces"
("A Máxima siempre le gustó el arte. Por supuesto que tiene cuadros míos en su palacio de Holanda. Algunos que se los regalé yo, y otros que me compró. Ella me ayudó mucho en mis comienzos. Antes de que se convirtiera en princesa fue mi mecenas, y compró varias de mis obras…”)
"-Are you bothered by the association to Máxima?
-It is understandable for all the world of fantasy that she generates, and I must accept it. But they also have to understand that one is not prepared for this. Her wedding had a worldwide impact, that has a great influence in me, and it wasn't my decision. Everything implied a big readjustment in my life."
–¿Te molesta que te asocien con Máxima?
–Es comprensible por el mundo de fantasía que Máxima genera, y tengo que aceptarlo. Pero también tienen que entender que uno no se prepara para esto. Su casamiento tuvo una resonancia enorme en el mundo entero, que influye mucho en mí, y que no se dio por una decisión mía. Todo esto implicó un reajuste bastante grande en mi vida.")
'Beforehand, I used to carry exhibitions, there was press coverage and everything was purely because of my art. However now I am exposed to a deal of interests that have nothing to do with the artistic value of what I do. That's a burden I shall carry for life'
(“Antes yo hacía muestras, salían notas en los diarios y todo tenía que ver, pura y exclusivamente, con mis obras. En cambio ahora estoy expuesta a una serie de intereses que no pasan por el valor artístico de lo que hago. Eso es una carga que lamentablemente llevaré de por vida.”)
It is also said that she suffered from press harassment when the relationship of Máxima and the Prince was discovered, since she lives in NY.