The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

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Although Harry won an apology and significant amount from NGN, he unfortunately didn’t actually “slay the dragons.” He said that he didn’t want a settlement, he wanted to test his claims in court, but that’s not going to happen now. While this is a victory for Harry, it also must be a little disappointing.

From the BBC

The parties tell the judge that the settlement and apology means that a parallel part of the case, concerning overarching allegations of general and widespread unlawful behaviour and an alleged cover-up by NGN chiefs, will no longer go ahead.

That means that Prince Harry has won a significant apology but the unproven allegation that there was substantial wrongdoing by the CEO Rebekah Brooks and others will no longer be tested.

Brooks was cleared of criminal wrongdoing in 2014 ad NGN has always maintained there was no cover-up as the police investigated the News of the World in 2011.

He also criticized William for settling. Probably, he realized that he doesn't have enough money to continue with these court battles.
Yep, and now Harry’s also settling for an undisclosed amount.
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Harry's "slay the dragons" mindset was not reasonable. If he was able to evolve from slaying the dragons but still held on to the point where he got the unprecedented, and what the AP characterized as a "remarkable in breadth," apology that he got as part of a settlement in lieu of going to trial, I think that is a good thing.

The sentence quoted below from the statement represents an acknowledgement, albeit a tepid one, that there was cover up activity, so I disagree with the BBC on that front.
It is also acknowledged, without any admission of illegality, that NGN's response to the 2006 arrests and subsequent actions were regrettable.
That quoted statement is so vague, it could mean anything. Harry’s goal was to expose massive cover up and unfortunately he didn’t. He did get an apology so that’s a win for him, but he honestly could have saved himself time and money and settled back in April when everyone else did.

As Justice Fancourt said:

The judge Mr Justice Fancourt tells the court it is “regrettable that this agreement has been reached” at such a late stage just as the trial was due to begin after huge resources have been spent of both public and private money. But that’s the parties’ prerogative.

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That quoted statement is so vague, it could mean anything. Harry’s goal was to expose massive cover up and unfortunately he didn’t. He did get an apology so that’s a win for him, but he honestly could have saved himself time and money and settled back in April when everyone else did.
For me, it's a massive win for Harry, Tom Watson and all the others whose lives were devastated. I hate what Harry and Meghan have done to the royal family but this is unquestionably a good thing and I don't grudge Harry a penny.

It would be amazing if further action were taken, re the dossier Watson and Harry are handing over to the police, but, alas, I doubt there can now be criminal proceedings. Still, a limited win for justice is better than nothing.
For me, it's a massive win for Harry, Tom Watson and all the others whose lives were devastated. I hate what Harry and Meghan have done to the royal family but this is unquestionably a good thing and I don't grudge Harry a penny.

It would be amazing if further action were taken, re the dossier Watson and Harry are handing over to the police, but, alas, I doubt there can now be criminal proceedings. Still, a limited win for justice is better than nothing.
I am pleased he settled, my fear was that his pride would keep him going. There are no guarantees once the case is underway and the costs would have been astronomical.
For me, it's a massive win for Harry, Tom Watson and all the others whose lives were devastated. I hate what Harry and Meghan have done to the royal family but this is unquestionably a good thing and I don't grudge Harry a penny.

It would be amazing if further action were taken, re the dossier Watson and Harry are handing over to the police, but, alas, I doubt there can now be criminal proceedings. Still, a limited win for justice is better than nothing.
I doubt there will be further action. If Harry and his lawyers really thought the dossier was a game changer, they would have gone through with the trial.
I’m actually surprised that Harry settled. He was so adamant about not settling, even when Hugh Grant and all the other claimants settled back in April. I wonder what changed?
I guess reality finally set in. He needs money.

He settled for the same reason everyone else did months ago imo. He just wasted more time and money getting there.

But he got there.
That quoted statement is so vague, it could mean anything. Harry’s goal was to expose massive cover up and unfortunately he didn’t. He did get an apology so that’s a win for him, but he honestly could have saved himself time and money and settled back in April when everyone else did.

As Justice Fancourt said:

If I were Fancourt J I'd be seriously pissed off.

PH has wasted a lot of public money too, as the judge says in the quote you attached (for some reason it didn't carry over above).

All to satisfy his delusions of "dragon-slaying" and his own vanity. IMO this shows how little he really cares about anyone else but himself - and he still won't be happy!
Right, what about slaying the dragon? Or exposing Murdoch? Or changing the media? And after making big fuss about his brother's settlement, he also takes "hush money"? or is it "hush money" when it's William? Oh sorry, when it's William it was "secret deal". Then should we expect Harry to disclose his settlement or he's also doing "secret deal" with evil Murdoch? And didn't Harry also say something about "doing it for so many victims who don't have money to bring their case to trial"? Does it mean he will share his settlement money with those many victims too?

Well, at least in William's case, his lawsuit brought a public inquiry, the end of a paper, and people sent to jail. So maybe ending his lawsuit with "secret deal" was not so bad.

On the positive side, Harry gets his apology. And seems like he finally learn to listen his team's advice since BBC News reporting that "NGN were surprised by the serious approach by Prince Harry for settlement in recent days" ("days", plural, so before yesterday). I wonder wether he gets a good deal from this settlement since it implies that NGN was in better position in the negotiation considering they had offered settlement since the beginning but Harry insisted to proceed to trial to suddenly changed his mind close to the trial date. (because if the deal was good, surely he'd accept it before trial date instead of dragging it to the last minute).
I am pleased he settled, my fear was that his pride would keep him going. There are no guarantees once the case is underway and the costs would have been astronomical.
I’m glad he settled too. I just wish he would have done so earlier and stayed away from making statements like this:

Harry and Watson previously resisted settlement offers, saying the trial was needed to ensure accountability for the Murdoch titles and executives.

"I'm the last person who can actually achieve that, and also closure for these 1,300 people and families," Harry told The New York Times last month. "I will be damned if those journalists are going to ruin journalism for everyone, because we depend on it."

Harry visited the Salinas Fire Department
I'm glad that he paid a visit but I'm surprised that he traveled 3.5 hours from Montecito to go the the Salinas Fire Department. Salinas aka the "nation's salad bowl" is near San Jose. Perhaps this is why it was difficult for his legal team to contact him yesterday?
NGN has released a statement: They’re saying the apology is for actions taken by News of the World back in 2006 and for unlawful acts by private investigators. They’re also stating that there were no unlawful acts by journalists at The Sun, nor were Harry’s voicemails hacked.

Today we have come to agreements with the Duke Of Sussex and Lord Watson to pay damages and to settle their cases. It is in the interests of all the parties to come to a settlement.

This statement is to clarify questions raised after the hearing.

It has long been a matter of record that the Duke of Sussex’s phone was hacked by the News of the World. Two people served criminal sentences for this in 2006 and an apology was given. Today a full and unequivocal apology is given to the Duke of Sussex for the phone hacking, surveillance and misuse of private information by journalists and private investigators instructed by them at the News of the World. Phone hacking at the News of the World was not due to be a part of this trial but it is a part of this settlement.

In the 1990’s and early 2000’s there was widespread use by the broadcast and news media of private investigators. In most cases, their use was for public interest journalism and to obtain information necessary for the purposes of journalism.

Today, our apology to the Duke of Sussex includes an apology for incidents of unlawful activities carried out by private investigators working for The Sun, not by journalists, during the period 1996-2011.

There are strong controls and processes in place at all our titles today to ensure this cannot happen now. There was no voicemail interception on The Sun.

It must also be stressed that allegations that were being made publicly pre trial (and indeed post settlement) that News International destroyed evidence in 2010/11 would have been the subject of significant challenge at trial. These allegations were and continue to be strongly denied. Extensive evidence would have been called in trial to rebut these allegations from senior staff from technology and legal.

After we served our skeleton arguments and evidence for trial including witness statements, the Duke has not sought to pursue these allegations further despite his stated intent and no admission or apology has been made in relation to this. This is significant. This matter was also investigated fully by the police and CPS between 2012-2015, at the conclusion of which it was found that there was no case to answer.

Prince Harry accepts 'substantial damages' in excess of £10m and a full apology from Sun publisher after six-year legal battle over claims of unlawful information gathering​

Published: 05:43 EST, 22 January 2025 | Updated: 08:05 EST, 22 January 2025

Prince Harry today accepted a 'substantial' payout from The Sun's publisher which said sorry to him and his mother Princess Diana for intruding into their private lives.

News Group Newspapers (NGN) offered an 'unreserved apology' to the Duke of Sussex for using private investigators to snoop on him.

A source quoted by Reuters said Harry's damages payout was in excess of £10million.


Didn't News of the World's editor had issued apology years ago?

News of the World's Coulson apologises

"I apologise unreservedly on behalf of the News of the World to Prince William and Prince Harry, Paddy Harverson, Helen Asprey and Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton for the distress caused by this invasion into their privacy," Mr Coulson said.

"As the editor of the newspaper, I take ultimate responsibility for the conduct of my reporters. "Clive Goodman's actions were entirely wrong and I have put in place measures to ensure that they will not be repeated by any member of my staff.

Can someone please explain how "it's not about the money" while dropping the lawsuit for 8 figure compensation? (IIRC, Hugh Grant dropped his case because he was warned it can cost him 10m).

And there's no criminal investigation by the Met. Maybe Harry need to submit his evidence first, not just allegations, so the investigation can start.

Didn't News of the World's editor had issued apology years ago?

News of the World's Coulson apologises

Can someone please explain how "it's not about the money" while dropping the lawsuit for 8 figure compensation? (IIRC, Hugh Grant dropped his case because he was warned it can cost him 10m).

And there's no criminal investigation by the Met. Maybe Harry need to submit his evidence first, not just allegations, so the investigation can start.

I have questions :unsure:
I'm not clear in the settlement amount in regard to taxes:
  1. From whatever amount he gets, will he pay taxes in the UK and the USA? :oops:

  2. Since Meghan is married to him and rejected to be a UK citizen, in California I recall his win is common property. Would she pay the USA taxes for income within the marriage? :cautious:

  3. And the big question on the money, would it be 'donated' to Archwell to make it a tax-exempt charity 'donation' they will have access to? Because if the later is done, isn't that called money laundering? :whistling:
I'm glad that he paid a visit but I'm surprised that he traveled 3.5 hours from Montecito to go the the Salinas Fire Department. Salinas aka the "nation's salad bowl" is near San Jose. Perhaps this is why it was difficult for his legal team to contact him yesterday?

In what capacity does he do this???
In what capacity does he do this???
I believe that he wanted to thank the fire fighters for their service in the Los Angeles Wildfires. There were teams coming in from all over the state to help battle the blaze. That included Santa Barbara Co. as well.
I’m actually surprised that Harry settled. He was so adamant about not settling, even when Hugh Grant and all the other claimants settled back in April. I wonder what changed?
As I said yesterday in a post, I wanted Harry to go on to the end, and hopefully win, but do it anyway. These newspapers have to be brought to account.

However, it is my belief Harry settled because the news group offered a full and unequivocal apology for the probing into his private life as a young man. Probably the apology wasn’t in place in April, and in fact on any previous occasion. That is what changed things, imo.

And he gets a substantial amount of money too. In excess of ten million, probably more! However, I believe he only settled because of this fulsome apology.

I believe that he wanted to thank the fire fighters for their service in the Los Angeles Wildfires. There were teams coming in from all over the state to help battle the blaze. That included Santa Barbara Co. as well.
Thank you for that information, TLLK. I’m glad that Harry decided to thank these brave (and no doubt exhausted) firefighters. As in my country every year there are huge fires to fight and they just go out and do their job.
And if John Doe wants to thank them he’s going to make it? And be on the instagram page for a “morale boost”?

They are feeding it and he loves it. It is like visiting that ship (was it a ship?) and given the salute in Hawaii all over again.
Holding out this long ensured Harry did get a larger amount than those who settled earlier. His legal costs will most likely be larger as well but I dont know to what extend.

Apparently, it was not until a few days ago that Harry was willing to consider a settlement and had his lawyers engage in negotiations about it. As the judge said, he would have saved the public a lot of money if he had done so earlier.
No he isn't, the. Several sources have reported he is still in California, which is being blamed on why the settlement talks with the Sun publishers have taken so long - both sides are blaming it on the time difference between London and California. The judge doesn't sound impressed tbh.

I was trying to understand the situation/... Prince Harry not only didn't bother to appear before the Court in person but also didn't give final instructions /decision to his lawyers... The whole case needed to be postponed after lunch team because he didn't bother to wake up earlier..... What a man ...
:unsure: How he can be taken seriously if he even doesn't bother to be present (doesn't matter in person or virtually) during a final settlement... Which wouldn't be ratcher for few pounds..... :bang:
I have questions :unsure:
I'm not clear in the settlement amount in regard to taxes:
  1. From whatever amount he gets, will he pay taxes in the UK and the USA? :oops:

  2. Since Meghan is married to him and rejected to be a UK citizen, in California I recall his win is common property. Would she pay the USA taxes for income within the marriage? :cautious:

  3. And the big question on the money, would it be 'donated' to Archwell to make it a tax-exempt charity 'donation' they will have access to? Because if the later is done, isn't that called money laundering? :whistling:
I find this series of question bizarre and intrusive. Harry and Meghan are private citizens and do not accept tax dollar from the public. They do not need to disclose their tax to anyone, unlike elected officials who needs to be accountable to the public.

Archwell as a charity has to file taxes and other paper works, but this is separate entity , completely different from the personal tax that Harry and Meghan must file. […]
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Harry was obviously prepared to go to court over this and to appear in the witness box and give evidence. It wasn’t necessary for him to be physically present while the two legal teams negotiated. I believe most clients would leave it to their lawyers at that stage. We don’t know if he appeared by video link.

There is a big time difference between London and Santa Barbara. People do have to sleep, whatever is going on. And Harry went yesterday to thank Santa Barbara fire crews for their efforts.

As it is, he has won a substantial damages settlement and also won a full and unequivocal apology for himself and for his mother, whom he saw as a boy being harassed by these rags’ reporters and by paps. I’d say Harry is pretty pleased with the outcome.

I believe he held out to the end for an apology for what these vile papers did and he got it. Let’s not forget, in this statement the newspaper group acknowledged that they had done wrong.
I find this series of question bizarre and intrusive. Harry and Meghan are private citizens and do not accept tax dollar from the public. They do not need to disclose their tax to anyone, unlike elected officials who needs to be accountable to the public.

Archwell as a charity has to file taxes and other paper works, but this is separate entity , completely different from the personal tax that Harry and Meghan must file.

Private citizens but not so private. Like with their royal connection, it is to be used when it suits them.
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As I said yesterday in a post, I wanted Harry to go on to the end, and hopefully win, but do it anyway. These newspapers have to be brought to account.

However, it is my belief Harry settled because the news group offered a full and unequivocal apology for the probing into his private life as a young man. Probably the apology wasn’t in place in April, and in fact on any previous occasion. That is what changed things, imo.

And he gets a substantial amount of money too. In excess of ten million, probably more! However, I believe he only settled because of this fulsome apology.
News of the World gave a full unequivocal apology back in 2006 though, so there has been an apology before. They even donated an undisclosed amount to charities of William and Harry’s choosing.

Harry claimed that journalists at The Sun participated in unlawful behavior and phone hacking, yet the statement NGN put out today denies that. They’re only apologizing for the NOTW hacking in the 90’s and early 2000’s and for the unlawful acts of a private investigator. So NGN’s apology today is basically the same one they gave in 2006.

A month ago, Harry claimed that the main reason he wasn’t settling, was because so many have been forced to settle and he wanted to fight for the 1,300 people that had to settle. He wanted to be their voice, or whatever. That’s why it’s surprising that he settled instead of going to trial.

Harry is definitely getting a nice chunk of money from the settlement, though it looks like it will be less than 10 million. A reporter said the rumored amount of 10 million would be split between Watson and Harry, so they’ll each get 5 million.
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