The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Instead of 'debating' the rights and wrongs of the duo and their actions maybe we should be concentrating on the poor souls who are living through this. We are giving the duo what they want and that is oxygen, I no longer wish to provide that, I am not sure what I can do in another continent but my prayers are with you all.

I think the fire victims need privacy not a camera crew gathering info for further exploitation. So sad victims can't go in and view the destruction themselves. I live in N CA and we were evacuated and couldn't go in and look and see if our homes were still standing, excruciating mentally. The S's are there for PR.
My thoughts are with you, I am not sure what I can do to help other than an ear or a message when things are tough. I am on another continent but I am praying for you,
Stay safe and sending prayers to those affected Soapstar and TLLK.

I'm all for celebrities helping - again there are many celebrities doing that right now given some of the areas effected. But in a way these celebrities are better suited as they have a better connection to the areas. Again, Jennifer Garner has also been helping with World Central Kitchen after feeling she needed to do something for the area she lives in and has done for 25+ years. Yet she doesn't need a mayor to accompany her or to have access to devastated areas where even home owners can't go. Nor did she have to drive 1hr40 mins to get to somewhere to help.

If this was truly in their local area whatever they did would feel more "real" and genuine IMO, but travelling so far to "help" makes it feel a little more thought out especially given they seem to have made sure to alert the mayor they were coming.

Again with them - maybe genuine intentions but poorly executed, IMO anyway.
What keeps puzzling me, and has puzzled me since they moved to the USA, is the Sussexes' level of access to civil authorities and the deference that civil authorities have for them. California is not a principality with the Sussexes as its princely family. Yet they keep being treated as royalty with an official public role, which makes no sense at all.
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do you think it is possible that a great deal of people are working hard in the background to help but are not splashed across TMZ to tell everybody what they are doing.

If the couple were "working hard in the background " and it wasn't publicly known or they weren't photographed I can only imagine how scathing the comments here would be.

Many celebrities and philanthropists have publicized how they are helping or plan to help.I could honestly care less whether they are doing it for publicity reasons or not. The bottom line is that help and aid are being given to those who need it. That trumps everything!
If the couple were "working hard in the background " and it wasn't publicly known or they weren't photographed I can only imagine how scathing the comments here would be.

Many celebrities and philanthropists have publicized how they are helping or plan to help.I could honestly care less whether they are doing it for publicity reasons or not. The bottom line is that help and aid are being given to those who need it. That trumps everything!
I actually do not care about them, their optics or anything else. There are more important things to bother about, they are not worth my oxygen.
The truly so nasty tenor of this situation makes me queasy. That Harry and Meghan didn't rock up to the closest rescue centre just adding to the traffic chaos of the rescue coordination, vehicles and immediate aid, and believe me, people who are subject to traumatic situations are distracted and uncoordinated anywhere let alone the roads). Makes sense, No!

That the photos from the DM show that they did not have their own camera crew in tow is a no brainer as it would be height of cold-heartedness not to mention, it would go down like the proverbial lead balloon and, there were enough media journalists, sound technicians and their accompanying hoopla that I am betting a lot were only tolerated to "get the actual footage out before it was bent and shaped into something it was not".

So, hardly a consideration the when the overwhelming need to help in some way, the very same feeling as thousands of people in and around the fires when making a first thought approach by Harry and Meghan was a no brainer. Oh no, we only believe the story that some very warped trolls are posting over the internet.

It just seems that if Harry, Meghan or the Sussex name is printed at something worthwhile there has to be some secret, underlying, nastiness involved. I sure that there are many friends and acquaintances are victims of these fires and any and all help and gratefully accepted.

Come on people, as many here know and are trying to say, is that not every thought in their heads is evil, with an eye for making money.
We are nit picking and finding fault with each others comments and there are people who have lost everything, I am ashamed I have spent so much time on here today, when I should have spent it with those I love, Nobody knows what is in front of us tomorrow, I live 3 miles from Dunblane....another tragedy...people left their house that day and their life changed. Let us move on, reasonable comment without finding fault.
We are nit picking and finding fault with each others comments and there are people who have lost everything, I am ashamed I have spent so much time on here today, when I should have spent it with those I love, Nobody knows what is in front of us tomorrow, I live 3 miles from Dunblane....another tragedy...people left their house that day and their life changed. Let us move on, reasonable comment without finding fault.
Well said. And hugs. :flowers:
Your prerogative, of course. However, this is the Sussex thread, and surely nobody is forced to post on this thread ever if they don’t wish to.
I think everyone is well aware that this is the Sussex thread ;)

And I don't think anyone is suggesting they are being "forced" to do anything; rather they are making a conscious decision to take a break and go and do something else for a bit. As I often do myself. It's healthy to do so. H&M are not (thank goodness) the be all and end of all of my life, or anyone else's I hope; simply a topic to enjoy posting about when people feel like it. It's when, and how this is done, that matters.

When H&M insist on drawing attention to themselves and behaving like the working royals they no longer are, the posts increase accordingly; as unfortunately, do posts that IMO are made by those who never post here usually and make no constructive or positive contribution to the conversation. The latter, happily, is easily resolved by the use of the ignore facility.

Otherwise, assuming H&M in their quest for attention and relevance will continue to do questionable and controversial things, it is vital to have a cut off point and say it's time to do something else instead. I concur with Hello Girl that there definitely is a point when H&M are simply not worth the effort, and it is time to focus on other, much more important and worthwhile things! As they say on all the gambling adverts here in the UK - when the fun stops, stop!

And we have read the many comments here from posters personally experiencing disaster and heartbreak as I write, and can deduce that they, both now in California and in past unhappy times such as Dunblane, have gone through an ordeal that cannot be imagined by those fortunate enough not to experience it. That said, I think I know how I would feel if I saw two irrelevant people wandering about over the ruins of my home for PR, when I was not permitted to go there myself. It is neither fair nor right, and understandably most frustrating to those who are suffering or have suffered in the past; they deserve our sympathy, and kindness.

I think the nail was hit on the head by the poster(s) here who mentioned that H&M represent no one but themselves, especially as they chose to walk away from doing the exact same thing for the UK and its people, which was their decision to make. I actually think it was the right decision, certainly in MM's case, but I do wonder if, in hindsight, both she and PH wish they had done things differently since they decided to leave. Five years on, I suspect they are finding themselves in a very different place from where they expected to be; and I'm afraid that is entirely their own fault. The question is, do they understand this?

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When we suffered severe bushfires here in Australia a few years ago, it was heartening to see “the helpers”, those kind souls who came from everywhere to help us out in ways big and small. Equally welcome were the financial donations and kind words sent from people in other countries. It’s incredibly difficult to explain how important that is to a grieving and hurt community. Sightseers, politicians and celebrities were not welcome (but came anyway). What can you do? Nothing. They had their own agenda, well-meaning or not. We focussed on our community, supporting, grieving and rebuilding lives. It’s all you can do.

It’s still early days and the threat over there is ongoing. I hope the communities can find their way through this hellish time. Those of us not in a position to provide physical support can still help out in other ways. My thoughts are with the people in California.
The truly so nasty tenor of this situation makes me queasy. That Harry and Meghan didn't rock up to the closest rescue centre just adding to the traffic chaos of the rescue coordination, vehicles and immediate aid, and believe me, people who are subject to traumatic situations are distracted and uncoordinated anywhere let alone the roads). Makes sense, No!

That the photos from the DM show that they did not have their own camera crew in tow is a no brainer as it would be height of cold-heartedness not to mention, it would go down like the proverbial lead balloon and, there were enough media journalists, sound technicians and their accompanying hoopla that I am betting a lot were only tolerated to "get the actual footage out before it was bent and shaped into something it was not".

So, hardly a consideration the when the overwhelming need to help in some way, the very same feeling as thousands of people in and around the fires when making a first thought approach by Harry and Meghan was a no brainer. Oh no, we only believe the story that some very warped trolls are posting over the internet.

It just seems that if Harry, Meghan or the Sussex name is printed at something worthwhile there has to be some secret, underlying, nastiness involved. I sure that there are many friends and acquaintances are victims of these fires and any and all help and gratefully accepted.

Come on people, as many here know and are trying to say, is that not every thought in their heads is evil, with an eye for making money.
The fact that the Sussexes actions, genuine (and i really hope this is actually the case here) or not, are seen now as highly suspicious speak volume about the couple's current reputation.

We can't deny that they have, obviously, a PR problem. A problem based on some past behaviour and let's say a strong tendency to love the camera a bit too much.

That's said if some genuine humanity is expressed above all the cynisism ( including mine) i say bravo and good for them. So much support is needed is this chaotic situation.

As always time will tell if all was done in good faith, or not.
That's said if some genuine humanity is expressed above all the cynisism ( including mine) i say bravo and good for them. So much support is needed is this chaotic situation.

As always time will tell if all was done in good faith, or not.
That's how I feel as well.
Whatever their agenda may be, they are at least trying to help.
I was wondering about one thing- in the footage we can see Meghan hugging one woman in grey t-shirt. Then when they are leaving the place the same person in grey t-shirt is following Meghan and Harry. Does that mean that she's part of their team and Meghan simply hugged someone who's working for them? Some of the posters in Daily mail article's section comments suggested that it was their PR manager....
Dear, dear Curryong, I was taught that the good is done without fanfare. When the Royal Family does something publicly (and it comes to mind William and Harry with sacks of sand during the flooding many years ago, William and Catherine packing goods with Fred and Mary at the Red Cross in Copenhagen many years ago, Harry in Nepal many years ago and so on), so when the Royal Family does it publicly they do it to represent the effort of their people. They represent every Brit who has done it, to underline the British effort, good heart and interests.
When Harry and Meghan do it publicly, they only represent themselves. For their own good representation. Pure PR. It is not even to raise money as they don’t accept donations from the public.
This is an excellent take, thanks. I think also it’s acceptable for politicians to visit disaster sites almost after a disaster happens, despite the risks, because it is critical that they see for themselves what the destruction has done to their constituents. More than the messaging of “We’re here for you,” I firmly believe there’s nothing like a leader showing up and giving top down instructions (with pros and cons provided by his experts) aimed towards providing relief and then solutions to the most pressing issues. Beyond this, it’s all PR.

I get that the Sussexes can’t help themselves with publicizing the things they do, but as always I doubt the impact and sincerity behind their actions. The problem with announcements on the things they supposedly have done is that they’re always vague, and
often ride on the coattails of some other, more established organizations. A lot of celebrities donated specific amounts of money or sent out x number of prepared meals to fire departments and evacuation centers and I’m fine with them or the Sussexes announcing these things. Announcing good deeds in these situations makes victims feel like there is collective help coming, that powerful people are thinking of them, and that they are part of a supportive community. However nobody needs to see celebrities’ faces in these chaotic places because there is literally nothing they can do. They are not royals whose job it is to be there, nor elected officials who need to do situational scanning to make the best decisions.
Personally I’m most impressed by Jamie Lee Curtis pledging a million dollars, or heck even the Kardashians buying hundreds of meals from an Armenian restaurant and having them delivered to fire departments. These are tangible contributions, and there’s no need for pap walks. Then again, with regard to monetary donations, I get the sense that Archwell is cash-strapped and not into donating themselves but instead raises funds for causes they’ve identified, which I still find strange.
People magazine quotes the mayor as saying they "visited with some of the affected families in some of the burned-out areas in Pasadena and Altadena," which seems to indicate that they were not in areas restricted to residents.

"They want to be as helpful as they can be … we visited with some of the affected families in some of the burned-out areas in Pasadena and Altadena. They took the time to meet the people that are affected and spent time. They’re just very caring people who are concerned for their friends and neighbors."

He noted that Meghan and Harry, whose Archewell Foundation has longstanding ties with World Central Kitchen and Andrés, visited the center "anonymously" earlier Friday.

"No one knew they were serving food with masks," said the mayor. Harry and Meghan’s appearance was not for "publicity," Gordo said, adding that they wanted to "work."

"We went to visit some of the families in the impacted area and view firsthand some of the impacted area and then they wanted to go visit the first responders and personally thank them for their efforts to help our families and their neighbors," he added.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Visit Eaton Fire Victims, Distributing Food and Supplies
How are they publicizing themselves? They are volunteering at a site. Not sure people realize this but there are news crews from all over the country filming what is happening. It’s not like they are bringing their own camera crew and photographers. They are partnering with WCK why wouldn’t they be there helping in their home state. And as for the royals helping out with the Red Cross etc of course they should. That’s their job. As for $ donations maybe they did . Who knows for sure.
People magazine quotes the mayor as saying they "visited with some of the affected families in some of the burned-out areas in Pasadena and Altadena," which seems to indicate that they were not in areas restricted to residents.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Visit Eaton Fire Victims, Distributing Food and Supplies
Harry and Meghan visited a community center where affected residents have been staying. So that what’s the mayor is talking about. They also visited the evacuation area.

TMZ has photos where you can see them surveying the areas that have been decimated by the fire.

That area is not open to residents. This morning at a press conference, they reiterated that they’re still fighting the fire and so the evacuation area remains closed due to safety reasons (downed wires, toxic substances, etc). Residents can’t even go up to get their insurance papers, or medicine.
Really? That's extraordinary. Why would local officials let them do that, visit areas not open to the public? What's the point? Why them & not some other random famous people? After all it's not as if LA is short on celebrities.

Mbruno mentioned upthread how peculiar this is, the way some US authorities treat M&H. I remember commenting in a similar vein when they visited NYC in 2021.
Harry and Meghan visited a community center where affected residents have been staying. So that what’s the mayor is talking about. They also visited the evacuation area.

TMZ has photos where you can see them surveying the areas that have been decimated by the fire.

That area is not open to residents. This morning at a press conference, they reiterated that they’re still fighting the fire and so the evacuation area remains closed due to safety reasons (downed wires, toxic substances, etc). Residents can’t even go up to get their insurance papers, or medicine.
It is this action that makes me angry with the city officials who allowed them to access these areas over residents. In the TMZ photos, they are walking in the remains of someone's home. All while there's an active fire situation still ongoing.
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It is this action that makes me angry with the city officials who allowed them to access these areas over residents. In the TMZ photos, they are walking in the remains of someone's home.
So, walking in the remains of a home that the homeowners themselves have not been permitted to access?
That's really awful and disrespectful of the city officials, there's no defense for that one at all in my opinion.
I was wondering about one thing- in the footage we can see Meghan hugging one woman in grey t-shirt. Then when they are leaving the place the same person in grey t-shirt is following Meghan and Harry. Does that mean that she's part of their team and Meghan simply hugged someone who's working for them? Some of the posters in Daily mail article's section comments suggested that it was their PR manager....

The woman was affected by the fires. She received hugs from Meghan, Harry, Jose Andres (whose World Central Kitchen has been a great help during this time) , and a fire fighter in the group.
See more here:
The whole thing's very strange. The reports are saying that they thanked first responders, alongside the Governor of California's wife and the Mayor of Pasadena. Why are they being bracketed with those two people? And then they were taken on.a tour of a fire damaged area. It's just weird.

Meanwhile, there seems to be no sign of these winds dying down. What a horrific situation.
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The woman was affected by the fires. She received hugs from Meghan, Harry, Jose Andres (whose World Central Kitchen has been a great help during this time) , and a fire fighter in the group.
See more here:

The woman she hugged is a volunteer, it says so in the article (the caption of the clip) and I believe so seeing as she has a badge.
The whole thing's very strange. The reports are saying that they thanked first responders, alongside the Governor of California's wife and the Mayor of Pasadena. Why are they being bracketed with those two people? And then they were taken on.a tour of a fire damaged area. It's just weird.

Meanwhile, there seems to be no sign of these winds dying down. What a horrific situation.
The winds are being forecast until mid week. So there's no relief yet. The entire Southern California region is currently a potential fire disaster. So the last thing we need are more fires to start in other counties. Especially in areas that are close to hillsides and mountains.
There have been at least 2 arrests made for possible arson acts. One in West Hills and the other was made in Azusa.
Southern California residents who are outside the active fire impacted areas are being asked to stay away.
In the 21st century, we all know that donations and charitable acts can be done remotely.
They are being roasted on X for being in the middle of the recovery efforts. They have no business being there, stopping people from doing their work. If Meghan wasn't so thirsty they, like thousands of other celebrities, would have donated quietly from the sidelines. But no, Madam has to be center stage. Newsom's wife going along with it just shows how out of touch with reality she and he are.

I'm 100% certain that this footage will end up being used for profit, whether through her cooking show, podcasts, who knows. They obviously had a camera person (probably their friend, don't know his name) following them. I can't believe how full of themselves they are, it honestly blows my mind.
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