With all due respect, we’re seeing images of the destruction in real time, so the Sussexes aren’t actually bringing attention to anything. There was no need for them to be given a tour of the evacuation area. They’re not elected officials. They’re not bringing awareness to the situation. They’re not bringing needed supplies to fight the fires. Their presence at the disaster area wasn’t needed. TMZ said they came with their team and I think the mayor, so this was definitely more of a private visit.
And I’m sure some people did appreciate seeing them, but most residents just want to go home. They want to go back to see if there is anything left of their lives. To grab mementos, or medicine (my friend is dealing with this right now). Yet they’re being turned away, while two private citizens are being escorted around town like they’re elected officials. It’s beyond infuriating.
Here is an article that talks about the frustration many Altadena residents feel.
Altadena residents get false notice to visit homes in the evacuation zone. The error comes as residents throughout the county get false evacuation alerts.
There is a time and place when it comes to visiting disaster areas. You don’t go when the residents still haven’t been able to process what’s going on. You don’t go when the area is still volatile. The Eaton and Palisades fires are less than 15% contained. It’s going to take weeks to put out them out. Our local news is saying the winds are going to strengthen again next week, which means continued fire hazard. It’s still a dangerous situation.
If the Sussexes insist on doing these faux royals visits, then they need to learn when it’s an appropriate time to visit a disaster area. Volunteering is fine. I applaud them for that. What I object to is them touring impacted areas before the residents.
Thank you, shady lady.
Exactly. It wasn’t appropriate time for them to go.
I really hope your family members are safe and holding up okay, TLLK.