Couldn't agree more. These people have their cake, and eat it, too. I wish I'd be paid to be flying across the globe, hobnobbing with the most glamorous and famous and interesting of people, just because of my meaningless <title>, AND get reimbursed AND get paid a sum that even the President of the United States could only dream about!!

These people have it made!!
Sad? If you mean that an inevitable companion of change is always some sort of nostalgia or wistfulness for what was..and for what never will be the same, then, sure. But sadness? Please. Let's not shed crocodile tears over these most privileged of all 6 billion humans walking around the planet today.
To put things in perspective:
Losing a child to illness, a crime or accident? That's sad.
Losing your job despite the fact you did all you could? That's sad.
Getting teased in school because you happen to not be like every other kid? That's sad.
Having difficulties to make ends meet despite the fact you are doing everything you can to make some good happen to you and your family? That's sad.
I mean, please. Just because royals pay PR professionals dearly to make US <believe> they have it so hard, doesn't necessarily make it so. This is one of my ultimate pet peeves with 'royals' today. The only thing these people are is descendants of bullies who won plots of land by, mostly, violence, centuries and centuries ago.
And still today, we are supposed to admire these descendants just because one of their forebears were war lords. Cause that's what royalty is, how it came about, make no mistake here. These people we call 'royals' are, to quote a famous business man, "members of the lucky sperm club.' And that's true, no more and no less. They are the lucky recipients of the worst kind of nepotism rules one can imagine in a modern world.
Sad? Their situation sad? Not for the life of them, it isn't. They are, for the most part--with a few exceptions, but again, only a FEW royals actually put in the effort to actually do something for their constituents-- ultra ultra lucky we mere mortals still bow for them and finance them sitting on their cushy thrones, that's what.