Three Things that are under Buckingham Palace
1. A Sewer (I remember in 2000, a special project was put together to exterminate spiders that we found there.
2. A Underground line (to take members of the RF to safety if the need arose)
3. A corspe (the Shah of Persia had one of his servants killed on the property and although they looked for the body, it wasn't found.)
17 Physical Percularities of the British Royals
1. Anne Bolyn was born with three breasts and an extra pinky on one of her hands
2. Queen Anne was very large and very short. Her coffin was nearly twice as wide as it was long
3. Queen Mary shrank as she grew older.
4. William the Conqueror was known to jump on to his war horse with full armour on - a deed which showed his great strength (poor horse)
5. Queen Mary was 4 inches taller than his husband William of Orange.
6. Catherine of Aragon's hair was so long in reached down to her ankles, she wore it loose at wedding.
7. Edward IV was said to be almost 7 foot tall
8. James I's tongue was too large for his mouth resulting in a speech impediment, his one leg was also severally shorter than the other and was known to constantly adjusting his codpiece.
9.Henry III had very large fatty eyelids, that covered the pupils of his eyes.
10. Queen Victoria had large bosoms, which she concelled in her clothing. She also instructed painters to make her look better. Oddly enough she later commented in her diary that Queen Alexander, her daughter in law was as "flat as a board"
11. Queen Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror was 4 feet and 2 inchs. Charles I was 4 foot 7 inches.
12. The Queen Mother's shoe size was 3 and a half.
13. King Edward I leg's were short, but the matter was made worst by the fact that his arms were over a yard long.
14. Henry VIII was so large a special pulley was constructed to help put him on the saddle.
15. Edward the Confessor was an albino.
16. William of Orange was rumoured to be a hunchback. His father in law, George II also noted that he resembled a baboon rather than a man.
17. Princess Andrew once remarked that Prince Andrew, like Prince Philip both hunched their shoulders and picked up their eyes when something excited or confused them.