The 30th birthday - 14 July, 2007

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Aug 21, 2005
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Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden turns 30 this year!

For many upon reaching this magical age, its a time to reflect on times past as well as a time to look forward to life's new opportunities.

At the present time, no official plans have been announced, but when they are, please check here for more information. As such, this thread will be closed until we get closer to the actual event.

In the interim, please join The Royal Forums in wishing HRH Crown Princess Victoria a :flowers: Happy 30th Birthday:flowers: as we look back on past birthday celebrations!
On 14 July H.R.H. the Crown Princess celebrates her birthday. The day starts with a tribute at the Royal Palace in Stockholm and will continue in the afternoon and evening with celebrations at Solliden and Borgholm, Öland.

The day's activities are listed below:

10:30 am: Reception for representatives of Riksdag (Parliament) and Government
11:30 am: The gates of the West Vault open to let in the public for the military tribute in the Inner Courtyard (Inre Borggården)
12 noon: Gun salute being fired from Skeppsholmen Island
12:10 pm: Military tribute in Inner Courtyard (Inre Borggården) with the Swedish Armed Forces Orchestra

Congratulatory lists: All of those who wish to congratulate the Crown Princess on her birthday can sign the congratulatory lists in the West Vault at the Royal Palace from 11:30 am — 3 pm

Programme for celebrations at Solliden and Borgholm, Öland
Approx. 4 pm: Tribute from the general public in Solliden´s park, Öland
7 pm: Victoria Day celebrations at Borgholm´s sports arena

Practical information about photo opportunities for the media at H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria´s birthday on 14 July
Press ID is required for admittance at the photo opportunities mentioned below:

The Royal Palace in Stockholm:
Tribute in Inner Courtyard Photo opportunity. Gathering of press photographers at the South Vault, 11:45 am
Solliden´s park, Öland:
Tribute in the park Approx. 4 pm – Photo opportunity

Victoria Day celebrations at Borgholm´s sports arena 7pm – Special accreditation is required for entrance to Borgholm´s sports arena.
I look forward to this celebration. She is turning 30 a very accomplished woman and a true portrait of a modern day princess.

I hope she realizes all her dreams in the coming decade.
SVT will broadcast an special interview with Victoria

SVT1 /July 13/ 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Wonderful to be 30! Or a 30 years crisis? Crown Princess Victoria is talking with Victoria Dyring about her thoughts on her birthday and the hard, but pleasant life as crown princess.

As not other to expect the press has very special gifts for Victoria´s 30th birthday. Wonderful articles and columns on age, marriage and fertility. Here is the first column, translated by me. I´d hope many more would come

Poor Royal

Crown Princess Victoria is going to turn 30. On the 14th of July she will be forced to show up on Öland with a sausage on her head and to look happy, happy, happy.

30 years. That´s factualy described as young middle age. 30 years and no child.

What are actually the king and Queen thinking about that? I´m understanding nothing. In history a Royal house all the time had only one task: to reproduce themselves.
Queens have been decapitated and repudiated out of the inability of getting pregnant. We can indeed say, that there is these days no need for a future king or queen to get children, but just imagine: a Royal family without little princesses and princes? So...meaningless!

And here we have Vickan. Young and dazzling and steaming of fertility. Year by year (the same)

But now she is 30. A woman´s body - which has no clue about not living in the stone age anymore - is most fertile in between 18 and 24. After 30 fertility goes down and after 35 even drastically

I am wondering again, why doesn´t she marry? Is the thought of a child with Ockelbo genes so repugnant, that the king is simply hoping, that his daughter´s eggs would shrink away, if one would be lucky enough to postpone the wedding long enough?

Or does he want, that Carl Philip would produce Bernadotte heirs. Daddy King is known for not having been glad about the change of the succession law, when his children were little.

Strange that is. How long have they been together now - the princess and the gym owner? Definitely many years. Only naturally, that they wanna create a family!

What else can one do in a relationship going on year by year? Working out together in a gym doesn´t do it.

And look at the Royal families in remaining Europe: Mary, Mette Marit and Maxima. Crown Princesses, who just spurt babies out

But Victoria, she still has to go with being a godmother, or a bridesmaid at a wedding. Poor rich 30 year old.
Hmm......her siblings can't marry until she does, and the Firm doesn't approve of Daniel. I'm guessing no grandkids for a while. But Happy Birthday Princess Vicky! I can't believe she's going to be 30 - that makes her 2 years younger than me. I thought she was younger than that.
Sounds like an exciting day! I can't wait to see lots of photos from the events on Crown Princess Victoria's Birthday!
Oh please. Here we go again with all the marriage, age, babies articles and remarks. Geez. Poor girl. If I were her, I would dread having a birthday every year for these reasons alone. Why can't they just leave her alone I wonder? I know her country wants to see her get married and have kids. I mean, heck, I'm not even Swedish, but I would love to see her get married and have kids.
But it is such a personal decision. I would not want her to get into anything that she did not want. I would wish for her to get married because she wants to and the time is right for her to do it. It's her life after all. And I would rather see her get married and stay married than to get divorced.
And as for the baby thing....Sheesh! Ladies now a days are having babies at all ages. I had my daughter when I turned 33! Other CP's are in their early to mid 30's and having babies. So what.
I just wish she could have a normal birthday and celebrate in the normal way with out all the desparaging remarks from the press/media.
30 is a great age!! She has a lot to look foward to!
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Lena, what an impressing article you've translated for us! Poor royal. That's exactly what I think about her. Poor Victoria.
Well Victoria doesn't even look 30.

To me she looks a lot younger... So there! :)
I'm just going to ignore that article on "Poor Victoria" and concentrate on the joy of her 30th birthday. Was anyone able to confirm that "The Firm" doesn't approve of Daniel?
Do anyone who is invited to sing on that day (is it really P.Diddy)?
To me, Victoria doesn't seem 30. She still seems young and vibrant, like a 24-year-old. Will this be a bigger celebration than her other birthdays, or the same?

And about that article- Victoria will have kids someday, whether she's 33 or 40, she'll have them.
Do anyone who is invited to sing on that day (is it really P.Diddy)?

Hadn´t heared about that... but I´ve read somewhere that Lionel Richie had been invited once again. On the website there is just swedish artists mentioned so far
I am so happy for CP Victoria. 30 is a big milestone and she has shown she is a confident woman. The marriage and babies thing is horrible. I imagine when she marries and with whom ever, she will start a family soon after.
To me, Victoria doesn't seem 30. She still seems young and vibrant, like a 24-year-old. Will this be a bigger celebration than her other birthdays, or the same?

And about that article- Victoria will have kids someday, whether she's 33 or 40, she'll have them.

Oh, well...why do you said she still seems young? I AM young and I have 35! :ROFLMAO:

As for the kids things...Hummm. Hope she will have them, but people nowadays tends to marry more and more belated in life, and this is a bad thing. If this one was an isolated case I wouldn't say nothing, but it's almost the general rule.

30th birthday comes so soon! In Royal Palace there is very interesting and beautiful exhibition about Victoria - I watched it so long that my friend became impatient. I think that Victoria have some years until marriage and having children but ofcourse Swedish people wait this very much. Anyway I hope Victoria will have beautiful birthday and she'll enjoy it!
In reply to Vanessa in particular:
I wish that everyone would seperate the occasion of CP Victoria turning 30 from the issue of her getting married with children... I know that media-wise this is a lost cause already.
But Queen Silvia first got married at age 32, turning 33 later that very same year and forever after, nobody has found any reason to complain either about the fact that she's older than The King or that she married him at that age, the marriage seems to be stable after more than 30 years and they obviously have three great children...
So I don't have a clue what would be 'bad' about women marrying in their early thirties. In a way, Queen Silvia was ahead of her time back in 1976, and nothing should be wrong with it now.
Let's just enjoy the upcoming celebrations and not criticize CP Victoria for not being married yet because it simply doesn't make much sense IMO.
I am admiring all, who can still face this 5-6 years of relationship with patience, understanding and current socio-cultural observations :D

IMO Silvia´s and Victoria´s situations aren´t comparable. If things wouldn´t have worked out after the 3.5 years of dating with Silvia, the king could have still hunted for a young woman (again) It was always the king´s decision and he also could have done a "Lennart Bernadotte"...then we would now be happy about cute little bebisar at the Swedish court :wub:

Back to the Jenny Alexandersson (Journalist at Svensk Damtidning, the one who is following Victoria mostly) told in an interview on the radio, that she is thinking, that foreign Royals (she seems pretty sure about the Danish and Norwegian ones) would come as well.
Besides she has done an special extra edition of Svensk Damtidning for Victoria´s birthday.
Jenny is also hoping, that Daniel would appear in public at the bday (me hasn´t that as option. After about 4 false alarms even the slowest Lena has given hope up :rolleyes:)
Please, let us in the swedish people and victorias family celebrate her 30:th birthday whithout any talk about wedding and children!
It is a thread about Victoria and Daniel so this descision can continue there. Thanks.

It looks like the birthday will start with traditional military celebrations and the governments congratulate in Stockholm and later in the day continue with the Victoriaday on Öland.
Please, let us in the swedish people and victorias family celebrate her 30:th birthday whithout any talk about wedding and children!
It is a thread about Victoria and Daniel so this descision can continue there. Thanks.

It looks like the birthday will start with traditional military celebrations and the governments congratulate in Stockholm and later in the day continue with the Victoriaday on Öland.

Oh come on...the 30th bday of an unmarried woman is nearly all over the world a reason to adress this matter. (Nearly) All have to go through that.
I am agreeing, that it shouldn´t overshadow everything...but a little teasing should be allowed ;)
The way Victoria´s 30th bday would be celebrated by her family, we wouldn´t get to see anyway. That´s all her private matter.
We would get the good old Öland show, that is every year the same.
This year there is also a little show at Sthlm. Nice, but nothing one can discuss any further.
And on July 14th (and 15th) the pics would then speak anyway. But I dunno, what one should discuss until then.

But one can always turn to the guests. Who do you think would come? Is there really a chance for foreign guests? Wouldn´t that be already somehow confirmed.
The Farr40 schedule let me doubt, that Frederik would show up.
Hola magazine releases this article on Victoria (talking about an interview she gave to the swedish news agency TT)

The CP declares that she does not feel pressured to get married and have children. Also mentions that she understands the difficulties, for someone who hasn't been born a royal, to getting adapted and embracing that way of life (obviously referring to Daniel).


I am strongly opposed to the why-are-you-not-married-yet type of comments and I sincerely hope that this is the last statement Victoria has to make over that subject (sadly, i am not really optimistic about this happening).

Actually, I would like her to remain unmarried for some more years, too see if the press finally gets bored and stops talking about the same subject. May Victoria have a happy birthday.
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I don't know if anyone has seen these, but they a BEAUTIFUL!!:flowers: I don't have an account so I can't make them bigger, sorry.
Victoria/30th Birthday Portrait Pictures
Photos from "isifa"
(If someone has an account maybe they can post bigger pics)
I don't really like them. WHY did she wear BLACK? She looks like a nun! White suits her soooo well...
Was this an interview for television or for a magazine? Does anybody know what she said?
VG has some of the interview: Ingen 30-årskrise for Victoria

Some of the interesting points.

* She doesn't feel pressure to get married, and to get a family together.

* No plans of an engagement exist.

* The first time she saw a cell phone with a camera, showed to her on a studyvisit, she thought of how horrible they were and not fantastic as had likely been the intention of the person showing it to her.
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