Swedish State Visit to Thailand: February 25-March 1, 2003

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Nov 8, 2002
from expressen.se

Kungaparet har landat i Bangkok

Röda mattan var inte bara utrullad, den var sopad också.
När thailändska kungahuset är värd för det svenska statsbesöket lämnas inget åt slumpen.
På tisdagen landade kungen och Silvia i ett hett Bangkok

De klev ut ur planet på Bangkoks militärflygplats när solen stekte som värst. Kvar i planet, ett reguljärflyg från Singapore, satt häpna passagerare som först upptäckte att de landat på fel flygplats och sedan tvingades vänta på att den kungliga välkomstceremonin var klar.
Drottning Silvia bar en citrongul dräkt och hennes värdinna drottning Sirikit hade en lång duvblå sidenklänning. De båda drottningarna fick skydd mot solen i en för dagen särskilt uppbyggd paviljong i guld draperad med de svenska färgerna.
Där fick de sitta och småprata medan kung Carl Gustaf och kung Bhumibol inspekterade hedersvakten, cirka hundra vakter som stod i stram givakt.
En militärorkester spelade båda ländernas nationalsånger och det sköts hederssalut så att krutröken bolmade.

Jasminer och rosor
På plattan befann sig socialministern Lars Engqvist, Sveriges ambassadör i Thailand Jan Nordlander och andra företrädare för diplomatkåren och hovet.
Efter ungefär en kvart ute i hettan gick det kungliga följet in i den luftkonditionerade hallen där thailändska flickor strödde jasminblommor och rosenblad framför deras fötter.
- Det var den pampigaste välkomstceremoni jag har varit med om, säger statsfrun Louise Lyberg.
Hon har en del att jämföra med. Det här är hennes 27:e statsbesök och det tolfte utomlands.
Kungligheterna tog plats i gräddvita Rolls-Royce och körde i parad in mot centrala Bangkok. Stora delar av stan var avstängd för att kortegen inte skulle fastna i de vanliga bilköerna.
Kungen och Silvia fick se sig själva på gigantiska bilder runt om i staden. Alla inramade i guld.

"Thailand ligger oss varmt om hjärtat"
Guld i massor finns det också på det magnifika palatsområdet, Grand Palace, där kungaparet fick en rundvandring. De besökte templet med Smaragdbuddhan, som sitter omgiven av så mycket guldprakt att man blir bländad.
Dagen avslutades med en stor välkomstbankett i Chakri Throne Hall.
Där höll kung Carl Gustaf tal.
Han framhöll de goda förbindelserna mellan Sverige och Thailand som går långt tillbaka i tiden både politiskt och ekonomiskt.
- Thailand ligger oss varmt om hjärtat, sade han.
Sverige och Thailand strävar mot samma mål, ansåg kungen.
- Vi verkar gemensamt för fred, strävan efter tolerans, respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och andra demokratiska värden. Samtidigt strävar vi efter högre välstånd för de mindre lyckligt lottade, sade han.
Och så höjde kungen glaset för att utbringa en gemensam skål till den thailändska kungafamiljens ära.
picture 1, 2, from www.expressen.se

picture 3 from http://www.svd.se

from http://story.news.yahoo.com/news

Swedish king and queen arrives for Thai visit

BANGKOK, Thailand - Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia arrived in Thailand on Tuesday for a five-day state visit to boost bilateral ties at the invitation of the Thai monarchy.

King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia were welcomed by Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Sirikit and Crown Princess Sirindhorn after landing at Bangkok's military air base. An honor guard saluted the royal couple and a military band played the Swedish national anthem.

Bangkok Mayor Samak Sundaravej later presented King Carl Gustaf with a key to the city at a ceremony attended by municipal officials.

On Wednesday, the Swedish monarch is scheduled to take part in a seminar at Bangkok's Thammasat University on Sweden's and Thailand's roles in their respective regions.

The royal couple will also inspect several development projects receiving Swedish assistance, and attend several events highlighting Swedish culture.

Their trip will include a journey to the northern Thai provinces of Sukhothai, Phitsanulok and Chiang Rai.

The Swedish king has paid personal visits to Thailand several times in the past. Most recently, the king, honorary chairman of the World Scout Foundation since 1977, attended the World Scout Jamboree in eastern Thailand in January.


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from http://www.nationmultimedia.com

IN BRIEF: Arts and issues mark tour of Swedish king and queen

Published on Feb 25, 2003

King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden will today begin a five-day state visit to Thailand at the invitation of Their Majesties the King and Queen.

Their programme will include visits to Bangkok, Phitsanulok, Sukhothai and Chiang Rai.

In connection with the royal visit, three seminars - on the environment, healthcare and Thai exports to Sweden - will be held tomorrow at the United Nations Conference Centre. Four cultural exhibitions will be held at the same venue as well as at the Conrad Hotel, Chulalongkorn University and Chiang Mai University.

Two Swedish artists, saxophonist Johan Stengard and pianist Andreas Landegren, will also give performances, at which Anna Lindh, the country's minister of foreign affairs, will represent the Stockholm government.

Judge urges landfill closure

A judge yesterday submitted an advocacy statement calling for the closure of a landfill site in Samut Prakan on the grounds that provincial authorities had wrongfully issued a permit for it despite zoning laws.

Arguing on behalf of Rajathewa residents, Judge Panupan Chairat urged the Administrative Court to revoke the permit.

The statement said the permit had been issued wrongfully for a residential area.

It said landfill contractor Pairojsompong Panit Co had dumped 3.5 million tonnes of garbage at the site since 1999, showing reckless disregard for health and zoning laws.

The court will hand down a verdict on Friday.

Ministry to seek Cabinet approval

The Agriculture Ministry plans to seek Cabinet approval for field tests of controversial genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

A Cabinet resolution prohibits field tests and other activities involving GMOs due to their unclear impact on the environment. Only laboratory tests are allowed.

"[The resolution] limits the development of the potential of Thai farmers and impedes Thailand's ability to compete with other countries," Agriculture Minister Sora-at Klinprathum |said yesterday. "Lab tests won't show us the real impact of GM crops."

Anti-GMO groups, including Greenpeace Southeast Asia and BioThai, scheduled a press conference today to oppose Sora-at's proposal.

What you see is how you're treated

Don't be surprised if next time you visit a private hospital you see a notice board displaying service charges or a large photo together with the name of the doctor on his office door, rather than just a nameplate.

These are examples of measures that all types of medical institutions must comply with, as laid out by nine ministerial announcements that came into effect yesterday, said Dr Narongsak Angkhasuwaplala, director of the Health Services Support Department.

The Public Health Ministry announced six months ago that it would enforce the measures to step up consumer protection in healthcareThe move is aimed at standardising hospitals and clinics, particularly those run by private operators, in terms of building facilities, equipment, service quality and professional codes of conduct.

Remember your roots

An action group on media freedom yesterday "reminded" two Thai Rak Thai MPs that they used to be broadcast journalists and urged them to halt their attempts to restrict the freedom of broadcast media.

The Campaign for Popular Media reminded Chon Buri MP Chakkraphand Yomchinda and Bangkok MP Sansanee Nakpong that they had been TV journalists before entering politics.

Chakkraphand and Sansanee have proposed a bill that would require the establishment of an ethics council for broadcast journalists.

They made the proposal after a radio news programme aired comments by Deputy Prime Minister Purachai Piumsombun attacking Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Purachai's aides later said the comments had been off the record.

Supinya Klangrong, a coordinator of the group, said Chakkraphand and Sansanee should halt their attempt to restrict the freedom of their former fellowjournalists.

Supinya said her group would write to Thai Rak Thai chief adviser Snoh Thienthong this week calling on the party not to put the bill to the House.

pictures from www.polfoto.dk


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Thanks for the posts Josefine, some wonderful photographs.

HM King Carl XVI Gustaf is wearing the

HM Queen Sylvia has been presented with the

Does anyone know of an online site which lists the orders that have been presented to members of the Swedish royal family?




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Queen Silvia and King Carl Gustaf visited the Baan Chivit Mai orphanage. They take care of orpheans, children with aids and drug addicts.
this was not long ago and now thwy will go back again
to thank thiland that they did all they could for the swedish people
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