My opinion is there is nothing odd between them. Albert is protective over both his sister's.
Larry King Live interview Albert's own words.
PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah. Caroline is a year older than me.
KING: Forty-one. And Stephanie?
PRINCE ALBERT: And Stephanie is seven years younger.
KING: Are you close?
PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah, yeah. You know, sometimes the press says, oh, I'm closer to Stephanie because I'm closer in age, or that I spend more time with her. But I'm equally close to Caroline as I am to Stephanie. As an older brother, I felt as though I had to keep a closer eye on her and had to take care of her more. And it turned out that I didn't have to take care of her.
KING: How did they deal with their mother's death?
PRINCE ALBERT: You know, in different ways. They have different characters, but they were both equally shattered. Obviously, Stephanie was in the accident with mom, so...
KING: Recovered completely, right?
PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah. But, you know, I don't think the mental scars will ever completely heal for her.
KING: Was Stephanie conscious when her mother died?
KING: Do you know what that might have done to her?
PRINCE ALBERT: I can't even begin to imagine. You know, we have talked about it a little bit, but it was hard for her to talk about it in the beginning, and it will probably, you know -- It's such an incredible tragic moment that it's hard for us to fathom it.
Since it is Hallow Even (Eve) referring to the fact that is occurs the evening before All Saints' Day, which in England was formerly called All Hallows or Hallowmas known as Halloween an occasion of fun for children. Who believes in witches and curses? The ancient Celts believed that Saman lord of the dead called forth many evil spirits on October 31. To ward off these supernatural creatures of darkness the druids made great bonfires.
Everyone is suppose to dress up on Halloween I shall be Cinderella go to the ball and drop my shoe on the steps of the Palace in Monaco after all a King is present and there is a Prince in need of a wife. Heads up its an 8 wide I'm into comfort not style. Don't tell Albert I am flat footed I'll just let him think he caught me because he is a fast runner. Hey girls that's it a net to catch him Jesus said he would teach his disciples how to be fishers of men. Be sure when you throw a cast net you let go with your teeth you might not stay looking at the water. Words of wisdom throw yourself into what you are doing.
KING: True or false? That back 700 years ago, one of your forefathers dropped some girl and he was supposed to be with her and he wasn't, and she put the Grimaldi curse on this, and bad things have happened ever since? Explain the story to someone who is not sure he knows what he's talking about.
PRINCE ALBERT: Well, I'm not sure of the story myself, because I've always tried to -- I guess my family has, too. We've always tried to play down this, and people bring it up every once in a while that there is a curse. But I've never really studied it.
KING: Your father ever talk about it?
KING: Do they teach it in the history books in Monaco. PRINCE ALBERT: No.
KING: No. So people don't go around saying, if something bad happens, and bad things have happened, "Grimaldi's at it again?"
PRINCE ALBERT: No. It's just -- I mean, when anything tragic happens to us, like my mother's death, obviously that came up and, "Oh, this is the curse of the Grimaldis, and they can never be a happy family, and there's always going to be something wrong." And I just laugh at it.
A curse doesn't that sound like fun to take on? Are curses real? How do you break a curse? They say to break a witches curse you need another witch to cast a spell however witches won't touch other witches curses.