May 29
12:45 hours The Kings will arrive to Budapest and will be received by the president of the Republic and his wife, László and Erzsebet Solyom, in the Sándor Palace, with those who will maintain a lunch deprived, that it will pass parallel to another food between both ministers of Outer Subjects, Miguel Angel Moratinos and Kinga Göncz.
17,00 hours, the monarchs will attend at night a reception with the Spanish colectivity in the Residence of the Embassy
Supper in full dress offered by the Hungarian president in the National Museum of Budapest.
May 30
The Kings will in the morning make a floral offering to the fallen ones by the mother country in the Seat of the Heroes and later they will give a stroll in boat by the Danube River, accompanied by ex- president Arpad Gönzc and his wife, Maria Susana.
To 11:00 hours Don Juan Carlos he will pronounce a speech in the Parliament, after which one will meet with prime minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány, of parallel form to the interview that will maintain Doña Sofía with the woman of the head of the Government.
To 13,00 prime minister will offer a lunch to the monarchs.
In the evening the Kings will inaugurate the exhibition of contemporary art of Galician painter Antón Lamazares, who will show a ten of made works of great format between 1990 and 2003 with painting, cardboard and wood.
May 31
The King will take part, next to the Hungarian president, in Hungarian Hispanic Enterprise Encuentro in the Museum of Military History, while Doña Sofía will have a parallel program with the First Lady. Between the industralists who will accompany to the Kings in this visit appear representatives of Drives, Adif, popular Bank, the Caixa, Ferrovial Agroman, Gamesa, Iberdrola, Indra, OHL and Sacyr Vallehermoso, among others.
To 11:15 hours, the monarchs will undertake the return towards Spain. Don Juan Carlos has predicted to receive that same day to the French elect president, Nicholas Sarkozy.
Los Reyes inician mañana su tercera visita de Estado a Hungría acompañados de una nutrida representación de empresarios