Spanish Infantas and Daughter's Fashion and Style Part 4: June 2024 -

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Doña Victoria Federica hairstyle is really beautiful and a lovely look too!
Infanta Sofia lovely in white at the “Objetivo Patrimonio, Infanta Sofía Photography Competition” Photography Awards today, December 13:

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She doesn’t look bad, but the cut of that jacket is all wrong for her.

And if the hair is in stasis she could try some barrettes or something.

I’m still hoping she finds her fashion feet when she figures the other important stuff out.
Had she pulled her back it would have been a winning look on Sofia.
Infanta Elena at the forum "Challenges and Opportunities of rural Spain" in Merida, Badajoz, Extremadur today, January 14:

** Full view ** Upper part **
The length of the trousers look odd especially with the boots and the Gold circular necklace adds nothing.
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The other ladies looked more chic and stylish than the Infanta. My favorite was the lady in the white shirt and black skirt with boots. She looked amazing!

Infanta Elena looked like she picked the suit off a clothing store rack and wore it. The suit desperately needed tailoring to fit the Infanta.
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