Spain and the ancient Kingdoms within Spain

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Heir Apparent
Apr 16, 2005
Amsterdam, Upstate NY
United States
Genealogy for the Kingdom of Spain and the ancient Kingdoms within Spain

The above link contain the detailed pdf family tree charts that go as far as 550 before Christ to this year, 2006 :eek:

Danielane, because the information is so extensive maybe we can split it to separate the corrent Dynasties from the House Trastamara to the present? You decide. :)

I'm sorry this one is in Spanish but I promise I'll find an English equivalent soon.

Genealogy of the Kingdom of Navarra and the Kingdom of Aragon (in spanish)

Genealogy of Medieval Lineages in the Spanish kingdoms (in spanish)

three minutes later...I'm back with an english links. This one is a beautiful illustration of the genealogical tree of the Kings of Aragon, Genealogy of Dom Fernando of Portugal, Simon Bening, Bruges, 1530-1534

and List of Aragonese monarchs

The above family tree is also mentioned and illustrated here
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Does anybody know if there is an online geneology site for the spanish grandees, or the spanish ducal houses? I am especially interested in the anscestery of the Duke of Feria and the Duke of Segobe.
Thanks a lot magnik, this has really been helpfull!! The last one has many portuguese (and other) dukes to, which I was looking for as well. Thanks again.
Excuse me, but I have a question. Why there are two Houses with one - Two Sicilies?
A dispute between cousins caused the rift. Similar thing happened with the imperial house of Brazil and the Braganzas of Portugal, the Borbon's in Spain etc.

It's the name used to identify the Bourbon family that descended from the Borbons established in Spain that descended from the ones in France.
Here is the official Borbon-Two Sicilies page with the historical archives:

and more on The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

Enjoy the reading materials! :)
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Does anyone have any info on the Valencia family from Valencia Spain. Is there a relation to the Spanish monarchy or non reigning noble families? I would really appreciate any info out there.:)

Thats alot of info!!! Here is another question. Was it a " normal " thing for a family to have the same last name as the area they were from or did they have to be noble to take the name? Im not quite understanding that. The geneological charts show kings that reigned in Valencia but no actual family by that name was listed. Thanks for the information, its mind boggling.:eek:
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According to Wikipedia, the kingdom of Valencia was established and ruled by the Aragonese kings and their descendants; since the Spanish royals are descended from the Aragonese kings, the answer is affirmative.
According to Wikipedia, the kingdom of Valencia was established and ruled by the Aragonese kings and their descendants; since the Spanish royals are descended from the Aragonese kings, the answer is affirmative.

PrincessKoreen, I appreciate the response. I have had trouble finding a family with that name. Everything I found speaks of the town. I thought maybe there had to be some nobility for a family to have the same name or for a town to be named after that family. If you come across any other info please let me know. I am very grateful for the help.:flowers:
PrincessKoreen, I appreciate the response. I have had trouble finding a family with that name. Everything I found speaks of the town. I thought maybe there had to be some nobility for a family to have the same name or for a town to be named after that family. If you come across any other info please let me know. I am very grateful for the help.:flowers:
My pleasure. Here's some more information on the Kingdom/Kings of Valencia:

Here's an entire chronology of the state: [SIZE=-1]THE LIBRARY OF IBERIAN RESOURCES ONLINE[/SIZE]

The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia
Robert Ignatius Burns, S.J.
Appendix I
Civil and Military Chronology

1212 Almohad power crippled by Hispanic states at battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. 1213 Peter I "the Catholic" of Aragon killed at Muret battle; waning of Aragonese hold on Languedoc. James I, minor of five years, is king; reigns from 1217 1225 Abortive attempt on Valencia kingdom; Peñíscola siege. 1229 Balearics crusade; Majorca city falls. Pact with Sacîd of Valencia. 1232 Valencia crusade begins; Morella taken. 1233 Burriana sieged, falls on July 28; much of northern Valencia kingdom follows. 1235 Tarragona metropolitan conquers Ibiza in Balearics. 1236 Monzón general parliament gives new life to Valencia crusade; James begins use of title "King of Valencia." 1237 Pitched battle and Christian victory at Puig, just above Valencia city. 1238 Valencia city sieged, falls (September 28). 1242 Alcira falls. 1244 Játiva sieged, taken. Almizra treaty with Castile. 1245 Biar falls, Murcia border reached; end of crusade. 1248 Valencian Moslems rebel under al-Yazraÿî. In west, Seville falls to Ferdinand. 1258 Corbeil treaty with France, loss of Languedoc claims. Second al-Yazraÿî war. 1262 Prince Peter (b. 1240) marries Constance, Hohenstaufen heir; by now associated in governmental affairs. 1263 Moslem revolts in Andalusia, Murcia, possibly Valencia. Castilians ask Aragonese help. 1265 Expeditions by Prince Peter into Murcia; conquest completed by James I (Murcia city falls, 1266). 1269 Abortive crusade to Holy Land by James I. 1274 James I at ecumenical council of Lyons. Returns to find revolt by Catalan-Aragonese nobles civil disturbances in Valencia city. 1275 Great Moslem revolt in Valencia kingdom. 1276 King James dies at Valencia city (June 27), aged 68. Peter III "the Great" succeeds; Montpellier, Balearics, Roussillon to brother James as separate kingdom. 1277 King Peter pacifies the Valencian Moslem rebels. 1280 Catalan barons revolt; subdued. 1282 "Sicilian Vespers"; King Peter clears Sicily of Angevin-papal forces, is excommunicated. 1285 French crusade invades Aragon; eventually repulsed. Peter III dies (November 11). Alphonse III "the Liberal" (b. 1267) succeeds. 1287 King Alphonse definitively conquers Minorca island. 1291 Alphonse III dies (June 18). Succeeded by his brother, then king of Sicily, James II.

Tons of information here:

Chapter 1: The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia
Chapter 2: The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia
Chapter 3: The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia
Chapter 4: The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia
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lady anne

Thank you for the additional information PrincessKoreen. So in your opinion, do you think the Valencia family is in fact related to King James I ? Or could it be that someone in the family of the King could have taken the name? The info you have given me is unreal and some heavy reading. I appreciate the help! And thank you for responding to my questions.:flowers:
The kings of Valencia were also kings of Aragon, which was a bigger and more important title. Therefore, you don't see their main titles as being "King of Valencia," but as "King of Aragon"; "King of Valencia" was a subtitle.
As to the surname, all of its kings would have been known as "____ of Aragon," not of Valencia.

The royal family of Valencia was the same as the royal family of Aragon: James I of Aragon just added Valencia to his domains,

Hope that helps.
The kings of Valencia were also kings of Aragon, which was a bigger and more important title. Therefore, you don't see their main titles as being "King of Valencia," but as "King of Aragon"; "King of Valencia" was a subtitle.
As to the surname, all of its kings would have been known as "____ of Aragon," not of Valencia.

The royal family of Valencia was the same as the royal family of Aragon: James I of Aragon just added Valencia to his domains,

Hope that helps.
PrincessKoreen, you are wonderful! I think I understand what you are saying. The family that carries the name of Valencia or de Valencia are in fact descendents of the House of Aragon. That is incredible. Let me know if you find anything else. I have much reading to do. Again, thank you soooo much for your help. You are awsome!!!:flowers::flowers::flowers:
PrincessKoreen, you are wonderful! I think I understand what you are saying. The family that carries the name of Valencia or de Valencia are in fact descendents of the House of Aragon. That is incredible. Let me know if you find anything else. I have much reading to do. Again, thank you soooo much for your help. You are awsome!!!:flowers::flowers::flowers:

Happy to help. :flowers::flowers:However, I don't think everyone with that surname is a descendant of the house of Aragon; I only meant that the Valencian royals were called "de Aragon." It's quite possible that someone's family name of "Valencia" or "de Valencia" came about just because their ancestors were from Valencia.
Happy to help. :flowers::flowers:However, I don't think everyone with that surname is a descendant of the house of Aragon; I only meant that the Valencian royals were called "de Aragon." It's quite possible that someone's family name of "Valencia" or "de Valencia" came about just because their ancestors were from Valencia.
I understand. Thank you. I guess I have some intense research to do. :bang:
lady anne

Hello everyone. Does anyone know a link I could go to that shows family crests and what the symbols mean? Appreciate the info. :flowers:
Does anybody know if there is an online geneology site for the spanish grandees, or the spanish ducal houses? I am especially interested in the anscestery of the Duke of Feria and the Duke of Segobe.

For all genealogy for Spain, Portugal and England I have subscribed to you can look up anyone who is descended from the nobility and work your way back. It is 30 euros a year and as far as I am concerned very well worth it. Besides the individuals, it has titles and also a very clear family tree for each. It goes way back almost as far as you could ever want.
For all genealogy for Spain, Portugal and England I have subscribed to you can look up anyone who is descended from the nobility and work your way back. It is 30 euros a year and as far as I am concerned very well worth it. Besides the individuals, it has titles and also a very clear family tree for each. It goes way back almost as far as you could ever want.
I've also subscribed, but the site is free for anyone. You only have to pay the subscriotion, if you want "special perks", but the amount of information available for free is already quite good.

Marengo, check these searches: - Duques de Feria - Duques de Segovia
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Please, might someone help to placing this man between the German relatives of Queen Sofía??
Spanish journalists comment that she lately frequents very much to these relatives, that there is a German cousin who is supporting her very much in these hard moments.

This gentleman accompanied her in Salzburg in 2010

In London in 2011
In London in 2012

I know that it is neither of safety nor anybody of royal house. If someone recognizes it, he would be grateful much that was telling me on. Thank you very much:flowers:
If he's a German cousin of the Queen, he could be - though this is just a guess since I've never seen a picture of him before - Prince Georg of Hannover, the son of the late Prince Georg Wilhelm of Hannover (brother of Queen Friederike of Greece) and of his wife, née Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark (a daughter of Prince and Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark and sister of the Duke of Edinburgh).
Ancestors King Felipe VI of Spain.
Family tree of the Spanish Royal Family.
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