Sheikha Hind current events: February 2006-

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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Welcome to part 1 of Sheika Hind's current events
where you may post current news, articles and pictures of the Sheikha. The old thread can be found here

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Sheikha Hind praises UAE women

Mar 26, 2006 - 12:38 -
Dubai, March 26, 2006 (WAM) -- Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum, wife of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, said that women, in general, and UAE women in particular, have carved their path to glory and have proved themselves in their societies....

Hind helps woman repair home ruined by blaze
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Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum wins Arab First Lady Award

Apr 9, 2006 - 01:52 -
Dubai, 9 April, 2006 (WAM)---Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum Al Maktoum, Wife of General Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai won the Arab First Lady Award for supporting humanitarian work and Arab women's causes.

By conferring this prestigious award to Sheikha Hind, Arab civil society organizations are expressing their appreciation of her initiatives and positive roles in supporting women's participation in the march of development in the UAE, Chairman of the board of directors of the Paris-based Center for Studies of Arab Women's Participation, organizer of the event, stated in a press release.

The award is also an expression of faith in Sheikha Hind for her support to all humanitarian organizations, people with special needs and for her efforts to ingrain tolerant Islamic values in girls through supporting Holy Quran Memorization contests, Karman added.

A conferral ceremony will be held next May under the auspices of the Arab League.

Last year winner of the award was Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, while Egypt's First Lady Susan Mubarak won it in 2004.

What is the likelihood of Sheikha Hind actually attending the award ceremony herself?
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If the ceremony is in Dubai, she might attend. Regardless though, someone else will read her speech. Sometimes this is one of her daughters.
I wish I could see the pic. of Sheikha Hind. It really is only fair if she gets the limelight, not only PHaya. I wonder why S.MO thought that Sheikha Hind could not take care of the international attention. Maybe S. Mo is underestimating his first wife?
Why does everyone think it is the man's idea to keep the wife in the background? Did you ever consider that maybe Sheikha Hind doesn't want the limelight?
I agree with Royal friend , some times women don't like to be under the limelight , it seems that Sheikh Mohamad don't mind the limelight on his wife princess Haya or on his daughters as example one of his daughters participate in support events " I forget her name " .
Hind Dedicates Award to Sheikh Mohammed
Abu Dhabi, April 11th, 2006 (WAM)- Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum, the proclaimed "First Arab Lady in Support of Women and Humanitarian Causes, 2006", has dedicated the award to her husband, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai...

Wife of Dubai Ruler visits DWS
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I heard that Sheikha Hind is very beautiful. I can also see it on the faces of her children especialy on the face of " Sheikh Hamdan" . He is very handsom.
Unfortunately we can't see any photo of her.
Does anyone have shaikha Hinda photos ? I really want to see her, why only princess Haya has a picture but shaika Hind never show up.
Samirah Abdullah said:
Does anyone have shaikha Hinda photos ? I really want to see her, why only princess Haya has a picture but shaika Hind never show up.

After all these years, not one single picture of Sheikha Hind has been found. I'd like to see this mysterious woman myself, and if I could, I'd like to attend a function just to see if the woman's even real! :D
Is it only me who feels that Sheikha Hind is recently getting all these recognization since PHaya has been promoting herself? It seems that the Arab world is trying to show the support for the first lady, when the second lady is getting all the Western recognization. It sort of balances things out, although most of us do not know how she looks like. Mo is one intelligent man, who knows how to appreciate both women and perhaps make both of them happy.
julial said:
Is it only me who feels that Sheikha Hind is recently getting all these recognization since PHaya has been promoting herself? It seems that the Arab world is trying to show the support for the first lady, when the second lady is getting all the Western recognization.
Since both are representative of different facets of their country and both are Muslim, I don't see the point in trying to play them off against one another in some sort of competition. To reduce the recognition of their activities and achievements to a rivalry between "the West" and "the Arab World" is even more self-defeating.
does anyone know what she looks like? I know she doesn't have pictures taken, but has anyone seen her or knows what she looks like?
LadyK said:
does anyone know what she looks like? I know she doesn't have pictures taken, but has anyone seen her or knows what she looks like?

Personnaly I think she looks like sheikh Hamdan and sheikha Salama. Because they don't look like them father sheikh Mohammad.
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How old is she?
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early or mid 40's
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She seems like such a genuinely nice person, I have heard of all the good works she has done and that she is highly thought of in Dubai. Why do they not show her picture? His other wife is often seen in public.
Sorry I am entering some of these threads despite them being old, but I have only just joined.

I doubt you will ever see an uncovered shot of Sheikha Hind. A lot of the Emirati women (over 45) especially from some of the prominant families such as the royals, Al Shamsi etc still cover either with the veil or with the Burqa (the gold mask).
I can asure you however that the majority of the UAE women when uncovered are breathtaking.

I have been told by close female Emirati friends who personally know her that she is as beautiful as everyone assumes.
yes...she is a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart..

most of the sheikhas in the gulf r not seen uncovered...
many of them wear veils to avoid their capture..
sheikha hinds sons n daughters look like their uncles(sh hind's brothers) more thn thier father so i assume tht they inherited thier beauty from their mother..
Does she have 'courtiers' from the influential families in Dubai or does she hold court with certain gatherings in Dubai? Anyone know her style in receiving people?:flowers:
Wel, opinions about beauty are different. And if you think that sons and daughters are so pretty, it's your opinion.
I prefer woman who don't hide, like that sheika Maryam (she is an minister in UAE, I think).
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I prefer woman who don't hide
That's a rather judgemental and loaded statement.
Some women will prefer traditional dress, some will prefer "Western" attire, and some will wear either, depending on the occasion.
To each their own. :)
well ines...
in the gulf its different...
if u hav a precious diamond...u will cover it and keep it in a safe... and sheikha hind is mohammeds diamond...
she is not seen much in public...she is onlii seen in women occasions..
Is there any particular reason why Sheikha Hind is always hiding and Princess Haya is always out in public either by herself or with Sheikh Mohammed?
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