Sheikha Hind Bint Maktoum Bin Jumaa Al Maktoum

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Mar 29, 2004
United Arab Emirates: Wednesday, March 24 - 2004 at 15:20

H.H Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum urges women to take on a more active role in business

At the Emirates Businesswoman Award workshop, held yesterday evening at the Dubai Municipality Club, H.H Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum, wife of H.H General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Defense Minister, spoke to the participants about the need to raise the profile of women in business in the UAE.


Attendees at the workshop also heard the organizers - the women's working group of Dubai Municipality, Shell and Dubai Quality Group - highlight the objectives, criteria and entry guidelines of the Award.

The workshop was attended by Sheikha Hessa bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum, Sheikha Amina Hamid Al Tayer, Director of Al Nahda Women's Group in Dubai, and Sheikha Mariam bint Hashar Al Maktoum as well as a number of other prominent personalities, including the wife of His Excellency Qasim Sultan Al Banna, General Manager, Dubai Municipality, women of the diplomatic corps, businesswomen and government sector employees.

The workshop began with a speech by the Award's patron, Sheikha Hind Bint Maktoum Bin Jumaa Al Maktoum, given on behalf of Her Highness by Mrs Raja Essa Al Gurg, Chairwoman, Emirates Businesswomen Council & President, Dubai Businesswomen Council.

'Women constitute 50 per cent of the population and represent 50 per cent of the intellect, creativity, enterprise and energy available to us,' said H.H Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum, wife of H.H General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Defense Minister. 'It is essential that we recognise and use this enormous resource to the full, across all facets of life in the UAE, not least in business.

'It is a great pleasure to address you on this occasion, at an event which can claim to be a true gathering of elite women's leaders, a group that has taken upon its shoulders the responsibility of empowering national talent and has worked hard to achieve excellence in both private sector business and the public sector

'This level of excellence would never have been achieved without the continuous support of our wise leadership, mainly H. H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan the UAE president, and His brother H. H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the vice president, the head of the ministerial cabinet, and ruler of Dubai, as well as their brothers, the members of the Supreme Council, the rulers of the Emirates.

'We must feel proud of the pioneering role of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the chairwomen of the Women Union. She has always been keen on promoting the status of the UAE woman to occupy leading positions in the country, as she deeply believes in her abilities and potentials. In addition we should appreciate the positive role of the various initiatives that have been adopted by public and private sector bodies, women's associations and professional societies. They are making great efforts to strengthen the woman's role in our nation's progress and development with the aim of enhancing self confidence among women and of opening up new horizons of active participation for women.'

She continued: 'Development cannot be realized in any country without an equal and a balanced contribution from women, as has been clearly stated in the noble teachings of our religion and the wise sayings of our prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. Our wise and generous leadership are guided by these principles.'

The Sheikha's speech urged women to continue to strive for more accomplishments while adapting to the changes that arise within the business environment.

Engineer Hawa Al Bastaki, Assistant Manager at the Department of Administrative Development, President of the Corporate Planning Section and Head of Women's Working team at Dubai Municipality stated: 'This generous patronage highlights the commitment of our wise government to support all efforts and initiatives that aim to enforce the status of women and to appreciate her effective role in our development march.

'The beginning of this progress was established by H. H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE President, and followed by H. H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Head of the Ministerial Cabinet, Ruler of Dubai, by H. H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Deputy Ruler of Dubai, and H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

'Dubai Municipality has committed itself to adhere to these directions. As a result it has strengthened the basic principles of women's care by finding job opportunities and progress in all sectors and specializations. Moreover, Dubai Municipality has created the supporting ideal environment for women. Consequently, there are a large number of women in the workforce Dubai Municipality.'

She continued: 'The total number of women employees is 759 which form 13 per cent of the total number of the Municipality employees, where national women comprise 32 per cent of the total number of the total national work force. Dubai Municipality was a pioneer in forming a women's work team in 1999 under an administrative decree issued by the general manger of his Excellency Qasim Sultan Al Banna.

'Since its formation, the women's work team has been actively implementing its objectives. One of the reasons for us to host this event is to raise awareness of women's activities and to fulfill our vision of supporting the efforts of working women. In addition, we are also assuring her role in the development and progress of society, besides fulfilling her role towards her family. It has become clear that these elite qualified women actively participate in these objectives through performing the various tasks in Dubai Municipality.'

The evening carried on with the presentation of a video on the Emirates Businesswomen Award which reviews the achievements of the first Award launched in 2003.

'With the award, we wish to encourage women to participate in the economic development of our country and recognize women who can prove to be valuable role models,' said Najla Al-Midfa, Shell Markets Middle East: 'Shell is committed to making diversity and inclusiveness a cornerstone of how we do business around the world. One of the company's goals worldwide is to have at least 20 percent of women in senior executive positions by the year 2008.'

She continued: 'Entries will be assessed by a panel including representatives of both the public and private sectors according to a number of criteria such as style of leadership, future goals of the business, professional and career achievements as well as community participation. The 2004 Award will also have the added advantage of being a self-assessment tool for those applicants short-listed for the Award. They will be provided with advice on the steps they can take to further enhance their performance and capabilities for the future.'

The next speech was given by Mrs. Badriya Al Tamimi, Executive Director of the Dubai Quality Group, who explained the four criteria for selection. 'The first criterion involves leadership skills that include depth of management, adaptability, tenacity, productivity, creativity, and good human resource management. The second criterion revolves around Future Goals and Financial Performance. The third criterion focuses on professional and career achievements whereas the fourth is based on community contributions and participation.'

At the end of the Emirates Businesswoman Award Workshop, both Hawa Al Bastaki, Assistant Manager at the Department of Administrative Development, President of the Corporate Planning Section and Head of Women's Working team at Dubai Municipality and Najla Al Midfa from Shell Markets Middle East presented an award to H.H Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum
The 2004 Award follows the success of the first Emirates Businesswomen Award in 2003. The last date for submitting entries is 7th April, culminating in a presentation ceremony in Dubai in May. The Award is supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Emirates Businesswomen's Council.
She does not get photographed. This is the case with most of the Gulf Royalty.
There are published photos of her-she's usually in the background behind her husband. She is never photographed in Europe or European clothing (as far as I know). I keep trying to find the photo that I know of-it was during the Sheikh Zayed Love Parade but I can't seem to find it. Someone on the forum from the Emirates might have an old copy of Khaleej Times or Gulf News and can find it.
She has never ever been photographed not even in arabic newspspers, and she is never at any functions with her husband. She also does not go to mixed functions unless they are only for females.

I swear to you that she was photographed behind Mo at the ShkZayed thing. The photograph is from the beginning of the parade and the cars are being waved off. She is standing to his left (to the right if you are looking at the photo) about 3 ft away from him. Her and her husband are looking in opposite directions. The only reason I remember it so vividly is that it was actually her!!


She is the beautiful woman who is in the portraits that are being framed at my local picture framers.

Guess Who said:
She has never ever been photographed not even in arabic newspspers, and she is never at any functions with her husband. She also does not go to mixed functions unless they are only for females.
Shamsa is not sheikha Hind's daughter and I think it makes a difference to some extent. I think sheikha Hind's kids are used to leading a more incarcerated and traditional way of life than his kids my his other wives but I don't think any of them ever enjoyed great freedom so to speak. I like to think she resides with her mother but has limited access to her. How is a girl who defied her father and ran away from home perceived? Is marrying off a daughter with a 'reputation' an easy task? Cuz I don't think Mo would marry his daughter off to anyone.
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it is my understanding that hind raises mo's baby's regardless of their natural birthmother. i'm sure the natural birthmother is around somewhere but that is always what i thought. (could be completely and totally wrong.)

.....edited comment......

also from what i know about these kids, they are not raised 'at home' in the traditional sense. they are raised seperately by hired nannies and governness. what actual day to day interaction they have with their parents i am not aware of it but it was always portrayed that the kids led independant lives from their parents and their contact with their parents is very limited. kinda like living in boarding school but in the same town.
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Ipi Tombe said:
let us all hope she doesn't follow the same path as shk mak's wife.:(

does hind have any interaction with shamsa? is shamsa allowed to see friends (all within the watchful eye of her captors)? what about her sisters and brothers? does anyone have any contact with this girl? why wouldn't mo just marry her off to the first guy he could find and sign off on her as 'his responsibilty'?
Im not sure if hind does have contact with her..I guess shamsa is allowed to meet and talk to friends but isnt allowed to leave the house. Hind has contact with Mo's other daughters and sons. If i am not mistaken, Hind does look after majed(not 100% sure)..I dont know why he dosent marry her off.
Is it an easy task to marry off a daughter with a 'reputation'? Cuz I don't think Mo would marry his daughter off to anyone.[/QUOTE]
No it is not easy. Reputation is the most important thing in the UAE especially with a girl... And as his daughter is a sheikha MO will be expecting a Sheikh to marry her, but a sheikh wont think of marrying a run away sheikha...
what about a saudi prince which there are tons? and many of them live in the emirates.

just thinking that she might luck out and get a more forgiving husband than father.

Guess Who said:
Is it an easy task to marry off a daughter with a 'reputation'? Cuz I don't think Mo would marry his daughter off to anyone.
No it is not easy. Reputation is the most important thing in the UAE especially with a girl... And as his daughter is a sheikha MO will be expecting a Sheikh to marry her, but a sheikh wont think of marrying a run away sheikha...[/QUOTE]
I know Sheikha Hind was responsible for Marwan's growing up but I should find it odd that a girl should be taken away from her biological Mom and be raised by someone else. As for in the case of divorce in the Emirates, boys are raised by their mothers until they reach the age of 12-13 and the girls are raised by their mothers until they reach the age of maturity or marry. In any case or any culture, I find it inappropriate. Any child would be better off with their mother even if they were partly raised by a nanny, than some nanny, stepmommy and a father they never see. :(
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Also, it's quite interesting that Manal was raised by her aunt. As per law, they only revert the custody of the female child to the next able female relative on the mother's side when the mother is deemed as unfit to raise her children. But I could be wrong. :eek:
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La la....

we ARE talking about Mo here. so it really is not a discussion as to what is best for the children but what is best for Mo. also Mo was not raised like this so i have no clue why he subjected his children to such a sterile upbrining. from my friends who lived in the emirates since way back all of shk rashid's children were raised at home under the feet of their parents. so goodness only knows what bug went up mo's saddle for him to treat his children this way.
Yes a saudi prince could marry her, wont see why not? Mo's sis is married to a saudi prince and till this day Mo spends on his sister and he built them a big palace in saudi coz her husband has nothing or should say had..

Ipi Tombe said:
what about a saudi prince which there are tons? and many of them live in the emirates.

just thinking that she might luck out and get a more forgiving husband than father.

No it is not easy. Reputation is the most important thing in the UAE especially with a girl... And as his daughter is a sheikha MO will be expecting a Sheikh to marry her, but a sheikh wont think of marrying a run away sheikha...
Aneca said:
Does anyone have a picture of her? Can't seem to find any...
LOL I know that this question was asked last year and that my pic is long overdue ... but I may in fact have a photo of Sheikha Hind. If its not her, please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks.


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lovy_bear said:
LOL I know that this question was asked last year and that my pic is long overdue ... but I may in fact have a photo of Sheikha Hind. If its not her, please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks.
Whoever she is, she is stunning! :)
I think their beauty would be equal IMO. If that is her, she's looks young.
lovy_bear said:
LOL I know that this question was asked last year and that my pic is long overdue ... but I may in fact have a photo of Sheikha Hind. If its not her, please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks.
Thats not her.Hind is prttier than that and abit fuller. SHe has never been photographed and never been in public with Shk Mohammed
Guess Who said:
Thats not her.Hind is prttier than that and abit fuller. SHe has never been photographed and never been in public with Shk Mohammed

I thought that woman looked a little young.
Looking closely, the lady on the photo appears to be a shop assistant at the perfume/beauty accessories shop.
sommone said:
I thought that woman looked a little young.
I haven't seen her but I think Sheikha Hind is quite young-looking. She's in her early 40's.
La la said:
I haven't seen her but I think Sheikha Hind is quite young-looking. She's in her early 40's.

Ok. It's just that I imagined Shka Hind to look a little more mature than the young woman in the picture.
La la said:
I haven't seen her but I think Sheikha Hind is quite young-looking. She's in her early 40's.
Shk Hind is in her 40`s or more,she has at least 10 children. I really don`t think that woman in her age with so many children can look well.It`s very bad for woman`s beauty to have so many children.Maybe she is a good mother and wife,but that doesn`t mean she is good-looking woman.
samira said:
Shk Hind is in her 40`s or more,she has at least 10 children. I really don`t think that woman in her age with so many children can look well.It`s very bad for woman`s beauty to have so many children.Maybe she is a good mother and wife,but that doesn`t mean she is good-looking woman.
I believe she was 17-18 when she married Mo so she must be in her early 40's. I haven't seen her so I can't tell whether she is good-looking or not (besides different folks, different strokes) but I have been told that she is quite striking.
La la said:
I believe she was 17-18 when she married Mo so she must be in her early 40's. I haven't seen her so I can't tell whether she is good-looking or not (besides different folks, different strokes) but I have been told that she is quite striking.
I haven`t seen her too.But 40 years,it is very much for woman in that region.And again,woman with 10 children can not be really beautiful,if you understand what I mean.Latifa,her daughter,looks very ordinary,not attractive at all.
samira said:
I haven`t seen her too.But 40 years,it is very much for woman in that region.And again,woman with 10 children can not be really beautiful,if you understand what I mean.Latifa,her daughter,looks very ordinary,not attractive at all.
It does not mean she has 11 children she is not pretty. Many women dont get uglier or change that much while they have children, even if they do, wont mean all will.Maybe she i sthe ttype of person who did not change. She i beautiful even with 11 children.Children dont take 50% of their mothers beauty, so you cant judge how good looking her daughters are to tell whether she is pretty or not.Shk hamdan has his mothers eyes, nice and big.
Shk mohammed bin zayed's wife has 9 children and she is in her mid forties, If you see her you would say she is in her late 30's...
Guess Who said:
It does not mean she has 11 children she is not pretty. Many women dont get uglier or change that much while they have children, even if they do, wont mean all will.Maybe she i sthe ttype of person who did not change. She i beautiful even with 11 children.Children dont take 50% of their mothers beauty, so you cant judge how good looking her daughters are to tell whether she is pretty or not.Shk hamdan has his mothers eyes, nice and big.
Shk mohammed bin zayed's wife has 9 children and she is in her mid forties, If you see her you would say she is in her late 30's...
Shk Mohammed is 43 and his wife is in mid 40`s?Is she older than Shk Mohammed?! :confused:
Guess Who,I`ve seen women in that age with that many children,most of them don`t look well at all, often they look like they in40`s and they are only 30.Maybe Shk Mohammed`s wife looks well,`cause her husband is so rich,he pays for her plastic surgeries.
quote Lala: I haven't seen her so I can't tell whether she is good-looking or not (besides different folks, different strokes)

Good point, Lala. I was actually going to say the same thing.
Blueice said:
Looking closely, the lady on the photo appears to be a shop assistant at the perfume/beauty accessories shop.
That's what I thought when I first saw the picture as well and you could very well be correct. I remember downloading that picture from SM's official website within the family section of his photo gallery, which lead me to believe that perhaps the woman in the pic was indeed SH. But thinking back, although I probably did save the photograph from his website, it could have very well been inclusive of another section as opposed to the family one, which could enhance the idea that the woman in the pic isn't SH after all. But regardless, I'll try to find out which site and/or section I got the image from anyway.

samira said:
Shk Mohammed is 43 and his wife is in mid 40`s?Is she older than Shk Mohammed?! :confused: Guess Who,I`ve seen women in that age with that many children,most of them don`t look well at all, often they look like they in40`s and they are only 30.Maybe Shk Mohammed`s wife looks well,`cause her husband is so rich,he pays for her plastic surgeries.
Actually SM was 55 years old when he married PH last April (I remember the month cuz they got married on my b-day lol), which would make him 55 or 56 years old at the moment.
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