Sex, Godparents and Duchy for Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia's Fourth child

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Since they already have a son named Julian, I doubt that a possible girl will be a Julia. And with a cousin called Leonore I'm afraid my second name is out of the question too ...
Maybe Ingrid?
It’s possible as Sofias late paternal grandmother was also named Ingrid.. But i think Ingrid will be for a middle name if they have a girl… They seems to be determined to use new names (for the royal family) as spoken names for their children
Boy: Edmund Ingvar Gustaf

Ingvar (Sofia's paternal grandfather's middle name) could also be Ingmar – as Sofia's mother's full name is Britt Ingmari.

Girl: Amelia Lilian Ingrid or Ebba Sylvie Marie

My original guess for a first name for a girl was Lilian, nicknamed Lilly (the name of Sofia's great-grandmother), but with a brother named Julian and a cousin named Ellie, I doubt they would go for that.

Dukedom: Västerbotten

As the baby is CP's, I can't imagine CG won't splurge on another significant dukedom.

Godparents: Prince Daniel, Léopold Sommerlath and Tiara Larsson. And two friends.
If it’s a girl my guess is

Eloise Renata Marie

For a boy

Elias Arthur Gustaf
Boy: Edmund Ingvar Gustaf

Ingvar (Sofia's paternal grandfather's middle name) could also be Ingmar – as Sofia's mother's full name is Britt Ingmari.

Girl: Amelia Lilian Ingrid or Ebba Sylvie Marie

My original guess for a first name for a girl was Lilian, nicknamed Lilly (the name of Sofia's great-grandmother), but with a brother named Julian and a cousin named Ellie, I doubt they would go for that.

Dukedom: Västerbotten

As the baby is CP's, I can't imagine CG won't splurge on another significant dukedom.

Godparents: Prince Daniel, Léopold Sommerlath and Tiara Larsson. And two friends.
Just out of curiosity: what is significant about Västerbotten?
Girl: Lilian, Sibylla, Alice or Silvia
Boy: Gustav, Bertil, Walther (after CP's maternal grandpa) or Erik

Duchy: Västerbotten

Godparents: Prince Daniel, Victor Magnuson, Patrick Sommerlath, one of Sofia's friends, Princess Madeleine, Frida Vesterberg or Lina Hellqvist
Jämtland would be an excellent option!
Yes I know, but I just can't see it as "significant". I think Gustaf Adolf is the only duke of that province, ever.
A duchy previously given to a crown prince is significant because of that imho.

So far, the king has given Madeleine and her children duchies that were not awarded before while he has given Carl Philip and his sons all duchies that were previously used by other princes (as well as future queens and sons of heirs, i.e., Oscar). So, my expectation is that he will continue that custom and award a previously used duchy in case of a son and a not-previously used duchy in case of a daughter.
Yes I know, but I just can't see it as "significant". I think Gustaf Adolf is the only duke of that province, ever.
I have a hard time seeing how Västerbotten wouldn't hold special significance for the family. Edmund being the only holder makes it all the more significant as the dukedom is inextricably linked to the father CG never knew because he died under tragic circumstances.
I’m sure ”Västerbotten” is a title that at least is close to the King’s heart given that the father he never got to know was the Duke and the mother who also died far too soon was the Duchess… There is ofcourse also the chance that he don’t want to touch it for that reason…

If another previously used Dukedom will be given i think ”Närke” is a likely candidate.. Prince Eugen’s old dukedom with the historic county town of Örebro where the swedish parliament was temporarily assembled when the first Bernadotte-King Karl XIV Johan was elected Crown Prince.

And Prince Eugen was also the youngest sibling of 4 (also with 3 older brothers)

So far, the king has given Madeleine and her children duchies that were not awarded before while he has given Carl Philip and his sons all duchies that were previously used by other princes (as well as future queens and sons of heirs, i.e., Oscar).
Prince Oscar (the 2:nd son of King Oscar I and Queen Josefina) was Duke of Gotland until he lost the title upon marriage, wich is now Princess Leonore’s title… But Ångermanland (Nicolas) and Blekinge (Adrienne) was indeed not used before.
I can't make out whether the horrific school shooting in Örebro has made Närke as a dukedom for the baby more or less likely. On one hand, it would be a small albeit significant gesture to the duchy. On the other hand, it would be intrinsically connected to this horrific event.
Somehow i think it’s about time that Norrbotten finally gets its first Duke or Duchess…

But if The King follows the patten he has done with Carl Philips children, it will be a previously used dukedom…

As for using Närke after the mass shooting, some people will like the idea for that reason, and some won’t….
Speculative posts about the expected date of birth has been deleted.

The Princely Couple have already confirmed that the birth is expected in February. Wether that means tomorrow or 28:th is not our business.

Back on topic now.
I like the idea of there being a double-barreled dukedom of Västmanland and Närke which would mean that the duchies of the Prince family are contiguous except for Halland.

So Jämtland became vacant when Carl XVI Gustaf ascended, right? I also like the idea of one of the northern duchies getting a dukedom, so keeping with the double-barreled dukedom them some combination of Lappland, Norrbotten, Västerbotten and Ångermanland.
:previous: Thanks. I thought there was something familiar with about that province. OK, so that allows me to root for the contiguous scenario without feeling the northern duchies got short-shrifted.
Two of the children of CP and Sofia received titles previously used by paternal uncles of the King. A third title -of Prince Sigvard- is still available: Duke of Uppland. Perhaps that is what HM will be going for.

Prince Sigvard's widow is still alive though, but since she seems to get along well with Pss Sofia she may even appreciate the title being used again. As the Swedish capital is located in this province it could be that it is considered too important a province for the 4th child of the 2nd child of the King, but I am not sure these considerations played a role before.

Alternatively the eldest son of Prince CP received a title used by Prince Wilhelm, a great-uncle of the King. Wilhelm's younger brother Erik was Duke of Västmanland, which also has not been used since his death of the Spanish flu.

Anyway, we will see soon enough.
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Uppland is a possibility. Normally they would wait until both the previous holder and his spouse has passed away, but Countess Marianne is now 100 years old, and The King has already made an exception from that tradition with Princess Estelle’s title, as Princess Kristine Bernadotte (whose late husband Prince Carl Bernadotte was Duke of Östergötland between 1911 - 1937) was still alive.. She passed away on 4 November 2014.

For a double dukedom ”Småland and Öland” would be nice. But that would include their summer residence Solliden wich i’m sure will be inherited by Victoria…

Technically Jämtland is vacant since the King’s accession but it is well known here in Sweden that he still views himself as Duke of Jämtland, so i think the next time that title will be used will be for a child of Princess Estelle…
I see a throughline for each of Carl Philip and Sofia's children and their duchies. Alexander got Södermanland I suspect due to it coming with property and the hope / expectation that the duke or his surrogate will manage the asset. I know the King currently takes an active interest in the property and perhaps Carl Philip shares that interest, so even if it is not a given that Alexander will have the interest, the expectation is that Carl Philip can manage the assets if Alexander does not develop the interest.

Dalarna went to Gabriel because it is Sofia's home province (my guess).

Halland went to Julian because of the Bertil connection (my guess).

I doubt a fourth child was anticipated so this one seems more up in the air.
Uppland is a possibility. Normally they would wait until both the previous holder and his spouse has passed away, but Countess Marianne is now 100 years old, and The King has already made an exception from that tradition with Princess Estelle’s title, as Princess Kristine Bernadotte (whose late husband Prince Carl Bernadotte was Duke of Östergötland between 1911 - 1937) was still alive.. She passed away on 4 November 2014.

For a double dukedom ”Småland and Öland” would be nice. But that would include their summer residence Solliden wich i’m sure will be inherited by Victoria…

Technically Jämtland is vacant since the King’s accession but it is well known here in Sweden that he still views himself as Duke of Jämtland, so i think the next time that title will be used will be for a child of Princess Estelle…

I believe that both Närke is currently vacant?

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Not anticipated?

Sofia said at an interview that this pregnancy came as a surprise, it was not planned. They were very happy with their family with their three sons, but of couse this was a wonderful surprise.
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Not anticipated?

I did not mean to imply unplanned, although I vaguely recall Sofia saying something in her Vogue interview that this was a surprise, but I can be totally misremembering or misunderstanding especially since I was reading a translation.

I meant an available duchy that they have a connection to the province or previous Duke. Although when I think about it there are connections with Jamtland and possibly Uppland.

I see that while I was in draft mode, Lady Finn confirmed that Sofia characterized this pregnancy as a surprise.
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Last guesses for a first name for the little princess (though I have a feeling we will be surprised)

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