Hopefully someone can help me with some questions I have regarding Russian Princely families:
- Princes Bolchovskoj: Since what year was the family Bolchovskoj raised to princes? In what year did the last Prince Ivan die?
- Princes Chernyshev: Does this family still exist or was Prince Ijev (1864-1892) the last prince? Who all succeeded him?
- Princes Chilkov/Khilkov: Is Prince Boris (1943-2013) the last one of this family?
- Princes Gagarin: They were raised to princes in the 16th century, but in what year? Is Prince Grigory (born 1936) the current prince or did Nicolas (born 1963) succeed him?
- Princes Gantimurov: Who is the current head of this princely family?
- Princes Kozlovsky: Is this family extinct and was Prince Igor the last of this family, or who (all) succeeded him? In what year did Igor die?
- Princes Kropotkin: In the 15th century the family Kropotkin was raised to princes, but in what year exactly? Was Prince Alexei (1937-2023) the last one of this family?
- Princes Kurakin: In what year was this family first raised to princes? I've found several different years - 1492, 1507, 1516, 1521 of 1530 - but don't know which one is correct.
- Princes Kutuzov-Smolensky: Was Countess Daria Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1788-1854) the last Princess Kutuzov-Smolensky or have there been others after her?
- Princes of Lvov: Was the princely house of Lvov created in 1500 or in another year? Did it exctint with the death of Prince Jevgeni (1896-1942)? If not, who is the current prince?
- Princes Myshetsky: This family was raised to princes in the 16th century, but in what year exactly?
- Princes Putkjakin: The family Putjakin was raised to princes in the 16th century, but in what year exactly? Is Prince Ivan (born 1931) still alive or has he been succeeded already, and by whom then?
- Princes Saltykov-Golovkin: When was Princess Ekatarina Saltykov-Golovkin born? She died in 1914
- Princes Shakhovskoy: In what year was this family raised to princes? Is Prince Nicolas (born 1964) the current prince?
- Princes Shchepin-Rostov: This family was raised to princes in the 16th century, but in what year exactly? In 1856 they were allowed again to carry the princely title for all descendants. Was Prince Dimitri (born 1816; when did he die?) the last of his line, or who all succeeded him?
- Princes Shcherbatov: When were they raised to princes?
- Princes Sheleshpansky [or perhaps written differently]: Was Prince Ivan (1781-1865) the last of this family? If not, who is the current prince?
- Princes Trubetskoy: Is Prince Michael (born 1933) the current prince? If not, when did he die and who followed him?
- Princes Tyafyakin-Obolenski: They were raised to princes in the 16th century, but when exactly?
- Princes Vorontsov: The title of Prince Vorontsov was created for the 3th time in 1886, but became exctint again in 1903. Who received this title in 1886, thus following Count Michael Shuvalov (1823-1882) as next prince?
- Princes Wadbolsky: This family was raised to princes in the 16th century, but exactly in what year? Are they exctinct or still existing? Who succeeded Prince Nikolai (born 1903; what year did he die?)?
- Princes Zvenigorodsky: Is this family exctint? When were they raised to princes exactly (14th century)? Was Prince Andrej the last prince? He was born in 1878, but what year did he die? If not, who all succeeded him?