tlklhm said:
I am more amazed by the choice of Princess Akishino (Princess Kiko)?. On what basis is she been chosen? How can someone who never work before and whose life is been dictated by the IHA be a global leader? If giving birth to a long anticipated heir to the throne made her a global leader, then I am very sorry for other more outstanding women around the world.
Apparantly the selection criteria does not apply to her. She married Prince Akishino immediately after her studies, no working experience, did not complete her PhD and only see her walking behind her husband on official visit. The only accomplishment i can see is giving birth to Prince Hisahito. Even her profile is so pathetic compared to the others.
For those of you who don't have time to read my comment below, here's my overall verdict of this list:

..if this list is purely nominal, as in, they put the people on the list who happen to have the particular role, like Fred in Denmark, then I can understand it. Somewhat.
But really, fundamentally, this list shows how arbitrary, unsupported this list really is.
As I said in another forum about this, the powers of nepotism are clearly at play here, i.e. Fred. What, indeed, is he doing for the world? Nothing against him, but clearly he isn't ready in the eyes of most, to deserve to be on this list.
WA is another matter. Sure, he's got to where he is by sheer luck, being born into the most powerful family of his country. BUT, he clearly has stepped up to the plate to use his position to try to make a difference in the world, with his water initiatives. Compare him for a second to Frederik--no offense, but Willem Alexander comes across as a leader much much more clearly than Fred.
If the list was by merit, Maxima should also be on the list: she's done her bit for the micro credit initiative, that really really has to be said. According to my book, she's much more leader material than Fred, just evidenced by what she's been involved with this past year, versus Fred.
Mabel DOES belong on that list. By sheer merit and vision and hard work. She's about the ONLY one who would be on this list no matter what. All the others, if they hadn't had some sort of "help" i.e. influential family connections, might not have been on this list.
Anyway with lists like this, 'Fred as world leader', is it any wonder that most of the world would roll their eyes about all these ineffective royals on it? And dismiss the list as a whole, because of its ridiculousness? Didn't think so.