The connection between physical activity and mental health is the issue Prince Daniel is focusing at his first visit to the Economic Forum.
- It is incredibly exciting and stimulating to be here. No matter what you are interested in, there are world leaders here to meet and learn from, he tells Di after just attending a global health seminar focused on mental health.
It is an area of great interest to the prince.
- Mental ill-health has increased dramatically, which is a doubling of ten years. At the same time, we have become much less physically active, he says, exemplifying a study that shows that 13-year-old boys have reduced their activity by an average of 4,000 steps per day.
- The link between physical activity and mental health we should lift more, it must be more clear, he says.
The Crown Princess couple is the initiator of the organization Generation Pep, and there is strong support from the business community, he says.
In order to reverse development, physical activity should become a natural part of life, not least for young people.
- If you are physically active at an early age, you take that with you your whole life, he says.
The Prince also praised Greta Thunberg's work.
- The climate issue is incredibly important and central here. Greta is such an impressive person. What she has managed to achieve in such a short time when it comes to raising awareness about the environmental issue is completely unique, says Prince Daniel, who also meets Greta in Davos.
- We should be grateful that we have Greta.
Prins Daniel vill sätta hälsan i fokus i Davos
At the great Swedish lunch with Prince Daniel in Davos