Royals at the reopening of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris: December 7-8 , 2024

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This thread is about Royals attending the reopening of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris on December 7, 2024.

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So far confirmed are King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, the Prince of Wales and the Count of Paris with his son Prince Gaston.

Here's a live link:

I'm certain that I saw Princess Camilla of The Two Sicilies

Arrival of the Catholic sovereigns

Arrival of the PoW
The royals present tonight: Prince Albert of Monaco, the King and Queen of the Belgians, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (they arrived with their sister-in-law Diane, Prince Jean's wife) and William, Prince of Wales.

Prince Albert and ... the BBC says Queen Sonia of Sweden, so I'm not sure whether it means Queen Sonia of Norway or Queen Silvia of Sweden!

Sweden is represented by prime minister Ulf Kristersson and his wife.
Moulay Rachid of Morocco is also present in the photo.
Have invitations been sent to all royal houses? I noticed that, except for the Prince of Wales, all other European royals in attendance are from French-speaking countries.

I am surprised that there is no Spanish royal present. Were they not invited?
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Prince Jean, Count of Paris with his son Prince Gaston:

Have invitations be sent to all royal houses? I noticed that, except for the Prince of Wales, all other European royals in attendance are from French-speaking countries.

I am surprised that there is no Spanish royal present. Were they not invited?
The King of Spain was invited but is not present, I don't know why.
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Here are some galleries:

** gtresnews gallery ** rex gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: FRA: Reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris **

The King of Spain was invited but is not present, I don't know why.

King Felipe and Queen Letizia will attend a funeral for the victims of the DANA in Valencia Cathedral on Monday... they may not have thought it appropriate to attend this religious-festive event abroad two days earlier.

Queen Sofia is already an older woman, considering that in principle part of the event was going to be outside, it was not an event for her.
The Prince of Wales was the only member of a Protestant royal family who attended. I can't imagine that the Dutch and Scandinavian royals didn't get an invite so their absence is terrible IMO.
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The royals present tonight: Prince Albert of Monaco, the King and Queen of the Belgians, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (they arrived with their sister-in-law Diane, Prince Jean's wife) and William, Prince of Wales.

Sitting two rows behind Prince Moulay Rashid are Prince Philipp and Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein.
Sitting two rows behind Prince Moulay Rashid are Prince Philipp and Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein.
Thank you! I was shocked by Alois and Sophie's absence. Nice to see the princely house was represented by someone.
Also present: the Count of Paris.
The Prince of Wales was the only member of a Protestant royal family who attended. I can't imagine that the Dutch and Scandinavian royals didn't get an invite so their absence is terrible IMO.
The danish royals host the Egyptian state visit so they hardly had any choice… The swedish King and Queen are busy with the nobel week and the King’s sister died 3 days ago so the Prime Minister went to Paris instead… Dunno where the Norwegian King and Queen was but they are almost 90 so i don’t think anyone expected them…. There was a terrible explosion in The Hague in Netherlands today with at least 4 people dead and several people missing so perhaps the Dutch RF thought it best to not appear in a festive mood in France.

Everyone can’t just drop everything ! Some will always have to politely decline even if they wanted to go
The Prince of Wales was sitting before the two Monarchs of small countries ?
King Felipe and Queen Letizia will attend a funeral for the victims of the DANA in Valencia Cathedral on Monday... they may not have thought it appropriate to attend this religious-festive event abroad two days earlier.

Queen Sofia is already an older woman, considering that in principle part of the event was going to be outside, it was not an event for her.

The reopening is exactly the kind of event the couple should have attended. The reopening has been described as a symbol of hope. The event and program was composed of psalms, hymns and described as a solemn event.

Also it is Paris- literally next door to Spain. In recent weeks Queen Sofia has traveled much further than that. Moreover the entire program was held inside the cathedral not outside.

Someone should have gone.
Prince William met President Donald Trump at the British Embassy in France.

More photos of the Prince of Wales today in France:

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The Prince of Wales was the only member of a Protestant royal family who attended. I can't imagine that the Dutch and Scandinavian royals didn't get an invite so their absence is terrible IMO.
The Dutch Prime Minister went to the ceremony. According to wikipedia Queen Sonja of Norway was there too. I could not find the representative for Spain or Denmark. Liechtenstein was represented by prince Philip.

But considering the amount of presidents there, it is indeed surprising so few European monarchs were. Perhaps the French presidency sent the invitaiton to political leaders for the most part.
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The non attendance of Prince Napoleon and anyone from the Spanish Royal family is surprising, to put it mildly.

I am also surprised that there is no solemn pontifical Mass to mark the re-opening. I understand that the pope declined to attend, but a high ranking Vatican cardinal could have been sent to stand in for him.🤔
The Dutch Prime Minister went to the ceremony. According to wikipedia Queen Sonja of Norway was there too. I could not find the representative for Spain or Denmark. Liechtenstein was represented by prince Philip.

But considering the amount of presidents there, it is indeed surprising so few European monarchs were. Perhaps the French presidency sent the invitaiton to political leaders for the most part.
I watched the whole event live and Queen Sonja was not there.

Their source is Franceinfo, which lists her too.

But she would have been seated with the other royals had she been there. Perhaps she was expected and had to cancel?
There's a weather warning across Europe tonight with heavy rains and winds.. The ceremony was scaled down inside the cathedral and some expected guests apparently canceled their attendance.

The non attendance of Prince Napoleon and anyone from the Spanish Royal family is surprising, to put it mildly.

I am also surprised that there is no solemn pontifical Mass to mark the re-opening. I understand that the pope declined to attend, but a high ranking Vatican cardinal could have been sent to stand in for him.🤔
The inaugural mass will be held tomorrow at 10.30 AM (Sunday office). Tonight was a Te Deum to celebrate the reopening.
The Prince of Wales was the only member of a Protestant royal family who attended. I can't imagine that the Dutch and Scandinavian royals didn't get an invite so their absence is terrible IMO.
Lula has explained the mitigating circumstances, but I find King Felipe and Queen Letizia's absence more significant considering that Spain is the largest extant Catholic monarchy.

The non attendance of Prince Napoleon and anyone from the Spanish Royal family is surprising, to put it mildly.

I am also surprised that there is no solemn pontifical Mass to mark the re-opening. I understand that the pope declined to attend, but a high ranking Vatican cardinal could have been sent to stand in for him.🤔
They explained during the broadcast that it is apparently common to have a consecration service for a church before a mass is celebrated there. I am no expert in these matters, but that is what I understood from the commentary. Apparently , the first mass in the re-opened cathedral will be celebrated later.

Since it was not a mass, the structure of service looked a bit like a "high Protestant" service as you would see in the Church of England for example. It was a nice service in my opinion.

There's a weather warning across Europe tonight with heavy rains and winds.. The ceremony was scaled down inside the cathedral and some expected guests apparently canceled their attendance.
Maybe the flights were canceled due to the weather conditions, so they couldn't make it.

Donald Trump was in the front row, next to Macron. I don't think anyone bothered too much with protocol.
Trump was the guest of honor so to speak, seated next to Macron , and he is not even a head of state yet, but rather (still) just a private citizen. That is to show what the imminence of great power can do for you.

The Prince of Wales had a private meeting with US President-elect Donald Trump following the Notre Dame reopening service in Paris on Saturday, November 7. The Prince and the President-elect met at the residence of the British ambassador in Paris.
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Trump was the guest of honor so to speak, seated next to Macron , and he is not even a head of state yet, but rather (still) just a private citizen. That is to show what the imminence of great power can do for you.
It was also to emphasize the fact that most of the individual donations to restore Notre Dame came from the US.
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