The new helicopter has been
delivered. As transport they have a nice car, a royal helicopter since 1998, and a royal train since 1977 for the silver jubilee. The royal yacht was christened in 1953 but was decomissioned in 1997. There was a division of the Air Force called "The King's/Queen's flight". They accepted a new VIP version of the BAE jets in roughly 1983 (two planes). But this jet can only fly non-stop to Europe. It is incapable of crossing the ocean. In the last 25 years, the planes are getting very old, and they are used by the military brass, and for other reasons. As they age they need a lot of maintenance. The royal family is relying more and more on chartered jets.
The queen only leaves the UK two to three times a year. When she does it is almost always on a chartered British Airways jet. Her children or her cousins leave several times a year, and they charter jets from luxury charters which may have Swiss or some other countries logos.
Charles' travel costs have exploded in recent years. He is renting more and more elaborate jets, and going further and longer. Costs are in £,000
2009:£1,710 2008:£1,157 2007:£1,485 2006:£1,149 2005:£1,059 2004:£825 2003:£478