Royal Parents Away From Children

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Heir Apparent
Jun 23, 2006
Do you think, that its okay, when little children are a few days alone, that means seperated from the parents like HRH Prince Christian of Denmark is alone in Denmark, while his parents and his sister are in New York on an Official visit? Might it be bad for the later development of the child, when it don't sees his parents so long, or may it be good, and why?

For me: I hadn't let Prince Christian alone back in Denmark. He is too young. He needs his parents. Yes sure, he has nannys, but can a nanny be like a mother. That shouldn't mean that the Crown Princerly couple aren't good parents, but that is not lucky.
In the past it happend. Queens and Kings let the children alone at home with nannys.... and looked what happed they all have a god life now.
the lille prince is in school, at his age imho normal routine in his own room with familar people and surroundings is a responsible choice. he has 2 sets of grandparents, nanny, guards and palace employees to watch after his own welfare, if any thing he's probably being spoiled while his parents are away, that is what grandparents tend to do. i'm sure his parents are missing him much more than he's missing them, it's only a few days and i have no doubt they are keeping constantly in touch with him and others at home. imo it would have been much worse for him to be stuck in a hotel room, surrounded by strangers while his parents are out working- strange surroundings and upset in routine for a quick trip seems silly. alot of my friends travel for work and the kids could care less, they don't have the same concept of time as adults.
It's very important for young children to keep to their routines. So long as they are with a loving caregiver (nanny, aunt, grandparent for example) they will be all right. (This isn't like the extended tours that the Queen Mother took when Elizabeth was a baby, or even that Queen Elizabeth II took when Charles and Anne were little.) And you have to remember that, because of their wealth, royal children are blessed to have the company of their parents and physical comfort, while many working-class children have parents who MUST work all the time, long hours, or on separate shifts. I don't think the young prince will be scarred by this small separation.
I agree with Iowabelle. It certainly depends on how long and extensive those separations are and certainly also how close the connection between the parents and the child is when at home and in normal routine.
Iowabell mentioned the Queen mother and the separation from her only several months old daughter for a period of 6-8 month at a time when instant communcation via email, webcam and whatever were simply utopious science fiction...
However here we must take into account that little Elisabeth saw her parents twice a day (rarely three times) for about minutes till half'n hour. Once in the morning and then around tea, if the parents were home and didn't have guests and than at bath/bed time.
I sincerely doubt that the little girl would have missed the softly powered female very much... However she is said to have screamed bloody murder when her nanny handed her to her mother upon the parents return...
Separation can cause anxiety, but uprooting can too.
And if the parents are responsible and try to minimize the anxiety for the child, then I would think that most kids are astonishing durable...
I guess if it's just for a few days and it doesn't happen every month, there no real problem for the child. Being spoiled by your grandparents is quite nice too. Besides, it wouldn't be good for them either if they travelled along with the parents (besides Isabella of course as she still needs her mom a lot). A child also needs stability in his life, and what good would it do a child to be in a hotel with a nanny?
Do you think, that its okay, when little children are a few days alone, that means seperated from the parents like HRH Prince Christian of Denmark is alone in Denmark, while his parents and his sister are in New York on an Official visit? Might it be bad for the later development of the child, when it don't sees his parents so long, or may it be good, and why?

For me: I hadn't let Prince Christian alone back in Denmark. He is too young. He needs his parents. Yes sure, he has nannys, but can a nanny be like a mother. That shouldn't mean that the Crown Princerly couple aren't good parents, but that is not lucky.

I'm with you, Principessa. And that a little child gets attention doesn't mean he/she would be spoiled. Attention is not the same than pamper. You could take care of a boy/girl without making a little tyrant of him/her.

The key word is "equilibre". I think it's important for a Royal child to be taken in official travels along with their parents, just to know how their "job" will be when they must be in "daddy" or "mummy"'s place.

You see. I'm not always with things that are done a lot of time ago. For me, the education of little Royals were mostly bad . Nannies could not be like your own parents. Childrens NEEDS to be with his/her family and have a great relationship with them. Nothing can replace a good talking with papa and mamma, telling the little one how they were when they were their age, and over all things to tell him/her anecdotes of the whole family for the boy or girl would know them. And over all things, not send them too soon at school, for the little one could know well who his/her parents are and who his/her grandparents and other relatives are. And then yes: at four ot five, he/she is ready to go to school, but the parents must NEVER neglect the hours of talking and playing with their children. I was educated this way, and now I can speak about my Great-Great Grandma Maria as I've known it (I didn't. She dead in 1961 so...) and I call her "My Granny Maria". My grandma has told me that she was living in a star, above in Heaven, and even today, I watch the stars thinking in my dear, dear Great-Great Grandmama I've never knew.

Royal children had their education neglected in the XIX Century and the very beggining of XX Century. They were always with their nannies and then, stern teachers. They saw rarely their parents. The only exception was the Russian last Imperial Family, my favorite one.

Now, Nannies are replaced with school. Modern people who is so enthousiastic about sending a poor boy or girl to school having a year and half or even less, but criticisez the old system of Nannies, are not realizing that it is alnost the same, with the exception that the boy/girl is with other children. I'm not against Royals going to school and making friends there (I should praize even that they goes to common school , to learn more about what life really is). I'm only against the fact they should go so little, before they could even speak properly. Four or five is a good age. Every psychology book will say it.

And they must go with their parents to official journeys, not only for starting to be at ease with crowds, photographs and "official ambiance", but in order of not to feel themselves abandonned by their family in a moment of they are too little to understand that "mummy and daddy went away, but don't worry. They will be hear soon".

Sorry for the long and possibily boring insight. :D

Do you think, that its okay, when little children are a few days alone, that means seperated from the parents like HRH Prince Christian of Denmark is alone in Denmark, while his parents and his sister are in New York on an Official visit? Might it be bad for the later development of the child, when it don't sees his parents so long, or may it be good, and why?

No, I don't think this "absence" will be bad for Christian's development. It is just for a few days and probably the parents told him they were going in work. Christians is with his grandparents, not only with nannies, who seem to love him very, very much.
I agree with bbb, I think Frederik and Mary are missing Christian much more than he is missing them. :)
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