Royal men with beard

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May 10, 2006
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William and Felipe look good Haakon I Like without having tried a beard myself lol im a bit of an expert
I like everyone's but Filepe's. He looks like a cast-away, and emaciated cat-away. He should replace Tom Hanks in that movie if they ever decide to remake it. I was surprised that I liked William's, but it distinguishes him, and I really love Haakon's. I couldn't imagin Haakon any other way now.
I think CP Haakon looks wonderful with beard. I can't think him without beard.:rolleyes:
I generally like men without beard. So IMHO all showed here princes look better without beard.:lol:
- prince haakon looks better with a beard than without a beard.
- prince felipe looks weird with a beard ;).
- in picture no.3, i think that it belongs to a greek prince???!!! i am not sure (it all sounds greek to me;)) but it is not prince guillaume or guillermo of the luxembourg..anyhow, i think that the beard doesn't suit him.
- prince william, it is the 1 st time i see him with a beard, the picture is not very clear,but he looks good in it, i think.

you forgot to mention the most famous beardy royal.. :eek: (did i say that right????? what i mean is the most famous royal with a beard;)) and that is prince michael of kent.
Prince Felipe looked gorgeous with a beard, as does Prince Haakon.
Prince Haakon looks the best with a beard. He has the right facial structure to pull it off. IMO, Prince William does not look good with a beard.
Prince Guillaume with a beard and without. (He is on the left in both pictures.)

I personally like him with a beard. :wub:
Haakon and Nikolaos are really handsome with the beard and they don't need to change a thing.Although I also prefer seeing Felipe and William with a beard,I believe they have to take care of them,perhaps with the help of an expert.
I think Prince Haakon and Prince Guillaume look best with a beard. I don't know about Prince Nikolaos. I think he could look good with or without a beard.
In my opinion, Prince William with a beard looked a bit strange. It made him much older than he was.
Latest pictures of royals with beards

Sept 1, 2009 - Prince Philipe of belgium, IMO it doesnt look good.

Sept 2, 2009 - Prince Felipe of Spain sporting a beard which he got rid of a while ago. Doesnt look too bad, I would say its a nice change
Pic 1 ** Pic 2
Prince William looks good with and without a beard.
Haakon looks better with the beard.
Phillpe and Felipe look awful with a beard. :flowers:
felipe is ugly with bear, instead of that haakon with bear is beautiful.
I like William with and without beard, Haakon with and without beard as well, but with beard Haakon looks more masculine. Nikolaos looks handsome with a beard too, but I don't like Felipe and Philipe with beards. It doesn't flatter Felipe IMO and Philipe looks quite messy with it.

I found a quite rare picture of Prince Andrew with a beard :flowers:

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IMO he looked very handsome!
Well,this is an interesting subject for us,women,isn't it?
The ones I prefer with a beard are William,Philip of Belgium & Haakon of Norway.
Personally,I think Felipe of Spain looks better without a beard.
I don't like men with beards as they inspirit more age than men are...
But I like the photo of young Prince Andrew!;)
I really don't like the new looks in Belgium and Spain. It really makes Prince Philippe look old (although maybe that's what he wanted), and the Bourbons just look scruffy. The only recent royal besides Michael of Kent that looked good in the beard is Prince Harry.
Growing beards

What's happening in the royal world? A lot of royal beards are growing!
All we know the beards of Prince Michael of Kent, Prince Haakon of Norway, Prince Amedeo of Savoy; but in the last two months I've seen growing the beards of Prince Philippe of Belgium, yesterday of King Juan Carlos of Spain and today of Lord Frederick Windsor!
What's happening?
I asked myself the same question as I saw Lord Frederick today. It can not only be lost bets or accidents. :lol: Maybe its trendy again to grow a beard, but it surely doesn't suit every man.

Oh, and Prince Felipe of Spain also has a beard at the moment.
When I was looking at the photos of CP Felipe of Spain from National Day this week, I decided that I really dont like his beard. Its graying, and makes him look so much older that he is. I prefer him clean shaven.
Classic vs. Modern beards & Royalty

In my opinion, if a royal is to wear a beard, it should be done with grandeur, not with short, wimpy trimmers.

Case in point: George V (and his cousin, Czar Nicholas)

Ermm...Nicholas wearing the dark uniform and George the white one? I still have doubts when I see pics of them together...
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