The sound you can herar from the people when Queen Margrethe 2. are on the balcony are hurra.Originally posted by sky@Apr 6th, 2004 - 7:07 pm
I have question about QMII. Has she always done those hand movements when she appears on the balcony? Whenever she does what are the people saying , cause it sounds like raa or sometinhg, but I'm not Danish. Also if you are in the royal family do you haved to stand in the certain place on the balcony? Most of the pictures I see of the RF on the balcony Fred and Jochaim are on one side and Alex is on the other.
Hello SpiffyBallerina.Originally posted by SpiffyBallerina@Apr 8th, 2004 - 12:59 am
Wow- that's very interesting! What kind of salute do they yell 9 times? Is there any video of that?
By the way, I was watching (or trying to watch) a video but it was so random that I had no idea what it was supposed to be about! Can anyone translate the video description for me?
Kronprins Frederik's fødsel og dåb
Kronprins Frederik bliver født ved kejsersnit sent om aftenen d. 26. maj 1968. Klip fra fremvisning af ham i haven med dronningen og prins Henrik. klip fra kirken ved hans dåb
Thanks so much guys! :flower: :flower:
Aussie Princess said:Gosh, you'd swear she was British wouldn't you? Amazing!
Layla1971 said:Personally, I prefer the blend of the Australian and English accent's that CP Mary speaks with. and, IMO opinion her Danish is very soft and beautiful, even though I don't understand a word the CP says!
Hej Everyone, I'm new in this forum, this is my first said:I have question about QMII. Has she always done those hand movements when she appears on the balcony? Whenever she does what are the people saying , cause it sounds like raa or sometinhg, but I'm not Danish. Also if you are in the royal family do you haved to stand in the certain place on the balcony? Most of the pictures I see of the RF on the balcony Fred and Jochaim are on one side and Alex is on the other.