Royal Family of Romania, News & Events Part 2: Jan 2018 - December 2024

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Princess Maria attends at the "Gala of the Heart for the Future".

The event took place on the evening of Friday, 19 October. The evening host was Regina Maria Social Innovation Foundation, which funded the publication of a limited edition of a memorial album by Queen Maria. The copies of the album will be auctioned and funded medical projects.

Gala anuală a Fundației Inovații Sociale Regina Maria | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 22 October Princess Maria, participated at the National Opera in Bucharest to celebrate the National Day of Austria.

Principesa Maria la Ziua Națională a Austriei | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Wednesday, 24 October Princess Maria visited the day center of the Shield Social Services Association in Brasov.

Principesa Maria, vizită la Asociația de Servicii Sociale Scut din Brașov | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 25 October Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation organized the eleventh edition of the Royal Charity Concert on the birthday of King Mihai I. Her Majesty Margareta, Prince Radu and Princess Maria attended.

Concertul Regal caritabil 2018, la Ateneul Român | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Today, Princess Sofia celebrates her birthday with her daughter, Elisabeth Maria, at Elisabeta Palace, where she is invited by Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu. Will be present at the family celebration and Princess Maria.

Ziua de naștere a Principesei Sofia | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 29 October Princess Maria participated in the seminar on "Women's Economic Empowerment and Reduction of Gender Discrimination in the Business Environment".

Principesa Maria, la seminarul dedicat prezenței femeilor în mediul de afaceri | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

And pictures from Princess Sofia celebrated her birthday at Elisabeta Palace, invited by Her Majesty and Prince Radu, together with her daughter, Elisabeta Maria and her sister, Princess Maria.

Not a boy, girl. She is Elizabeta Maria daughter of Princess Sofia.

A picture of her from the funeral of Queen Anne
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On the last photo - who is this boy next to her?
And pictures from Princess Sofia celebrated her birthday at Elisabeta Palace, invited by Her Majesty and Prince Radu, together with her daughter, Elisabeta Maria and her sister, Princess Maria.

Thank you very much for your post, eya!

If I may ask, what was your source for the last picture? It does not appear on the Royal House's website, but I have noticed they do have the same photo showing only Margarita and Sophie, where they cropped Sophie's daughter out of it.
You are welcome Benjamin!

All the pictures and that with Elizabeta Maria I found them in the official twitter of the Royal House but now when i check this picture is no longer there!. Very strange!
It seems that i posted this picture before take it down! Strange again!

On 5-6 November, Princess Maria is on a public visit to the Switzerland.

On Monday, 5 November, Princess Maria visited the United Nations Library in Geneva.

Principesa Maria la Palatul Națiunilor Unite din Geneva | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Maria was present on Saturday, 10 November in Curtea de Arges, to launch the "Ductlón Regal Invictus" sport competition.

Principesa Maria la Duatlonul Regal Invictus | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Sunday, 11 November , Princess Maria, took part in the military at the Bellu Military Cemetery, at the military and religious ceremony on the occasion of the commemoration of the First World War Armistice.

Principesa Maria, la ceremonia de comemorare a eroilor Primului Război Mondial | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Monday, 12 November, Princess Sofia visited the city of Brasov.

Principesa Sofia, vizită la Brașov | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Sofia back to Romania and start it seems to take part at the royal activities.
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Princess Maria represented Her Majesty Margareta attends at the National Military Circle at the Festive Assembly celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Great Union in Alba Iulia.

Asociația Națională Cultul Eroilor a aniversat Centenarul Marii Uniri | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Maria was the guest of the Matei Basarab National College in Bucharest on Friday, 16 November on the occasion of Collegiate Days to visit the educational institution

Principesa Maria la Colegiul Național Matei Basarab | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 19 November, Princess Maria represented Her Majesty at the working meeting of the Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation

Întâlnirea Fundației Principesa Margareta a României la Palatul Elisabeta | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Also on 19 November, Princess Maria took part at the Painting Hall of the National Theater in Bucharest at the Young Talent Gala organized by the Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation.

Gala Tinere Talente 2018 | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Yesterday 21 November , Princess Maria, deposited a crown of flowers from Ambassador Mihnea Constantinescu on behalf of Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu.

Mihnea Constantinescu, In Memoriam | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On the afternoon of Monday, 26 November, Her Majesty Margareta signed the decorative patents with royal orders and medals for a number of personalities from Romania and European countries.
The ceremony took place around the Centenary of the Great Union and took place in the Throne Hall. On behalf of theHer Majesty, the decorations were handed over by Prince Radu with the presence of Princess Sofia and Princess Maria.

Ceremonie de decorări regale, în preajma Centenarului | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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Strange that the Custodian of the Crown has not been present at a number of high profile events recently.

Instead, her duties seem to have been relegated to her husband Radu.
It looks like her last activities were in October... It makes you wonder what is going on this month of November that makes that Margarita isn't present at activities in Romania. Could it be that she is in Switzerland arranging things over there or could it have to do with her health (she didn't look that good on the latest pictures imo)?
Princess Maria participated last night 27 November at the Romanian Athenaeum at the premiere of the documentary film "Maria, the heart of Romania" dedicated to the Queen Maria, made by John Florescu at Chainsaw Film Production.

Principesa Maria a asistat la premiera filmului “Maria, inima României” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Her Majesty Margareta addressed of the Parliament with the presence of Prince Radu and Princess Maria

Majestatea Sa s-a adresat Camerelor reunite ale Parlamentului | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

The Custodian of the Crown addressed the Parliament | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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It looks like her last activities were in October... It makes you wonder what is going on this month of November that makes that Margarita isn't present at activities in Romania. Could it be that she is in Switzerland arranging things over there or could it have to do with her health (she didn't look that good on the latest pictures imo)?

There was also a span of several months during the summer when she did not attend any public events.

No idea as to the reason, but it is rather odd.
Intersting to see that Infante Dinz of Portugal also was there. He can be seen seating next to Prince Radu and Princess Maria in the second link.
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Intersting to see that Infante Dinz of Portual also was there. He can be seen seating next to Prince Radu and Princess Maria in the second link.
A day at the office with Aunt Bunny?
I'm sure the Bragancas would like the position that their Romanian cousins have so maybe he's there to look at how they've arranged things.
A day at the office with Aunt Bunny?
I'm sure the Bragancas would like the position that their Romanian cousins have so maybe he's there to look at how they've arranged things.
But it is still strange as their is no relation between the Families. And Diniz is the youngest son and with 19 still very young.
The Royal Family arrived for the visit in Alba Iulia this morning with the Royal Train.
With Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu are also Princess Elena and her husband, Alexander Nixon, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria.

Familia Regală la Alba Iulia, 1 Decembrie 2018 | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 4 December, the Romanian Athenaeum hosted the launch of the book "Conversations with King Mihai", signed by Stelian Tanase and published by the Corinth Publishing House with the presence of Princess Elena and her husband, Mr. Alexander Philips Nixon

Principesa Elena la lansarea volumului “ConversaÈ›ii cu Regele Mihai” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Elena unveiled yesterday the statue of Queen Marie of Romania in Ashford, Kent, the birthplace of Queen Marie.

On Wednesday, 12 December Princess Maria visited the city of Cluj-Napoca.

Principesa Maria, vizită la Cluj-Napoca | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Today 14 December ,Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu offered Christmas gifts to employees of Elisabeta Palace of Her Majesty's House Crown Custody. The meeting was attended by Princess Maria.

Daruri de Crăciun pentru angajații Casei Majestății Sale | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

At the invitation of Concordia Humanitarian Organization Austria, yesterday 16 December, Princess Maria paid a visit to Vienna.
Princess Maria attended the charity concert of the organization, entitled "Christmas Matinee".
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, President of Austria, attended, along with Princess Maria, the gala held at Ferstel Palace.

Președintele Austriei și Principesa Maria, la Viena | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Her Majesty Margareta on 17 December hosted at Elisabeta Palace the Royal Reception for the Diplomatic Corps 2018 with the presence of Prince Radu, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria.

Seara regală în onoarea Corpului Diplomatic, 2018 | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 17 December at the Jockey Club, Princess Sofia took part in the launch of the Kildine Children's Book - The Story of a Little Naughty Principle, written by Queen Maria of Romania.

Principesa Sofia la lansarea cărții scrisă de Regina Maria | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Wednesday, 19 December, Princess Maria returned to the Social Center "Casa Sfanta Cristina" in Ploiesti of the Concordia Humanitarian Organization on the eve of the winter holidays.

Principesa Maria, la Centrul Social „Casa Sfânta Cristina” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Sunday, 23 December ,Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu received carols at the Royal Motor Show at Savarsin. With them are Princess Elena and Alexander Nixon, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria.

Familia Regală a primit colindători la Săvârșin | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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Royal Train in Alba Iula and red carpet for the Queen , husband and sisters.

I was thought that the Patriarch of Romania did the Celebraton outside (minus 10 ) because he did not want Margareta sitting on the royal throne inside of the Cathedral.

The Queen and her family refused to attend the military ceremonie in the afternoon which was the last part of the day programme.
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Her Majesty Margareta on 17 December hosted at Elisabeta Palace the Royal Reception for the Diplomatic Corps 2018 with the presence of Prince Radu, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria.

Seara regală în onoarea Corpului Diplomatic, 2018 | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Three Ambassadors from European monarchies were present:
- Ambassador Mr Paul Brummel (the United Kingdom)
- Ambassador Mr Manuel Larrotcha (the Kingdom of Spain)
- Ambassador Mrs Maris Stella Ronner-Grubačić (the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Her Majesty Margareta with Prince Radu and Princess Elena ,Alexander Nixon, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria spent the Eve in Savarsin Castle

Seara de Ajun la Castelul Săvârșin | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Also the family received the locals' dubans and listened to the carols

Dubașii au colindat Familia Regală | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

The Royal Family attend at the Christmas day service on 25 December at the Orthodox Church in Savarsin by Father Călin , the parish priest of the church.

Slujba primei zile de Crăciun 2018 | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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The non official Queen is sitting on the former King's throne.
Yes I noticed the Crown Princess had a rather 'better' seat than everyone else ;)
Princess Maria joined the Defence Minister in a ceremony comemorating Ecaterina Teodoroiu, the first Romanian female combatant in the Romanian Armed Forces

125 de ani de la nașterea Ecaterinei Teodoroiu | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Friday, 18 January Princess Maria visited Constanta County.

Principesa Maria, vizită la Constanța | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Today 21 January ,Princess Maria, visited the Romanian Academy Library the photo exhibition dedicated to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and the Imperial Family.

Principesa Maria, la expoziția dedicată Țarului Nicolae al II-lea al Rusiei | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 28 January, Princess Maria visited the National University of Music.

Principesa Maria a vizitat Universitatea Națională de Muzică | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Tuesday, 29 January , Princess Maria visited School Gymnasium no. 139 "Mircea Sântimbreanu" in Bucharest.

Principesa Maria, vizită la Scoala Gimnazială „Mircea Sântimbreanu” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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Princess Margaretha 2017 complaint lodged with the Swiss police against her nephew is still alive. (Interview of Nicholas de Roumanie for Swiss Magazine l' Illustré)
Tuesday, 5 February , Princess Sofia, along with her daughter, Elisabeta Maria, visited the National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa".

Principesa Sofia, vizită la Muzeul de Istorie Naturală “Grigore Antipa” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

No pictures of Elizabeta Maria.

On Monday, 18 February , at Cartellus Bookstore, Princess Maria took part in the launch of the album "Jewelry of the Queen Maria", signed by the historian Diana Mandache and published by Corinth Publishing House.

Principesa Maria la lansarea volumului Bijuteriile Reginei Maria | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Maria, paid a visit to Brussels on 11 and 12 February. On the evening of 12 February, in Brussels, attended the Eurordis Gala 2019, where the "Black Pearl Awards" were awarded.

Vizita Principesei Maria în Belgia | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Over the past few days, Princess Sofia has made a new album with art photos, with the theme of Brasov.

Brașovul, văzut de Principesa Sofia | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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On 1 March , Princess Maria responded to the invitation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AMCHAM) and the Professional Women's Network in Romania and attended a breakfast, along with feminine personalities from various fields of activity.

În zi Mărțișor, reuniune dedicată femeilor-lider | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Meetings of the Royal Family in this week:

On 25 February ,Prince Radu received, at His Elizabeta Palace, Mrs. Füsun Aramaz, the ambassador of Turkey to Bucharest.

On 26 February Mrs. Stella Ronner-Grubačić, the Ambassador of Netherlands to Bucharest.

On 28 February, Her Majesty Margareta received at the Elisabeta Palace Ms. Anca Harasim and Mr. Dan Mocanu, members of the Board of Directors of Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation.

On 1 March, Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu offered a lunch at Elisabeta Palace to Mr. Aykut Eken, President of the International Federation of Honorary Consuls, and Ms Eken. Princess Sofia and Princess Maria took part.
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On Friday, 1 March, Princess Maria received at the ElisabetA Palace a visit to the children in charge of the Cristina House of the Concordia Humanitarian Organization.

Prima zi de primăvară la Palatul Elisabeta | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On 8 March , Her Majesty Margareta, hosted at Elisabeta Palace the meeting of the Board of Directors of Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation. The meeting was attended by Princess Maria, member of the Steering Committee.

Custodele Coroanei a prezidat întâlnirea Comitetului Director al fundației Majestății Sale | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Princess Maria assisted on Wednesday, 13 March, at the Romanian Athenaeum, at the concert offered by Teodor Ilincai, one of the most appreciated Romanian tenors of his generation.

Teodor Ilincăi și Camerata Regală la Ateneul Român | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

On Tuesday, 19 March, Princess Maria took part in the anniversary of the centenary of the Special School for Hearing Impaired "St. Maria" in Bucharest.

Principesa Maria, la Școala Profesională Specială pentru Deficienți de Auz „Sfânta Maria” | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

In the evenung of 19 March, Princess Maria participated at the Romanian Athenaeum at the National Gala of Excellence in Social Assistance, on the occasion of the celebration of the World Social Assistance Day.

Gala Naţională a Excelenţei în Asistenţă Socială | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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Princess Maria is quite busy the latest weeks. She represents the Royal House with zest and pleasure so to see.
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