Retrospective of the Grimaldi Family - Part II

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Apr 11, 2005
Welcome to Part II of the thread: Photo Retrospective of the Grimaldi Family.

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  • Only pictures you have written permission to share can be posted here. You can post links to any pictures.
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Here is a cute pic of Caroline (5 years) and Albert (4 years):

Great pics Iceflower! :) It seems the first pics were taken in her office in the palace.
This might be a stupid question, seeing as Grace was a princess and all, but does any one know if she ever cooked? Iceflower's second clipping made me wonder...

This might be a stupid question, seeing as Grace was a princess and all, but does any one know if she ever cooked? Iceflower's second clipping made me wonder...


I remember reading in various biographies that Grace liked to cook, especially at their ranch Roc Agel on the weekends.
I remember reading in various biographies that Grace liked to cook, especially at their ranch Roc Agel on the weekends.

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that she liked to cook. She could do EVERYTHING! I bet she was wonderful at it!

Great pics Iceflower! :) It seems the first pics were taken in her office in the palace.
That could be true, Monacos :flowers:

Here's a clipping of Caroline and Rainier attending an official event in december 1987, that blue colour is very nice for Caroline,
just think of the dress with the same colour she wore this month in Paris..:)

Caroline and Rainier in 1987
Great pics Ianna :) Thanks ;) BTW it seems they went to Lourdes several times in the late 70s early 80s from the pics.
This pic is so precious..Thanks for sharing it, Tosca!:flowers: People usually say that there's always special bond between mother and son..

You're welcome Ianna!:flowers: Perhaps they're right, but I have only one son, so I can't really tell if it would be different towards a daughter. Surely ours is :)!!!
Here's a small but great pic from 1966 - and not only because of the sweet little Steph but also
of the other four children :)

"The Royal Family watching the U.S. Air Force band perform from the Palace balcony. L-R: Prince
Rainier of Monaco holding Princess Stephanie, Prince Albert, Suzan Kelly, Princess Grace, Princess
Caroline, Ann Kelly, July 30, 1966."

----> the family in 1966
Are Suzan and Ann Grace's neices?

Princess Grace look classy. I think that Albert was prone to be chubby look at his face.
OMG this is the first time I've realzied how much Louis looks like Albert!
This might be a stupid question, seeing as Grace was a princess and all, but does any one know if she ever cooked? Iceflower's second clipping made me wonder...

In fact she was a great cook and encouraged caro to learn.Grace cooked fantastic breakfasts American style for her family while at the Roc.I am not certain but I think she had learned to cook from her mother and a culunary arts course that was compulsory in her day.
Thanks tbhrc little stephanie on her bike is so cute
You're welcome Radker18.

Some more pics:

The Princely Family of Monaco At A Winter Sport Break

Prince RAINIER III with his wife Grace KELLY and their children Albert and Caroline.

Princess GRACE and Prince RAINIER of Monaco with their children, Caroline and Albert at their private zoo.

Princess Grace KELLY with her children Albert and Caroline
Thanks Tosca Beautiful Pictures Love them both
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