Queen Sofia's Fashion and Style Part 5: January 2024 -

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Queen Sofia in Ibeas de Juarros (Burgos) today, December 10:

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A really lovely shade of green and the overall look was enhanced by the scarf and brooch.
The jacket is colourful and this seems to be queen Sofia's signature look over the past few years
A lovely jacket combined with black pants for Queen Sofia at a charity concert today, December 26:
Queen Sofia looked lovely and the jacket was the highlight!
A really lovely appearance by Queen Sofia ,the colours are really nice.
A great look for Queen Sofia at a gala marking the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of the Opera Garnier in Paris this evening, January 24:

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At her age, she is more than ever the very definition of ROYALTY. Even if I'm not crazy over the silver embroidery, that is a stunning look from Queen Sofía!
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