Queen Paola speaking Italian

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Serene Highness
Apr 28, 2008
I know that she speaks very few on the tv and I also know that she speaks a bad Dutch but I'm so curious of hearing HM Queen Paola speak her mother language,Italian. But I couldn't find anything. Does anyone have videos of her?
Sort of "on topic" I believe I read somewhere that her grandchildren call her Nonna (grandma in Italian) I wonder what they call theKing?
Sort of "on topic" I believe I read somewhere that her grandchildren call her Nonna (grandma in Italian) I wonder what they call theKing?
If that you say it is true, it would be very funny and sweet. After MAMMA(mum in Italian) I don't know a sweeter word in Italian than NONNA:wub:, I assure you!!! Also, I think that the princes call the king "papie"(grandpa in French), otherwise NONNO (Italian rules;))!!!
As far as I know it is still possible to order the DVD. Just google with: The stem van de Koningin [Dutch] or Paola, Paroles de Reine [French]

In the documentary Queen Paola herself tells that she is always so happy when her grandchildren say to her "Nonni, we always enjoy eating your meals"[rough translation].

She doesn't tell what they call their grandfather. "Bonpa" perhaps.
She doesn't tell what they call their grandfather. "Bonpa" perhaps.

I don't think they would call him "Bonpa" as it is a French speaking family instead of Flemish... :p
Perhaps, the children call King Albert "Nono". This also usual in the French language.
I am not surprised if Paola's grandchildren call her Nonna. I guess that Astrid's children do, considering that both their grandmothers are Italian.
ita lia since ages the princesse lia used to live in italia lia is one of the princesse wife of saint prophet jacob .lia in arabic mean something that belong to me .
shakhim, in case you meant that the name Italia derives from Princess Lia, I am afraid you are wrong. The name Italia has nothing to do do with Princess Lia.
There are different theories about the origin of the word Italia. Its origin is said to be either Greek or Latin, or maybe both Greek and Latin, but absolutely not Arabic.
As far as I know it is still possible to order the DVD. Just google with: The stem van de Koningin or Paola, Paroles de Reine In the documentary Queen Paola herself tells that she is always so happy when her grandchildren say to her "Nonni, we always enjoy eating your meals
Oh that was just wonderfull!She has such a beautifull voice.
You’re definitively right, Lucien. She has indeed a beautiful voice –such an appealing mélange of her articulate Italian accent, her vivid intonation and yet that kind of velvety sound (particularly striking when she’s speaking French). Watching the DVD I also got the impression that her voice hardly changed over the decades, which is pretty amazing (and every singer’s dream when he or she is getting older, I suppose). It seems to me that her voice nicely suits her facial expression, e.g. her smile, which is likewise a fascinating mixture of vivacious temperament, modesty and tenderness i.m.o. :flowers:
Thank you too much for that! I really enjoyed it.
I may of missed this somewhere along the way in the threads, but is it safe to assume Prince Philippe, Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent all speak Italian as well?
I may of missed this somewhere along the way in the threads, but is it safe to assume Prince Philippe, Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent all speak Italian as well?

I am from Belgium, but never really heard them speaking; my guess is rather they understand but not sure they speak fluently.
I've just come across this thread!
I had found some time ago this video from 2014, during a private holiday to Sicily in the period around Easter, where you can hear both Paola and Albert (his Italian is quite good) speaking Italian (asking questions about the activities of the religious confraternity they were visiting). Astrid, Lorenz and three of their children were there as well
Yet another wonderful find, Linda! The Queen never lost her Tuscan consonants :D I'm almost sure Queen Mathilde's italian is so good because she had lots of practice with Queen Paola.
Yet another wonderful find, Linda! The Queen never lost her Tuscan consonants :D I'm almost sure Queen Mathilde's italian is so good because she had lots of practice with Queen Paola.
I'm happy you liked it! :flowers:
Queen Mathilde does indeed speak Italian well, I had heard her once during a speech and she also has a quite good accent (less French-sounding than when she speaks English or Dutch, imo).
I don't think I've ever heard Philippe speaking italian, hopefully soon during a state visit to Italy (which was put off a few times due to the pandemic, sadly)! I had heard Astrid once, and I know also Laurent speaks italian well
I've just come across this thread!
I had found some time ago this video from 2014, during a private holiday to Sicily in the period around Easter, where you can hear both Paola and Albert (his Italian is quite good) speaking Italian (asking questions about the activities of the religious confraternity they were visiting). Astrid, Lorenz and three of their children were there as well

Such a great find!!!
Do you think Astrid and her children speak Italian as well? They all seem to be paying attention, plus Lorenz's mother was Italian as well, no?
This is a video of Princess Astrid speaking Italian. She is not very fluent but she understands the journalist's questions and answers correctly

It wouldn't surprise me if Astrid and at least some of her children speak Italian.

Maria Laura and Joachim were listening very closely, as if they understood what was being said.
Amadeo definitely speaks Italian, both his grandmothers are Italian, and he's married to Donna Elisabetta.
Such a great find!!!
Do you think Astrid and her children speak Italian as well? They all seem to be paying attention, plus Lorenz's mother was Italian as well, no?
Astrid can speak Italian, I remember hearing a speech during a commemoration (in Italy) of the mining disaster of Marcinelle, some years ago. Lorenz in the video seems to be paying attention indeed, it's likely that he can speak as well, or at least understand, as his mother, the late Archduchess Margherita (born Princess of Savoy-Aosta) was also italian. Besides that, I know that Astrid and her family spend their summer holidays every year in Southern Italy.
Their children can also speak at least some italian, according to their Linkedin pages
A new video of Queen Paola speaking Italian (from the current events thread) :

On the occasion of the Week of the Italian Language in the world, a message shared by the italian ministry for Foreign affairs from Queen Paola, speaking in Italian and sharing, among other things, some memories about Italian poetry from her school days:

The video was recorded in the vicarage of Villers-sur-Lesse, which will be inherited by Laurent's kids
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