QN had "relationships" with men--dating relationships in college. One was Pat Patterson, who was interviewed in "People" after her engagement was announced. He is the son of a man who was a popular coach then. He expressed amazement at her engagement to a King as he said she was so free-spirited and independent, being the wife of a King seemed so unlike her. I believe she dated some other men but that is to be expected.
These rumors--oh my word, so many, QN did this, QN did that, QA was murdered because Queen Zein didn't like her,.....on and on.....but like the ring of enormous value QN purchased and the estate in Florida which was very grand she decided to buy on a whim, EVERYONE had seen a bill of sale but no one could produce one. These rumors fuel perceptions some people have and are usually just a bill of goods, totally untrue. The poor woman--QN--cries at a funeral and suddenly has Israeli blood. She wept when she heard Sadat had been killed too---did that make her egyptian?
I hate rumors.....They are so easy to create, so hard to disprove and so willingly accepted as fact by many.....and I am not just talking the JRF. It goes on with everyone. When I started my new job a few years ago, a mean-spirited secretary felt I was getting more credit for something she had done so she told people--I soon found out--I had had 5 husbands by age 30!!!! I am still looking for 4 of them as I only recall getting married once. I clearly am missing out on a lot of alimony.......darn it.
I have the QN interview promoting her book with Larry King on in the background. It is so coincidental as she is talking about how much she hated being "exposed to viscious gossip--it was eating away at me!" She said she didn't know how to handle it at first and it affected her terribly as she would read things and be totally shocked that such stuff would merit being repeated, let alone being reported. She also gets in a few comments about the horrible gossip "revealed by those the King had asked to help her--gossip was, unfortunately, part of their nature and I didn't even know many of those being gossiped about." In her book, she says his assistant in England had strong opinions and negative ones "she enjoyed sharing about KH's family, all his ex-wives, friends, even his children....." So, she is well aware of this kind of thing and despises it as much as we do!!!!! Whether directed at her or at others..... (OK, I'm going out on a limb here but whomever that assistant was would've been long gone after QN's experience with her! I wonder if she told KH this lady was talking negatively and spreading cruel rumors about his loved ones.....I would have!) I guess that's the problem with being a celebrity or royal; you have to have people you can rely on.....and you HOPE you can trust them.....but they are in positions to acquire enough information and could really do damage to you via books, etc. Just look at Princess Diana.....You become a bit trapped, it would seem.