Agree with everyone so far.
Re: coldness - one of the most recent times QN was on Larry King, he asked her what KH's reaction to September 11 would have been, and she said he would have been devastated and would have felt the loss of every life keenly - he could not face such emotional issues. If I recall from the book correctly, he compared the miscarriage to a situation in I think Gaza or the West Bank (not sure of the location), where multiple lives had been lost. (Basically, how could one life take precedence over the lives of many.)
This book definitely had an over-edited feel to it. For example, in a Vanity Fair interview given soon after KH's death, QN was asked how she, from a democratic, civil-rights oriented country, justified marrying a Muslim king (i.e., a more conservative society). She basically said, she hadn't really thought through all of the implications, and jumped into the situation without considering all of her options. (I'll have to find the exact quote.) Quite a difference from the tone in her book, that she carefully thought things through. In my job, I have to consider the credibility of the people who are talking to me, and I would tend to take a spontaneous statement to a reporter as more accurate than a page in a book that's been re-written and edited numerous times. But then again, being quoted by People Magazine as "A Blue-Jeaned American in Jordan Says of Her King: I'd Be Delighted to Have His Child" when all she supposedly said to the reporter was "Insh'allah" could mean the Vanity Fair interview was exaggerated. I'm just going on what's in front of me.