Queen Mary’s Patronages and Charities: January 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This meeting had not been listed on the official calendar.

Today, December 11th, Queen Mary met with the Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council to receive various briefings and statutes if the organizations work. The Queen has been patron of this organization for almost 2 decades.
Yesterday, December 11, Queen Mary has participated in the Cancer Centre's Christmas event again:

[quoute]The Cancer Center is a community that no one wants to be a part of, but once you’re in, you don’t want to leave again.” These are the words of 22-year-old Rosa about Rigshospitalet’s free space and community for young people undergoing cancer treatment. Last night, Her Majesty the Queen, as is tradition, participated in the Cancer Center’s always cozy Christmas event with mulled wine and apple slices – and not least conversations with the young people about everything from Christmas plans and the course of their illness to the difficult thoughts and hopes for the future. The Cancer Center, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in January, is led by nurse and youth coordinator Maiken Hjerming. In 2016, she received the Cancer Control Award of Honor from the Queen for her great commitment to the work for young cancer patients.[/quote]

The first photo with the women putting her hands on Mary shoulders is special. Shows the closeness Mary has with the ogranization.
She has awarded this director in the past.

Some great work to highlight cancer patients
Queen Mary attended the DR Girls' Choir's Christmas concert in Copenhagen this afternoon, December 15:

Queen Mary as Patron attended a food club event with WeShelter at the NABO Center Amager in Copenhagen today, December 17:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **

A nice gallery:

** gettyimages: DNK: Queen Mary Of Denmark Participates In WeShelter Food Club Event In Copenhagen **

This is a great thing to support!
That is that people who a lonely and/or have mental issues can meet, prepare a meal and then share a meal with like-minded in a setting suited to them and with people who understand them.

There are similar opportunities for people who are new in town, or who for various reasons can't visit family around Christmas or who are introverts or on a student budget.
This is a great thing to support!
That is that people who a lonely and/or have mental issues can meet, prepare a meal and then share a meal with like-minded in a setting suited to them and with people who understand them.

There are similar opportunities for people who are new in town, or who for various reasons can't visit family around Christmas or who are introverts or on a student budget.

Very much needed! I believe that is one of the pillars in the Mary Foundation, to combat loneness.

Very nice
Very much needed! I believe that is one of the pillars in the Mary Foundation, to combat loneness.

Very nice
It is one of the main focus areas of The Mary Foundation!

During the visit, Queen Mary was shown/presented (not sure with Google Translate) a frame with a signed letter from QMII from 2021. Billed Bladet has a video of her with the frame

What a lovely event!
As Patron of the Danish Nature Fund Queen Mary visited Lerbjerg Forest today, January 30:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **

** gettyimages: Danish Queen Mary Visits Lerbjerg Forest With Danish Nature Foundation **

A lovely but cool day today. Hope she dressed for it.
A lovely but cool day today. Hope she dressed for it.

She used her outfit that she previously wore in Greenland, Im sure it did the trick

More photos from today

Photos from the DRF

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