Queen Mary’s Patronages and Charities: January 2024 -

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Feb 4, 2007
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Welcome to Part 1 of the thread for the Patronages and Charities of Queen Mary!

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
"Her Majesty the Queen presents the Rarity Award
The umbrella organization Rare Diagnoses will hold a joint event on Rare Day on 29 February 2024 at 17-18 in Industriens Hus. HM Queen Mary presents the Sjældne prize, which is awarded every 4 years.

Rare Day is an international awareness day for rare diseases and disabilities. In Denmark, it is celebrated with a big event every 4 years, when it is a leap year and thus also the real Rare Day on 29 February . In Rare Diagnoser, we are very much looking forward to HM Queen Mary's participation. We are happy and honored by HM The Queen's interest in children and adults living with rare diseases and disabilities."

"Mary has been patron of the organization since 2005, where she has continuously participated in their events and focused on the Danes who live with challenges that few know about. And precisely diversity and vulnerability have become a greater and greater focus for Queen Mary in recent years. Not least in the work with the Mary Foundation, which "works for a society where everyone feels they belong."
Queen Mary attended the presentation of grants from The Crown Princess Mary Scholarship at the University of Copenhagen today, May 2:

** gettyimages: DNK: Queen Mary Of Denmark Attends Presentation Of Grants From The Crown Princess Mary Scholarship **

Love this! Such a great connection between the two countries and the universities. Great help for the students.
An announcement about Queen Mary's patronages has been made today:

The Queen assumes new patronages for the organisations Danish Hospital Clowns and WeShelter, which focuses on particularly disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, and for Independent Research Fund Denmark, which has the objective of developing and strengthening the quality of Danish research. In addition, The Queen continues her involvement in nature conservation as UNEP Patron of Biodiversity and The Danish Nature Fund.

From Queen Margrethe, The Queen assumes the patronages of The Royal Danish Academy of Music, The Danish Cancer Society and of Diakonissestiftelsen, a healthcare organisation established in 1863 by Queen Louise.

In addition, The Queen continues 16 of her previous patronages, including The Danish Mental Health Fund, The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and WWF Denmark.

On 20th June Queen Mary will open a new art-event in Aarhus.
It's called: Find the Elephant.
It's a cooperation between Aarhus municipality, the Psychiatry Foundation and Wild in Art.
It's consists of 30 decorated elephants (figures not live ones) placed in various location within the municipality and the purpose is to remind people of those who suffer from all sorts of mental illnesses.

That's a good initiative, I think.
In our village a man suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia died some weeks ago. He wasn't violent but when he didn't take his medication he was an annoyance for his neighbors. He died, my wife believe, as a result of the medication. Because in severe cases the medication leaves the patient in almost a zombie-like state and combined with many years of inactivity, with the resulting obesity, chain smoking and junk-food... well, few get old that way. It didn't exactly help, I imagine, that he went from 0-500 when he didn't take his medication and had his episodes.
Statistically speaking those who suffer from illnesses like severe Paranoid Schizophrenia don't need a retirement fund, they die many years before the average.
That is the result of many years of political neglect. Savings on places at psychiatric wards, cuts on rooms at protected homes, savings on those who should look after the ill who live, usually alone, in their own homes, to check on them.
You probably know it well from your own countries.

Queen Mary attended the "Find the Elephant" event in Aarhus today, June 20:

A very good friend of mine quite a few years ago suffered from profound mental illness that no medications/treatments seemed to help, and he took his own life. Part of me has always felt that if he felt more comfortable talking to people about how he was struggling and what he was struggling with, he might have found a community of other like-minded people who could help support him in a way the rest of us couldn't because we didn't understand. So, kudos to Mary for wanting to bring this issue out into the open where people can't ignore it. Some people are good at hiding their pain, and if they don't feel like they can be open about their troubles, they'll keep internalizing it.
Very true. Im glad projects and difficult subjects are highlighted.
Article on today
Very true. Im glad projects and difficult subjects are highlighted.
Article on today
This is such a creative way to highlight such an important issue. The sculptures look beautiful as well. It is so important to remove the stigma surrounding mental health and speaking about it and not shaming people for having mental health issues or for needing to seek help.
Mary as Patron of The Christmas Seal Foundation (Julemærkefonden), will be presenting the Christmas stamp next month. This year, as per tradition, will honor King Frederik and Queen Mary.

"The Christmas mark 2024 will be a tribute to the Royal Couple and the Danish nation. In this way, the Royal House maintains a tradition that goes all the way back to 1907, where a new royal or regent couple adorns this year's Christmas badge.
Artist Niels Ditlev has designed the Christmas label. It is based on King Frederik 10's election language: "United, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark". Together with a portrait of the Royal Couple, the badge shows a large number of national symbols from both the past and the present. Symbols that connect us as a nation and are the framework for our community.
Royal tradition
"We are proud and happy that the King and Queen have chosen to maintain the tradition of having their picture taken on the Christmas label. It is a historic Christmas tag that appeals to both young and old. We are looking forward to showing the result to the whole of Denmark", says director of the Christmas Label Foundation, Søren Ravn Jensen.
The royal tradition of marking a change of throne goes all the way back to 1907. It is the fifth time that a new royal or regent couple has been celebrated on the mark. In 1907 it was King Frederik 8th and Queen Louise, in 1912 King Christian 10th and Queen Alexandrine, in 1947 King Frederik 9th and Queen Ingrid and most recently back in 1972, when HM Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik were pictured. "

Mary as Patron of The Christmas Seal Foundation (Julemærkefonden), will be presenting the Christmas stamp next month. This year, as per tradition, will honor King Frederik and Queen Mary.

"The Christmas mark 2024 will be a tribute to the Royal Couple and the Danish nation. In this way, the Royal House maintains a tradition that goes all the way back to 1907, where a new royal or regent couple adorns this year's Christmas badge.
Artist Niels Ditlev has designed the Christmas label. It is based on King Frederik 10's election language: "United, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark". Together with a portrait of the Royal Couple, the badge shows a large number of national symbols from both the past and the present. Symbols that connect us as a nation and are the framework for our community.
Royal tradition
"We are proud and happy that the King and Queen have chosen to maintain the tradition of having their picture taken on the Christmas label. It is a historic Christmas tag that appeals to both young and old. We are looking forward to showing the result to the whole of Denmark", says director of the Christmas Label Foundation, Søren Ravn Jensen.
The royal tradition of marking a change of throne goes all the way back to 1907. It is the fifth time that a new royal or regent couple has been celebrated on the mark. In 1907 it was King Frederik 8th and Queen Louise, in 1912 King Christian 10th and Queen Alexandrine, in 1947 King Frederik 9th and Queen Ingrid and most recently back in 1972, when HM Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik were pictured. "

Oh that's great! What a lovely tradition. Cannot wait to see the new stamp!
"The role of research in a changing world was the theme of Denmark's Frie Forskningsfond's annual research conference, which was held today in Copenhagen.
As the new patron of Denmark's Frie Forskningsfond, Her Majesty the Queen attended today's conference, where the Queen, among other things, presented the award for "Original Idea of the Year". The prize went to Christy Anna Hipsley from the Biological Institute at the University of Copenhagen, who is a researcher in the history of dogs.
Denmark's Frie Forskningsfond funds research of the highest international quality and strengthens innovative research in Denmark. The queen has been a patron of Denmark's Frie Forskningsfond since May 2024"

This is a new patronage for Mary
Queen Mary as Patron of The Christmas Seal Foundation (Julemærkefonden) attended the presentation of this year's Christmas stamp at Copenhagen City Hall this morning, October 10.

Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie were present as well:

** gettyimages gallery **

I enjoy the unveiling every year of the Christmas stamp. It was lovely to see Count Ingolf and Countess Susie there.
From the DRF

Mary's speech. These homes are so important, im glad they help young ones going through difficult times

"This year's Christmas tag pays tribute to the new royal couple, and in a spectacular way it creates a story about the Kingdom of Denmark and our history."
I spotted the Royal Run being highlighted
What an impact Frederik has left already with this project that is now a highlight on the Danish calendar.
From the DRF

Mary's speech. These homes are so important, im glad they help young ones going through difficult times

"This year's Christmas tag pays tribute to the new royal couple, and in a spectacular way it creates a story about the Kingdom of Denmark and our history."
I spotted the Royal Run being highlighted
What an impact Frederik has left already with this project that is now a highlight on the Danish calendar.
That's wonderful. Queen Mary has been Patron for a long time. Oh and love seeing the Royal Run included!! An event that has become a yearly staple and brought out such a sense of community for everyone! Frederik should be very proud of reach and impact the Royal Run has had and how it has grown year over year. And so lovely to see Count Ingolf and Countess Suzie attending as well!
That's wonderful. Queen Mary has been Patron for a long time. Oh and love seeing the Royal Run included!! An event that has become a yearly staple and brought out such a sense of community for everyone! Frederik should be very proud of reach and impact the Royal Run has had and how it has grown year over year. And so lovely to see Count Ingolf and Countess Suzie attending as well!
Indeed. There are a whole lot of DRF details.
The daisy for QMII-
The very symbolic image of Christian X on his horse during the Occupation. (There is a very well known photo of him saluting the Copenhageners on his daily ride, until he fell off his horse.
The national heritage symbol in the shape of the Sun-waggon - a bronze-age artwork depicting a horse dragging the Sun across the sky.
Rosenborg Castle.
Windmills so much a symbol that is close to King Frederik - I.e. green sustainable energy and Danish export.
The bird across the iceberg, a symbol of the North Atlantic.
The polar bear a symbol for Greenland.
Roskilde Cathedral.
The Great Belt Bridge linking DK together.
The yacht Danneborg.
The Astronaut, a nod to the Danish and very likable astronaut Mogensen.
Amalienborg with the guardsman.
I must confess I don't recognize the building next to the center image of the Regent Couple.
But below them is the Constitution, and next to that Dybbøl Mølle, the very strong national symbol of the mill at the battlefield at Dybbøl from the Second Schleswigan War in 1864. Dybbøl being the most hallowed ground in DK in regards to military history and comparable to say Arlington Cemetery.
Below that one of the gold-horns also from the Bronze Age, alas only copies exists as the originals were stolen and melted.
The Longboat from the Viking age. You can tell it's a warship (a Longboat) because it's sleek and have shields. Commercial boats and transports were called Konebåd = wife-boat.
The Jellinge Stone, with the runes, made by Harald Bluetooth, the birth certificate of Denmark.
And of course the Regent Couple and their children.
Oh, I forgot the Freedom Column next to the mill, in memory of abolishing serfdom in 1788. That BTW was one of Struensee's reforms, but as you know, he lost his head...
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