You are welcome, ladies. ?
Summary of interview and trivia from article in Billed Bladet #48, 2017.
Written by Trine Larsen.
We already know that QMII felt glad and relieved her husband is fine and in a nice, warm place (Egypt). And that fact enables her to relax and enjoy herself.
Q: But hasn't life changed for the Queen and the family?
QMII: "It will eventually, that will happen. But until now I can't claim that is has been a major change for us. The big change is, so to speak, that people are now aware of how my husband is faring. But then I also have to say that people have been immeasurably kind and obliging towards all of us and that helps us all a lot.
And then we'll take it from there".
QMII was indeed in fine form during the visit.
Q: Your Majesty... it's difficult to keep up with You.
QMII: (Laughing) Is it. - Yeah... well, but I actually don't think it's particularly hard. It's amusing (her favorite expression) and as it is said the desire can drive the work a long way". (Substitute with a similar expression in your own language.)
After so many years the 53rd state visit is still a pleasure.
The visit has been a positive experience of Ghana and people of Ghana and the development Ghana has been through.
While there is still poverty the country has gone through a considerable development since the independence in 1960. The democracy has been for well over ten years and that is reflected in the pride and self-awareness of the people.
Q: The Queen has been to Africa before - Can You spot changes in the years that have passed?
QMII: "Well, I've never been to West Africa before. This is the first time so there is no direct comparison. Well, it's Africa, alright, but neither South Africa nor Tanzania looks like Ghana or has the same history".
Q: Yesterday You also visited a lively area, where people cheered You and called the Queen Mama King...
QMII: "I didn't hear that. But it's funny, very amusing I think".
Q: Your husband is known to have a weakness for Africa and African art and the people down here. Does the Queen share that passion?
QMII: "I'm nearly as knowledgeable about it as my husband. But I can recognize many things has has been telling about and which he is interested in. So in that way I'm reminded of him and his interest down here, when I recognize things and features. And we have a lot of African art in our homes".
Q: Yes, the Queen and the Prince have almost as "Africa" at home in the palaces, than what is down here?
QMII: (Laughing). "Well, it isn't from the area around Ghana, but it is from West Africa, most of my husband's collection, so that's amusing".
QMII met President Akkufo-Addo several times and the two of them seemed to have a fine rapport between them.
She and the delegation stayed at Hotel Mövenpick. She had flown in on an air force Challenger with a stop in Algeria. After touching down and being received by the Vice-President at the airport, she went to the hotel for a change of clothes before departing for the Danish embassy for a reception only 1½ hour later.
With her went her hairdresser, Poul Nejlund.
39 Danish companies accompanied QMII in the business delegation. Among the a chocolate manufacturer, who purchase almost all their cocoa beans from Ghana, which is the largest exporter of cocoa beans in the world.
Fort Christiansborg is now called Osu Castle and is now the residence of the President.
Osu from the name of the local area, Osu. And as such QMII paid a visit to the King of Osu. (Whom you may remember sat high up on his throne, while QMII sat considerably further down. And it was here the spirits were served schnapps).
But she was presented with a couple of presents by the King, one being a large gilded scepter.
At some point QMII sailed up the Volta River - for half an hour - and that was actually the only relaxing item on the agenda on the whole trip. That is where she was out and about without any press and without having to do anything.
QMII also got the opportunity to visit the Kpong Market, the second largest market in Ghanw, where you can buy everything! "You can buy everything from tomatoes to sell-illuminating socks"!
But the market is famous for glass-beads recycled from bottles.
At the embassy QMII was presented with a present from staff, a gold-brooch, which she put on her dress - albeit with some difficult.
- But see for yourselves here:
BB #48, 2017
(Enjoy in particular the great photo of our Marie, posing with Susse Wold at an AIDS concert. BTW Susse Wold is 79! Repeat 79 years old, born in 1938.)