Queen Máxima's Daytime Fashion Part 6: November 2014 - May 2015

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Jul 18, 2004

Welcome to Part 6 of
Queen Máxima's Daytime Fashion

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:flowers: Happy Posting!
Point of interest: Just scanned my new Neiman Marcus catalogue and similar items to the the gold leaves necklace Maxima wore is all over the place. Huge chunky leaves or other natural items such as twigs, flowers, etc., done in either silver or gold. Not my taste at this age, but the young and thin are pulling it off. The prices are staggering. I guess we will be seeing a lot more of this type of necklace. Plus, most of the matching earrings are long hanging smaller leaves.
These big floral statement necklaces have been in for a while
Both very nice, appropriate outfits for a working visit.
Appropriate looks for the trip. I really like the cape look on her.
November 26, 2014 - Maxima in China wearing a dark grey outfit with leather trims matched with boots.

Not a bad look at all. I just don't like the leather trims.

Full view ** Close up
That Natan stays busy with our Max. Cant say Im crazy about this sometimes!!!!
I'm not a fan of the brown coat Maxima wore on November 25, the fitting isn't that flattering on her. I prefer the outfit she wore on November 26. That coat is wonderful and I also like the outfit without the coat. The colours work well together.

I'm not too keen on her latest outfit however, there's something a little clunky about her coat, though I think that's due to the two different colours, as one is almost metallic (or at least to my eyes), and the other is a 'normal' shade. I'm not a huge fan of her earrings either here, they're just not my cup of tea.
Love the belt & color but I hate the jumpsuit. Not a fan.
It does absolutely nothing for her IMO the colour is fine and I like the earrings but honestly I hate those things!!!!
I think she looked superb in the jumpsuit. The gold belt added a lot to the look. I don't care much for the coat, reminds me of a robe.
:previous: I'm not too keen on the coat either but I can live with the jumpsuit for no other reason than it's in a wonderful colour.

But Maxima . . . what have you done to your hair. It looks a fright.
It's too much of the same thing but the coat is nice.
The beige is nice but lets go back a moment.....That blue jumpsuit is just bad. Terrible color. Awful jewelry and that hair?
I don't like jumpsuits on anybody, they look like wrinkled pj's, and her hair, please QM, so something with the roots or wear a wig, this is bad, worse then an ugly hair day.
I don't like jumpsuits on anybody, they look like wrinkled pj's, and her hair, please QM, so something with the roots or wear a wig, this is bad, worse then an ugly hair day.

Quite agree with you on both fronts.
I agree her roots, so dark! I do not understand why does she take so long to get them done? is not a problem of money! may be time? I don't get it!
Don't mind the jumpsuit because it's broken up by the belt, but can't stand her hair that way!
Not a fan of this look, but the belt does help just a tiny bit.

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It's quite a nice and simple look.

December 4, 2014 - Maxima attending the ceremony on the Binnenhof where Gardener gets the Military Order of William wearing a printed dress, a beige coat, beige hat matched with a beige scarf and boots.

I think the coat is a bit too long giving the feel of it being bathrobe, the boots make the outfit look a bit casual and the turban doesn't work with this look nor does it work with th open hair. Th dress looks fine.

Back view of the hat ** Full view coat closed ** Full view coat open **Close up ** Coat open
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Máxima visited the international towage operator KOTUG in Rotterdam yesterday, December 3, recycling a green and black Natan top with dark pants:

** Full view ** Upper part ** December 2012 **

To me, the look just does not work for her. The top makes her look far larger than she needs to.

December 4, 2014 - Maxima attending the ceremony on the Binnenhof where Gardener gets the Military Order of William wearing a printed dress, a beige coat, beige hat matched with a beige scarf and boots.

I think the coat is a bit too long giving the feel of it being bathrobe, the boots make the outfit look a bit casual and the turban doesn't work with this look nor does it work with th open hair. Th dress looks fine.

Back view of the hat ** Full view coat closed ** Full view coat open **Close up ** Coat open

Another miss, I am afraid. IMO, the hat just looks like a towel on her head, just after she has had her hair washed.

I am conscience I have been quite critical of max's day wear recently. IMO, she is a woman of extremes: when she gets it right, she gets it very right. The problem is she can get it very wrong as well.
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